Post images that really make you think.
Post images that really make you think
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rlly makes u thaaaaaank
Okay last one you Reddit faggots, I guess youre not interested.
sources include
>youtube video
>biased website
Put some efforts to these pictures. There has to be some peer reviewed articles about these matters
Hurr durr don't you know all muslim conquests were secular just like christian conquests? There literally isn't any passage in the Quran cough 8:23 cough that supports war! Stop being racist, I mean come on, it's 2016.
Also, contributing
Filler while I look for more images, look up Battle of Posada, funny stuff.
Looks like aids
>t.muhammad bin al-finlandini
I'm thinkin so hard right now
Some more
Ok, we get it, Jews everywhere.
Daily reminder jews are a symptom of a country's degeneracy, not a cause. They speed up the process, but can't start it up by themselves.
Jews are the problem with every country and have been for as long as they have existed, the history of jewish history is the history of destruction of all that is not in the jewish interest.
Christianity is an enemy in the eyes of the jews, and any society which is Christian.
Dont forget to see:
which I will pull from in a sec
>Lateran Council of rome decrees that Jews must wear the "badge of shame" in all Christian countries, Jews are denied all public sector employment and are burdened with extra taxes
>1215 CE
Read some of those, the actual blip next to them.
Jews have been the problem for a long time, they are a cancer, a tumor.
Let me get a quote.
Jews have only been a problem as long as we have allowed them to. They were a problem to the romans, and the romans burned their cities to the ground, and the jews weren't a problem for the next millenium.
Whenever they were a problem in the middle ages, they got expelled.
The only issue is we've gone lax on corrupt practices, no more banishment and eternal exile, no more death sentence, and now they flourish. But again, they're a symptom, not a cause.
Heck, in Romania the jews are barely a problem now. Maybe by proxy, with the USA intervening, but internally we have our own rotten people doing the shit.
The Jew is the plastic demon of decomposition. Where he finds filth and decay, he surfaces and begins his butcher’s work among the nations. He hides behind a mask and presents himself as a friend to his victims, and before they know it he has broken their neck.
The Jew is uncreative. He produces nothing, he only haggles with products. With rags, clothing, pictures, jewels, grain, stocks, cures, peoples and states. He has somehow stolen everything he deals in. When he attacks a state he is a revolutionary. As soon as he holds power, he preaches peace and order so that he can devour his conquests in comfort.
What does anti-Semitism have to do with socialism? I would put the question this way: What does the Jew have to do with socialism? Socialism has to do with labor. When did one ever see him working instead of plundering, stealing and living from the sweat of others? As socialists we are opponents of the Jews because we see in the Hebrews the incarnation of capitalism, of the misuse of the nation’s goods.
What does anti-Semitism have to do with nationalism? I would put the question this way: What does the Jew have to do with nationalism? Nationalism has to do with blood and race. The Jew is the enemy and destroyer of the purity of blood, the conscious destroyer of our race. As nationalists we oppose the Jews because we see the Hebrews as the eternal enemy of our national honor and of our national freedom.
> They were a problem to the romans, and the romans burned their cities to the ground, and the jews weren't a problem for the next millenium.
You didnt read the graphic.
They were a problem consistently in every country, some having to remove them upwards of 10 times.. up until the holohoax, at which point they became immune to all resistance.
If by "a problem" you mean "a minor annoyance that was swiftly dealt with", yes.
Toledo - forced conversion
Toledo - stake burnings
Toledo jews enslaved
Toledo 8,000 jews slaughtered
Toledo Public torture and burnings
Toledo Jews burned alive
Toledo Stake burnings
Toledo public executions
>They were a problem consistently in every country, some having to remove them upwards of 10 times.. up until the holohoax, at which point they became immune to all resistance.
How much are they paying you, dumping white genocide, they are a problem for us today, and youre protecting them.
EU was formed to create a negroid race, keep bumping, this is what Sup Forums does, imagine how many saves these graphics are getting, how many people will be redpilled because you refuse to accept the truth.
Youre not having the intended impact you think you are, much the opposite.
>average american in 2050 according to nat geo
So that's why racial tensions and violent crime are at a multi-decade high
Our country is becoming less white and more divided
Yea, and Jews.
>Black Lives Matter leader Deray paid 150,000$ Salary and housed by Soros
Pigs in a blanket, fry em like Bacon user.
>1/3 of Africa among other countries can become French any time they want, and vote, without any delay
>they just made this change
Dis thread dead makes a nigga woke
>Devon is still white
Lol this dude is the deceased leader of a small sect of radical ultrareligious Jews who are hated by Israeli society and widely regarded as a pariah that will need to be secularized to the point of elimination. To pretend that any actual Israeli politicians or administrators other than a handful of politically isolated MKs believes this is totally ridiculous.
It's as if an Islamist were to make memes of the Westboro Baptist Church suggesting that it was really their ideology that determined the course of American foreign policy.
This is why the alt right will never get it right on the Jewish question. They simply know absolutely nothing about Jewish demographics.
Too much clear eyes. Jew propaganda is so full of optimistic (falsehood).
Race mixing with all races? see Venezuela, Brasil, Egypt, etc. Those countries are living in the future now.
and then there are the things you can't measure, that favor mothers and fathers
>How much are they paying you, dumping white genocide, they are a problem for us today, and youre protecting them.
Oh here comes the blaming. What a jewish fucking tactic.
Look, I never denied them being a problem. On the other hand, you're going full muh jews, ignoring they are a symptom of broken, degenerate systems, and blaming it solely on THE EBIL JUZ
Look, the only way this is going to lead is bloodshed, and it won't solve anything. The power void left out by the jews will be filled by others. And if the bloodshed fails? Muh holocaust part 2, for another hundred years.
2 shekels have been deposited in your account for making arguments for genocide in order to slander the right as genocidal cunts, destroying the movement from the inside.
are there any similar stats about gay (2 men) parents or are they similar to having a mum and dad?