America is falling

Trump's ideals and election promises are retarded, proof that the US public are idiots. He will destroy the US through ineptitude.

Hillary is a flat out liar who makes promises she has no intention of keeping. She is corrupt and will destroy the US by carving it up and selling it to her benefactors.

The American dream was a lie sold top you to make you mindless consumers. You are polar about the most retarded subjects, rather than being bipartisan like reality generally is.


.t concerned gypsy

I didn't know your country had internet. Also, doesn't Dracula live there or something? I know it ends with an -ania. All these fucking Soviet and Ottoman cast off countries are all the same.


>My subjective opinions which I expect everyone to accept without explication or supporting arguments are all anyone needs to hear.

Do I smell NATO fear and butthurt?

Thanks for making me think, OP.

t. Gyponescu

Damn, this picture is cool af.
Who is that bitch? someone he raped?
What bad things bill did? was he a bad president? pardon my cucked opinion but israel is pro-bill because he sucked rabin's cock

If you don't like muslims Trump is the most wonderful canidate
What is your problem=

Okay retard, trump gets rid of Mexicans and doesn't let Muslims in (kek @ thinking you can keep everyone out of this country) then what huh? that's it? perfect world? you get rich and everyone you know lives forever?
I find it fascinating that you think that trump is the answer to all your problems and you follow him so blindly you forget he's not going to hand feed you. You're still going to have to work. The jobs in factories, fields, and other jobs your fat ass is too pampered to do.

Even if they left our country as nothing more than a smoldering pile of rubble, I'd still rather be here than Romania.

Your country is a cucked shithole lel

Trump is the only one who correctly identifies these problems.. Our country will be over-run without prudent immigration policing.

Presently anyone can walk in and nobody will do anything.. Terrorists from the Middle east can fly to Mexico get MS13 gangs to smuggle them across the border.

Clinton will expand this situation..

Only someone who hates America and the American People and her History would oppose Trump and his wise, sane and much needed plans.
It doesn't have to be "perfect" but it needs to be reformed and Clinton's "values" are those of Soros and the Bilderbergs and the elite Jews who want a One World Government which people like Merkel are helping to bring about by destroying the ability of individual sovereign states to remain that way.


Where do I apply for CTR bucks?
I wanna shitpost for $ like you are!

>Okay retard, trump gets rid of Mexicans and doesn't let Muslims in (kek @ thinking you can keep everyone out of this country) then what huh? that's it? perfect world? you get rich and everyone you know lives forever?

Obviously not, but we can have a far better time while on this planet if we stave off the brownification of the US.

Also, spotted the gypsy plaguing ethnic Romanians.

you first, Adnan

Americans can`t be having us Brits showing them up.

We did it, so they must do the same.

Maybe you have a point but you're still thinking and talking about us while we never give Romania a thought.

america is the greatest country in the world

Our relationship grows stronger Britbro. Trump visits you Farrage visits us and ultimately we'll stand shoulder to shoulder to remove kebab.

No one even knows what your flag is fuck off america is the best forever nigger

>Trump's ideals and election promises are retarded, proof that the US public are idiots. He will destroy the US through ineptitude.
>Hillary is a flat out liar who makes promises she has no intention of keeping. She is corrupt and will destroy the US by carving it up and selling it to her benefactors.
>The American dream was a lie sold top you to make you mindless consumers. You are polar about the most retarded subjects, rather than being bipartisan like reality generally is.

Remove your belly first

fuck you, you're a commie liberal faggot, go die in a fire you homo bitch

Thank God for Romanian armchair-politicians AMIRITE

>quoting everything

>Implying a power belly isn't a sign of alphaness and strength

I agree, USA bad country

Expect the fact whenever US has a strong dominant leader their nation dominates the world again
US needs strong hands and no soft sissy liberal bullshits. Sometimes only men and military-alike heart can get things solved fast and effective

You liberals just think way too much. Look anytime America has a soft democrat as president their country gone to hippie shit tier

If someone's hands are sissy, those belong to Trump. First most illegal immigrants are not violent. You only hear about the violent ones, and then assume that all of them are violent. If most of the 11 million illegal immigrants were violent, then we'd have mass killings of Americans regularly, and that is not happening.
Second, You (and many Trump supporters as well as Trump) seem to have a tenuous understanding on how a wage economy works. Most jobs held by Illegal Immigrants are low skill and low wage. So wages aren't going to go up. And if they do, because white people refuse to get paid minimum wage (or honestly less) to sweat their asses off in a field picking strawberries, or oranges, an increase in wages will also increase the price of products. You wanna get paid $15 an hour in the fields and only work 8 hours a day with multiple breaks, prepare for prices to double for basic necessities.
Third, Manufacturing is never returning to the US in the same way it was in the 50's thru the 80's. We live in a global economy now, and no company is going to able to double the price of it's products to make them in the US. As well the manufacturing infrastructure in the US is just way behind the rest of the world. Until we have another major development of a technology that can only be made in the us (Tesla??) then that shit is staying in Asia.

They have Europe's best internet.

>Giving a fuck what Hungary's autistic neighbor has to say

Back to the sewer, Bogdan.

Yeah we know. Hopefully the white collar / upper class get out of here before things get bad, the bottom feeding blue collared trash are about to ruin this country. Who knew minimum wage garbage get a hard on for a reality show faggot whenever he says "wall"?