At risk of sounding like an edgelord, do you believe that the mentally ill should be locked away in old school asylums?
At risk of sounding like an edgelord, do you believe that the mentally ill should be locked away in old school asylums?
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with the increase in Autism rates I think you'll start to see this again.
They'll couch it in more friendly terms, like "safe space" or some shit, but honestly no choice but to lock those retards up.
>pay to keep someone economically inactive alive in a building for 80 years
Bullet between the eyes is cheaper.
They have that, it's called Sup Forums. They forgot to lock it though, so we're escaping into the real world.
Mentally disabled should be mercy killed unless they can prove to be a high-functioning and productive retard.
they should be euthanized
Careful what you wish for mate. Our non-progressive views could be seen as a mental illness in ten years time.
No because that would greatly worsen something that is already used as a weapon.
A lot of normies would put away folks that post on here, satire or not.
i think you're shu43wojl and i think all shu43wojl should be locked in the pic u posted.
see how that works?
Euthanized upon diagnosis of non-curable illness.
Mentally retarded upon birth.
Both are an extreme hindrance to the advancement of modern society and humanity as a whole.
Waste of finite resources.
Most of them, yes, or simply put them down.
No. They should be killed.
Austriabro gets it
I think it purely depends on their illness.
Those autists who destroy all around them and randomly attack their parents from the Theroux dicumentary? Yes. One day the parents are going to get worn down and blink, the kid is going to go for a yank cop and end up a corpse. If they avoid that then once their parents die they will be a burden on other family.
An asylum is the best of a bad situation.
Every person, no matter what, has the potential to be a functioning, productive, and capable member of society. Obviously some conditions are so debilitating that there are some that can do very little, but they ought to be provided care and attention to ease their suffering, not ignored and abused.
What's the point? They're serving nobody any good, not even themselves, and it's not like interning them will eventually make them better. Torturing them with indeterminate confinement is both cruel and unnecessary. Just put em down.
no but instead make towns for mentally ill people that have doctors and nurses monitor them and if they get bad held in a more secure place for observation
I liked staying in the psych ward, it was a nice vacation from life
crumpet is rite
I used to know a bloke who definitely needed to be institutionalised.
>tfw probably been to his flat when he had the axe under his bed
No because then it becomes too easy to lock away people who with just a bit of treatment could become functional and contributing members of society.
Sure documentaries and such love to show the examples of completely fuck up mental patients which do sometimes need 24/7 assistance at a facility but most are people with treatable and controllable illnesses if they would just keep taking their medicine. I shadowed in the ER and psych ward for a while and every single psych person besides a few were people who functioned completely normally while on their medication but they stopped taking it thinking they no longer need it/ it's secretely bad for them and then a trigger sends them into running around in traffic naked.
I partially blame the conspiracy fags that flood forms such as this about how drugs don't really work and are meant to control you when they've never worked in the healthcare system and seen a psych patient a day in their life.
Implementing these maximum autistic ideas would create an extremely hostile and unpleasant society which few would care to live in.
>implying most people are in contact with a patient whose mental illness severe enough to require years of asylum treatment
you're making a pretty big assumption there.
>Implying only those people will have a problem with the government deciding who is worthy of life and who isn't and then taking them out back Nazi Germany style and killing citizens for a victemless crime.
Get out of the basement every once in a while neckbeard.
>said the unemployed user from his mom's basement
As a mentally ill men I think it would be a mistake.
I am less crazy than most of "normal" people.
>killing citizens for a victemless crime.
taxation is theft
>victimless crime
We have circumvented natural order with medical technologies, and balance must be restored. If you think this is edgepost then you've probably never studied how species decline when presented with artificial supports for survival. When an animal who would not survive in nature is protected and allowed to reproduced they contribute to the decline of their species.
No, but mental illness shouldn't excuse criminal behavior.
Basically, if a crazy person keeps to himself, let him be. But if a crazy person lashes out and attack others, just send him to prison like anyone else.
>if a landmine has not yet been stepped on its ok to be in a populated area until it gets stepped on.