>smack lips


Other urls found in this thread:


>black history you dont learn in school

jesus, i wonder why

why did you make this shit thread again, also my last 3 numbers add up to 35

How many niggers in the US actually believe the WE WUZ stuff?

I haven't met any, my university had a speaker who believed it once. Thought about going but i really didn't want to reveal my power level

You have to understand that niggers are REALLY dumb. A lot of white people don't want to correct them because they 1) don't want to be called racist and 2) feel bad for them.

Why do they always think;
Ancient Egyptians = "Black" Africans?

>that ohm symbol
I'm guessing as I haven't watched the video that she's going to apply that that means they knew about electricity. Despite the fact that the omega symbol was used because it sounds similar to Ohm the unit of resistance, named after Georg Ohm, a white dude. Am I getting this right?

>Ohm is for measuring electricity

I-is this satire?

Not even niggers can be this dumb, r-right?

We're talking about niggers here, man.


What the literal fuck is this. You know I used to believe niggers weren't inferior, but learning about history and how they have accomplished literally NOTHING of significance ever, you'd be an idiot not to acknowledge the facts.

Here is the profile pic of one of the geniuses in the comments.

naw dude, back in the day you used to get charged for electricity in watts and ohms bro, didn't you know?


Because the're ashamed of what their ancestors were.

>tfw when her voice is really relaxing for some reason even though what she's saying is bullshit

Well they did have to power their ancient Sumerian Nokia cell phones somehow.

Jesus Christ that pterodactyl claw gripping the phone

That bish doesn't even have hands I swear that's a claw.

We wuz elektrishuns n' sheeit?

Movie was taken down...anyone have a link to her page on YouTube?


Just copy and paste the link, it's still there.

Wtf? You must get yelled a lot at home or something, her voice is annoying as her fucking nose

Yeah its triggering a little ASMR for me, still not as effective as this guy though


Why is it always a mongrel nigger?


Autonomous sensory meridian response


I love listening to that shit when i'm reading.

"(ASMR) is a euphoric experience characterized by a static-like or tingling sensation on the skin that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine, precipitating relaxation."

I've got a friend who ironically does it. It's great to see him rile up other blacks with WE WUZ KANGS and then call them idiots.

Record him so we can see man

Next time we get together I'll see if I can get something.

Video down

youtube.com/watch?v=_wh39JU9ssw Hahahaha they actually believe this shit

This slowly turning into a Dasritelites thread?

Why does her hair look like yarn? Why do I want to knit a sweater out of her hair?