>order a pizza from my favorite pizza hut
>it gets here 15 mins after the ETA
>this already annoyed me so I was in a foul mood when I answered the door
>hello sir that will be 92
>hand him a 100
>then after he handed over my pizza he tried to walk off
>immediately stop him
>my change?
>he gives me this hesitant look
>condesendingly he told me "look man i know times are tough but some people really depend on these tips" while he handed me my change
>slammed the door in his face after he gave it to me and then ran for my phone
>called the restaurant and asked for the manager
>told him that the man who delivered to me intimidated and threatened me for a tip
>manager said it was his third infraction and they would have to let him go
>have a hearty kek whilst enjoyin my pizza
Has anyone else had to deal with these entitled pizza fucks?
Order a pizza from my favorite pizza hut
you're one cheap gypsy
You should've gave him one dollar. For whatever reason a small tip pisses people off more than no tip. Ungrateful bastards
Yeah this is a really bad variation of a really stale copypasta, but I'll bite. No, I dont think delivery boys deserve tips. Your work provider should give you a stabile income, not dependant on tips. You get a tip if you really go that extra mile for me (i.e. get there reeeeally quick or go up the stairs to the fourth floor when the elevator isnt working).
be nice to the delivery dudes. they're usually in college or paying for their car.
true, i empty out my change just to make a 1p tip
I didn't know they had pizza in Romania.
Why? Why should anyone give anyone tips unless they deserve it?
100 fucking dollar for tomato sauce and bread, you must be crazy gypsie
>order pizza from legit italian
>delivers good pizza on time
>always tip
stop supporting big pizza companies and you will be fine
He's already paid for his job.
Because your fat ass is too lazy to get off the couch and pickup carryout.
Copypasta like this is why Sup Forums is a joke everywhere nowadays.
>pizza hut
lol wut
Im a student as well and Im paying off my car as well, should that even things out and cancel the tip? What kind of retarded logic is that?
No Im not. Ill gladly come down from the fourth floor and pick it up from the delivery car and pay the pizza + taxes included.
>implying romania doesn't use bottlecaps as currency
holy shit. how fat are you?
Ce prost esti smr:)))
92 dollars for a pizza?
This story is fake as fuck, but if it wasn't: the guy knows where you live.
No, if you're not going to tip get in your shitty slavlada car you're still paying off and go pick your shitty euro pizza up.
jesi mutav?
u americi nemas placu nego ovisis o tipsima
tvoja placa su tipsi a poslodavac ti da placu kao 1 dolar i tak to
I had the same situation, motherfucker walked off with my 3$ change. Next time I'm calling the manager, these fucks get paid already to do deliveries
here we dont tip because workers get payment
He gets paid to deliver the pizza you stupid nigger
So we ahould be afraid of delivery boys if we sont give them an unneccessary tip? Are you americans fucking retarded? Come on! You can have guns but god forbid not tipping someone that should get paid fairly by their work provider
and OP can get him put in jail and have his personal details from his employers.
seriously. get fucked you wageslave scum.
its funny. because you can pay for delivery online so they get no tip automatically.
I found that single people that live alone who order pizza on weekends are the worst. Actually single old women
Its almost like theyre so lonely they order pizza just so they can be abusive to someone
>buddy and I order pizza
>ends up being around 40 bucks for 2 pizzas
>he gives me 100 to pay for it
>give pizza guy 100 bucks and say have a nice day
>buddy asks for his change
>realize pizza guy didn't give me it
>tfw gave some 17 year old kid a 60 dollar tip and the pizza wasn't even good
92 what?
What sorta shit tier currency are you using op?
how about no.
its his JOB to deliver pizzas.
if they want to add a delivery surcharge. they better add one. until then. no. i will pay the legal minimum price.
i bet you are a cyber statist too and think the rules of Sup Forums are legally binding and that people should serve their bans.
92 dicks in your mom
Nisam mutav bogtejebo nego je retardiran sustav. Odjebi mi u picku materinu ako sam radis u turizmu i ocekujes da ti masni Svabe uvaljuju eurice ko nekoj kurvi u tange ili ako mislis da je americki sustav posten.
No, that means exactly what it means - picking it up from the delivery man. That doesnt mean paying 10% fools tax
same like kunas
a pizza here is like 32 kunas
7.50 kunas is 1 euro and dolar
>92RON? holy shit. how fat are you?
That amounts to $23, which is not that big of an order if it's for multiple people, especially after taxes and delivery fees from American Pizza Huts.
>tfw single white male that lives alone and considering ordering pizza tonight
Local pizza delivery girl is always mirin but she has blue hair so fuck that.
pokazi mi tocno gdje sam rekao da podrzavam taj sistem?
Kinda fucked up but gj OP, he should have learned his lessons.
99% of the time your delivery speed is based on the manager working at the time, the number of previous orders and the guys in traffic in front of him.
The delivery guy does a harder job than waitresses and gets less for it, endangering his life and car in the process. It shouldn't be his fault that you are a jew. Compensate him fairly for his service.
hey, you call them schwabs too?
neat :)))))))))))))))
Didn't know they had Pizza Hut in Romania.
The question is, do you want spit in your food the next time you order. Not defending it at all, of course. But people will act a certain way.
>What sorta shit tier currency are you using op?
It's a Romanian flag, so take a guess.
Romanian Leu.
you're a fucking hobo gypsie
He pays in copper
No. how about get fucked jew.
i dont owe him anything. his boss does.
do you think i pay the mailman a tip? pizza delivery is no different from package delivery.
people like you are the reason i actully give them negative tips. so i shave 10% off the price of the pizza because they were late.
Punch him in the fucking face
so this is an ITT:Things that didn't happen thread?
>angry because they don't get tipped
Do your job better instead of relying on costumers to give you money niggers
why tip?
Koji kurac me onda pitas dal sam mutav ako ni ne citas sto govorim?
Dont give a fuck, Im neither his mother or his employer. I wont shit all over the guy if he's late but neither will I tip him for 'his glorious service'
I always hear that places like Dominos stopped having "30 minute" guarantees because of people getting into car wrecks trying to deliver it in time.
I get Indian rather than pizza but I always tip the delivery bloke. I give them positive feedback on Just Eat as well. If the food or service was ba they'd get no tip and a bad review. Simple as that, no need to be a cunt.
fucking gypsies i swear to God
It's not so hard to believe some people are very anti-tipping and have no qualms about yelling at a teenage delivery boy. I take it you've never been around or heard of the nigger horror stories.
>Drunken pizza ordering
Not even once.
the only people who get mad at others not tipping are pizza deliverers themselves
sta projekciras?
smiri se bananko
da nisi mozda taksista?
>fucking gypsies
Says the Polish guy
Nisam, samo je ispalo da me napadas. Ljuti me sta ameri misle da je jedino njihovo ispravno, cak i kada je iznimno pogresno kao taj sustav tippinga.
>implying Romania has Pizza Hut
I can't believe Gypsyland has a Pizza Hut.
One American dollar is probably a huge tip in Gypsyland.
There a pizza places here that have a delivery surcharge and still expect you to tip. Dominos confirmed for 100% kosher
Enjoy your food 'spit cuck'
> Pizza Hut
How is that surprising we have 3 of them on a tiny island
When did a tip turn into an obligation?
They're supposed to be little bonuses for doing your job well enough to leave a good impression, not an entitlement.
Well since you've saved about a years worth of change begging, id expect nothing better from a Romanian.
Tipping in Europe
Keep that disgusting clapistan bullshit from here
enjoy jail.
i have had 5 people arrested for this and Police confirmed the DNA tests.
now they know not to fuck with me.
Fucking Jew . Tip your servers.
A pizza should be at the most 5 minutes old. Anything else gets to stiff and chewy.
>order pizza yesterday from pizza hut
>7th time an indian delivered
should i switch to papa johns or dominoes
i just hate indians because like 2-3 times a week i would get creepy broken english messages from them simply because i have anime girl profile pics on social media
ameri su ti ekstremli buthurt oko bilo cega sta je bolje od njihovog nece priznat
odma se kurce sa svojom relevantnoscu i velicinom drzave
Enjoy your cummed on pizza next time you order
cum dracu de toti cad pentru asta?
perhaps if delivery drivers were paid well I'd agree. Waitresses average nearly $20 an hour around me while the drivers at my first job constantly quit because the pay was shit.
Fucking idiot.
Fight for your workers rights
Well mate, you were within your rights, but you still sounded like a cheap prick regardless.
Anyway, you are a cheap gypsy.
taci co fut pa mata
You probaly like it, slurping on another mans sweet succulent mouth juice.
He didn't get fired dumbass. The manager just told you that to shit you up. Unless he really is a garbage employee chances are they're laughing about what a douchebag you are while the smoke a joint by the dumpster.
>source: worked in restaurants and delivery for 3 years