Why is Texas so based?
Why is Texas so based?
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that image could honestly be in any state west of the Mississippi, and a few east
It's not
it's so humid in texas only a mudskin could live comfortably there
Based on what?
Nothing beats driving across the US and buying the crapola served at the gas stations and staying in cheap damp motel rooms. So much fun.
>Swedish truck
Pathetic cuck lovers.
>not having the mental or physical fortitude to survive in a hot climate
Fucking nu-males.
Also, OP, which Buc-ees location is this?
except the texas flag in the background
Texas is based on what?
better than peterbuilt desu
spotted the Californian
>All those trucks.
Wait a second, is that supposed to be a diesel islands for tractor-trailors filled with four wheelers?
>Voted to have a Canadian as senator
Pick one
Texas is shit. Fuck off
tfw going to try that burger soon
what is mean by this?
There's a Buc-cees in my town. It's the shit. If you're ever on a roadtrip it's the place to stop at, even if it's 5 miles off of your route. It's worth it. Those bathrooms, that selection of drinks, those beaver nuggets, those shitty delicious bbq sandwhiches etc.
They're everywhere in the states
Buc-ee's is very comfy
No, it's just Texas where every other vehicle is a truck
>beaver nuggets
My nigga
he doesn't know lads
Hey user, what am I now?
>Implying truck stops aren't absolutely disgusting
also i am PRETTY sure the world's largest truck stop is in Nebraska or Iowa, because i stopped there. Shit was not cash.
This is cool desu
Man i tried burger king for the first time this week, holy fuck what a waste, i like mcdonalds i thought it would be better but it was just a messy multilayered squashed meat with cheddar and fucking bacon in the middle of it.
I removed the bacon and it got edible but i still got insta-diarrhea after.
>Those bathrooms
Don't forget the candied Pecans, oh fuck almighty that's some good shit
I'm saying senpai
Whataburger is where it's at my nigga
10x better than any other fast food restaurant, don't believe the in&out california fags, they use cardboard to make their fries and their secret sauce is some salad dressing lmao
>beaver nuggets
Explain this to me senpai
Buccees isn't disgusting at all. It's the cleanest truck stop you'll ever visit.
Where's this pic from?
>texan spicy boy doesn't know about adventures first stop
No I'm Texas
Bucees is fucking amazing. Great jerky selection too.
beetus balls
>he's never been to buc-ees but is talking shit anyway
Nope it's only in Texas, stay cucked nonstate
Weak limp wristed faggot. Its dry heat anyway
Hey Mohammad thanks for correcting the record
Hell yeah
That we are the greatest state in the union. All the other states are shit. You all can go to hell and I'm going to Texas.
Luv u whataburger
>He drives a Honda civic
Does your wifes son fuck you with a strap on too?
Wow libshits are really assblasted that we elected a based far right candidate to support the values of the nation. Bet your ass will hurt too when we put Trump in the white house
>Flyover cousin fucking liberal shitwad state with no rights spotted
Hell yeah brothers
That's the shit my man
I love our secret club
Communist shitstates. Sorry you're an irrelevant piece of shit
Thank you
No you're a fucking faggot go fuck a rock asshole
>I removed the bacon and it got edible
Muslim race traitor communist detected
I love Texas, but what I love even more is the butthurt Texas creates.
Texas crack
What's the difference?
Texan here. I don't even know why that is, too. Probably jealousy.
You really think maverik a shit?
I mean i have never been to bucc-ees or WaWa but its pretty based. They are everywhere too. Clean-ish bathrooms, comfy atmosphere, some of them have bon fire grills built in.
Maverik is an easy 9/10 gas station.
That's because other states are jealous of Texas, we are a superior in everyway except at sucking the teet of DC and being shit
Yeah we don't those here, sometimes usa food chains brought here just flops for no fucking reason, like KFC for example gave it a go, nobody used it, closed almost all branches, jack in the box tried in the 90s, again nobody went there, we recently got dominos here but yeah i was the only one there and it wasn't very good.
I feel like when usa sends their fastfoods, they are not sending their best.
>closing to live in a warm climate when you enjoy a nice temperate continental and cool/cold climate like a proper man would
Pathetic. Fucking shitskins on this board getting uppity.
>liberal shitwad state
Okay mate.
Thats a buc ees dawg.
Fun fact: Texas is a net welfare state of the federal government.
Stop it faggot you're making us look bad
>Blacks crawling everywhere
Kek have fucking fun. If Jamal let's your wife talk tell her I said hi since everyone's fucked her loose goose cunt
What the hell are they building in South Carolina?
It's better than a 7/11
>defend property with lethal force
This is why, and if this were a national law, we'd have a whole lot less niggery going on.
ITT: Butthurt yanks
That's either i10 near beaumont or 95 in bastrop
Agricultural subsidies more than likely. Not denying all the niggers and spics here. Definitely a problem that is ruining us.
Dude bacon is disgusting, its hard and heavy once you eat it you don't feel like eating anything else plus your belly starts to burn.
The fuck outta here with that shit nigga.
I guess I'll take that.
Not Bastrop.
t. bastrop user
Nothing can make the greatest state on gods green earth look bad. Go back to commiefornia with Arnold Schwarzenigger if you think anything but the greatest of Texas.
I don't get it.
Does Texas have a lot of Independent Gas chains or something?
>your belly starts to burn
Just stick to plantains, João.
Not even close laddie, Buc-ee's is bigger inside than most grocery stores in your pathetic state
Niggers and spics suck up a fuckload of welfare. around 45% of texas' budget is paying for them.
Then, of course, the federal government matches all of those welfare bucks, which is more than the federal government gets back in payroll taxes (again, because spics and niggers aren't making enough to even pay any income tax) so if you close one eye and turn your head it looks like texas is a money sink.
A massive cuckshed to sleep in while they watch their ex slaves fuck their wives with a portrait of Abe Lincoln on it.
>eating fast food
So it's the one between Houston and beaumont
Sup Forums has become one huge circlejerk of nationalists seeking approbation from each other but won't get any because well, we're nationalists.
>why is
What did he mean by this ?
Yeah no you sperging out on every other poster in this thread makes us Texans look bad.
Hell fuckin yeah, everything we have is independent my tit sucking friend!
Bucees is just a huge chain unique to texas. Its the disneyland of gas stations is the best way to put it. Also clean af bathrooms and huge jerky selection. Bv nuggies too
i get sad when i see america
really makes you think
This is a well known gas station chain in Texas. Located in the no-mans land between major cities. Provides a nice, clean enjoyable stop compared to hole in the wall hellholes
Why, bro?
Texas is blessed by God.
in south west Texas Buc-ee's is literally a supermarket oasis in the middle of nowhere.
Just move here.
Learn what 2 buck gasoline is like.
most of the thread is texans posting about how much they love texas. that makes you sad?
Why? Because we are so much fucking better than your sad little wet cuck island? Id be sad too if I had to live in shit while watching the greatest place on earth.
wh-why do so many euros revere my s-state?
American trucks are pretty
I think it's New Braunfels
Gert detected
They hate us cuz they ain't us
That it is
SC has become a huge manufacturing state in the past three decades. There is no union presence so companies have flocked there.
you mean lorries ?