Atheism thread
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Here's a swell idea, my fellow British matey:
Let people believe what they want to believe. As long as they don't force their beliefs on others or use their beliefs as an excuse to hurt people, we'll all get along fine.
Unless they're muslim.
Fuck muslims.
God is real
And his name is Kek
I couldn't care less about religion or atheism.
>implying true muslims don't force their beliefs on people
>Atheist asks who created god, talking point avoided
>LOL XD atheists btfooo!
I agree. However..
>pic related
>something cannot be created by nothing
This has never been substantiated.
It is non-falsifiable.
We do not even have verbiage to describe any such scenario.
and no one ever asserted it.
Holy strawman of an atheist argument!
christian is retarded
Islam is the only true religion
>*tips hat*
either way, no true scotsman
For shit sakes.
Be serious for once.
then who created god
the irony is fucking palpable
I don't believe in christianity or atheism.
>wat do?
They didnt kill people because of athiesm, they were just fucked in the head and happened to identify as an athiest
ridiculously dumb b8
>Something cannot be created by nothing
Then how did your dad make you?
Nice strawman faggot
terrorist are not muslim
Islam doesn't teach terrorism or violence
>b-but these verses that are taken out of context!
believe in physics
Quentin is a great meme
Good times trolling Sup Forums
And hopefully getting at least a few of them to stop being pot smoking gamer degenerates
Don't have any, rolling again.
Not a real surprise, Abdull Mohamedberg.
Im unable to do any of those things.
Dont you have an easier image that requires doing less?
>my fav super hero
Please don't make me go outside.
Atheists are very forceful people who feign being incredibly soft to try to eliminate other ways of thinking from society through the same channels that every other sjw does.
>spoiler: I'm offended!
They are always fighting people's right to "believe what they want" hell they even get their panties jammed up their ass about someone saying "Merry Christmas" in public.
Not only repressing freedom of religion but freedom of speech as well
>not sjws
pick one and only one
Atheists are literally transgender tier when it comes to politics.
>muh bathrooms
>merry Christmas is oppressive!
>God bless you is offensive too, reeee!
And this is only Western Atheists, if you view atheist societies (communists) the way they suppress other ways of thinking is/was far worse. Especially in the Soviet Union.
under rated
roll again
roll again
>Every atheist acts the same
nice generalization
roll again/
>lol if the big bang wat happened befor big bang xDDDD it HASS TO BE GOD!!
It's simply not an argument.
The only reasonable argument for religion is that of instilling moral virtues in children. I re-read starship troopers again the other day, I really fucking WISH morals and philosophy were taught in schools. It needs to be.
i am rolling now
>reasonable argument
spoiler: the people who become degenerates of their own free will don't go to heaven in Christian beliefs.
No evil in heaven because you stupid faggots aren't there. ;)
In Christian beliefs something wasn't made from nothing at all. Their point is, things already existed in a spiritual form.
Only athiests believe there was absolutely NOTHING and then somehow NOTHING exploded and happened to make a universe by complete accident because Professor Henry Goldberg M.D. says so.
"Also Religion is preposterous by the theory of exploding nothing and incredible coincidences is 100% logical." Seth Silverstein PHD.
Where's McVeigh?
>Let people believe what they want to believe.
Relativism is the pinnacle of modern degeneracy.
Okay, listen up, this is a serious post.
I don't know why I'm bothering with Sup Forums of all places, but if anyone is sincerely interested in the *actual* argument that OP's faggy comic is based on...
I highly recommend you take 9 minutes to read this pastebin.com
tl;dr there are better hypotheses about the universe than "god did it"
You mean the based guy who actually fought against the corrupt government?
He should never be mentioned in the same breathe with edgy atheists shooting up elementary schools/movie theaters or edgy muslims shooting up everything just for the sake of it.
>Rolling for a Clinton win.
>everything is subjective
You know that's how feminists justify landwhales and whatnot?
roll me something good
>posts aliens
wtf I'm a scientologist now!
It's too summer for this
Wasn't there a daycare in the building?
Why should I believe in God, aka #583938 magic skydaddy, instead of Chaos, aka #583937 magic skydaddy?
time to be productive
>something can not be created by nothing
then who created god?
>there was nothingness
>but all of a sudden
>poof an omnipotent god out of nowhere
tell me how your pic implies the christian god pls
>the people who become degenerates of their own free will don't go to heaven
So if someone changes their mind in heaven and does evil, will they be cast out? Or do you believe nobody who lead a fulfilling virtuous life will ever change their mind? In either case, the answer to the question of free will in heaven is clearly "no".
Done. Let's do that again.
your question makes no sense because he's saying that the material universe was created by a non-material being. Your question assumes God is material.
Same with Breivik.
Dude basically decimated socialist party Youth wing.
There is something called physics fedora tipper. There is no proof that things or energy can come from nothing.
>uhhh wasn't there some facility that maybe could be considered bad if we try hard enough?
are you actually trying to argue that based McVeigh is comparable to some scrawny beta cuck intentionally walking an elementary school and shooting kids because hes mad about his virginity but too afraid to fight a grown man?
Okay, famalam but I won't do it if I already did it.
no I did not assume that god is material
>implying there wasn't a non-material universe in different forms and planes of existence that forced itself into another one, in a material form
This shit can be turned in any way you like.
rolling on a river
You have to know that jpg has been thoroughly debunked, right?
Brevik is a very religious Odinist.
Adam Lanza was a Christian, raised by a right-wing conservative Republican mother and tea party eschatologist who attended the First Congregational Church in Kingston, New Hampshire.
James Holmes was a Christian attended Penasquitos Lutheran Church with his family, according to the church's pastor.
Dylann Roof was a Christian who attended St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Columbiam, South Carolina.
Jared Loughner was a a Christian activist associated with pro--life Christian groups.
It's pretty clear the atheists need to be protected from the violent extremism of Christians and Muslims
I want this straw man to die
when you say "who created god", you are assuming that it has to obey cause and effect. Cause and effect only make sense in the material universe: you need both space and time for them to exist.
you are a moron.
Muslim support all of those things if it is for the Infidel society
>There is no proof that things or energy can come from nothing
There is no proof for God or even the specific way the universe came to exist.
Do atheists actually ask this question?
Wow, this means they know nothing about this theory they dont believe on.
Its like saying you dont believe aliens exist and at the same time, dont know this thing called aliens would come from another planet
The people that changed their mind started the whole squabble to begin with.
Who are the "fallen angels" or demons as some call them.
However if you lived in a paradise you'd have to be silly to change your mind over something stupid. In all the documented cases it was: Pride.
Pride/arrogance coincidentally is the same weakness of "atheist intellectuals"
So I wonder, who could be behind this forceful atheist movement and why is it always closely tied in with degenerate sjws? almost like they have the same master or something, a master who is great at deception. There is one of those documented as well, but he has many names.
it can, but that was not my point
why is my post marked as spam
DNA is explained by physics. The complete l so called complex life you're taking about is just intermolecular forces changing molecules over billions of years. It's only illogical if you're a retard who never did high school chemistry.
Yes. He killed innocent children. Timothy McVeigh was a scrawny beta cuck because he was mad about what he felt were infringements of rights (may have had a point) but was too afraid to go about rectifying the problem the correct way.
nice reading comprehension
nice thinking comprehension for that matter
I hope I get digits for push-up so I can do 10 girl push ups then go back on my computer.
>implying the one that created God needs to obey cause and effect
There is no such thing as god and no such thing as nothing.
>b-but God isn't material!
>b-but the universe needs a material beginning!
It was your point.
Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...
mathmatics handles the concept of [null] quite well
>tfw I don't even have to get up.
>tfw when I don't have to empty my piss jug till at least tomorrow afternoon.
>Tfw atheist cucks literally suck my dick for being Muslim
you sure are stupid.
>McVeigh, a Gulf War veteran, sought revenge against the federal government for its handling of the Waco siege, which ended in the deaths of 76 people exactly two years before the bombing, as well as for the Ruby Ridge incident in 1992.
>McVeigh was awarded a Bronze Star medal for his service as a vehicle crewman in the Persian Gulf War. He was a top-scoring gunner with the 25mm cannon of the Bradley Fighting Vehicles used by his 1st Infantry Division
He's a veteran, not a beta or a cuck.
Christfags literally believe nothing created ((((god))).
what a bunch of flamin raterds. lol
Put yourself in God's shoes. You're sitting at a table looking down at this universe you created. You make these little humans in your own image then put them in a shitty violent world where they need to fight to survive. You can see them masturbating and stuff so you get pissed off and drown them all. What the fuck? Billions of people worship this fuck.
>male suck dick
>somehow still muslim
yeah, no
It's fucking stupid endless debate.
Does God exist as part of the Universe or is an exterior entity?
Both cases lead to :
What created god?
God didn't create himself from nothing.
Does that mean God has a God of himself?
See where this is going?
I agree with this. However, there's a growing stigma against religious people, I think and that's not cool. It seems you can't criticize anything but christianity.