By law, Jon Snow is not allowed to be King in the North

By law, Jon Snow is not allowed to be King in the North.

Due to Grrm selling out D&D are the law now. Fuck logic


Why not?

>night's watch deserter
>not even a good military commander or inspiring leader
>sansa is rightful heir in bran's absence

In all honesty the world be better off if the rest of the Starks were slaughtered.

Yeah, just kill off the three eyed crow and Westeros will be fine.

protip: having a queen for a sister means you can do whatever the fuck you want

>He thinks Daenerys is Rhaegar's daughter


So far Bran has gotten the last one killed, guy everybody's favorite mule killed, accidentally condemned to be retarded for the rest of his life, and didn't even say anything about his Direwolf getting butchered. Fuck Bran, he's literally just a walki-crippled plot device for Jon Snow and dragons.

will be legitimized (as a Stark, I bet)
>night's watch deserter
He served until he died. Then, his watch ended.
>not even a good military commander or inspiring leader
He had both the Night's Watch AND the Wildlings (sworn enemies) eating out of his hand.
>Sansa is rightful heir in Bran's absence
Both would cede the throne to Jon in a heartbeat

It's funny how the Northmen whinge about wildlings all the time but Jon is chosen in a very "king beyond the wall" fashion

It's not laugh out loud funny, it's "why is the show so inconsistent funny"

>by law
Well there shouldnt be a King in the north by law. So thats kinda the point. Fuck the rest. KINGINDANORF

>implying Bear Island doesn't rule DaNorf

Can you believe this faggot has ever been nominated for an award?

Yeah, he's a dumb normie. By the way, really good post and picture - mind if I save it to my hard drive?

Jon has an army and the complete support of the nobility in the North


>by law

Starks were kings in the north long before that law even existed.

And Jon Sand (AKA Aenys Targaryen) is no Stark.

He's also a deserter, the kind that Ned executed in the first episode
>b-but you see I was killed then came back to life
Ah, yes, the old "resurrection" excuse that no one could possibly ever question