Give me the comprehensive redpill on this man.
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
Other urls found in this thread:
He murders journalists and conspires with Trump to hurt the most honest woman in politics. He also supports Syria and Iran in their anti-American ventures.
He's essentially a KGB thug.
Now, give me the delegates...
Impotent military strongman and epic meme.
Like what? He bankrupted what was left of his country to rebuild the military, and they still don't have the strongest Navy. Then, he tried systematically reclaiming all the former Soviet Union territory, as he was a KGB commander during the 80's, whose specialty was ratting out anti-communists in the Soviet Unions government. Stalin would be proud.
Man who wholeheartedly gives 0 fucks
Fucking kill yourself
He is a commie that hates both nationalists and neo-liberals.
I thought he was joking
No, those CTR shills have been here non-stop since Thursday
I'd like a non-biased opinion, please.
Americans, Georgians, the Dutch, and Hohols need not apply.
Kisses jew ass in public then turns around and throws jewish oligarchs into prison
Number of russian-jewish oligarchs before Putin came into power: 6 out of the 7 big oligarchs
Number of russian-jewish oligarchs now: exactly one and he's more of a strictly pro-russian puppet that Putin keeps around so the jews cant label him an antisemitic
The story of Putin vs Jewish Oligarchs is an epic tale of glory.
Absolute highlight:
"You scuttled around like a bunch of cockroaches when you heard I would come"
"Sign this treaty"
"Give me back my pen"
All of his close personal friends growing up and in the KGB are now billionaire heads of state-owned companies.
Saw your own flesh apart
FSB puppet.
All these people ITT seem to not understand the meaning of the word "comprehensive."
That's not my opinion, That's what Russians say themselves,
I'll start taking you seriously when you give up your unjustified claims on South Ossetia and Abkhazia.
He's a jew
Pushed by security services and backed by oligarchs, then turned on oligarchs and raped some of them, now they are obedient.
He's not the absolute ruler West imagines him to be, but he's pretty powerful. Smart man. Great statesman.
>give me back my pen
Amerifat moron, thinks he know shit about my country. that not an argument, irrelevant.
>le ebil jew xD
turn off your proxy americunt
>opinion discarded
If anyone would know much about him, then it would be easy to defeat him.
Trying his best to #MRGA. For example now there's epic shitstorm in Moscow when FSB thugs figure out that Russian Investigative Committee is corrupt as fuck.
So he put oligarchs in jail now.
We all know that he's corrupt too, but the main difference between him and anybody else that he cares about Russia and he know when to stop.
Great source. I love how you are implying West isn't full of Jews in top positions.
He's a big guy
OK look. Honestly I dont like the guy. With his power he could have driven corruption to a minimum. BUT he lets people in power abuse their power and keeps the 'dirt' on them so that they do exactly what he wants and when he wants it. Sure he's jailed a couple journalists, looked the other way when some people from his government assassinated journalists who had dirt on them.
HOwever as compared to our last piece of human waste he's a fucking godsend. After the fall of USSR it was fucking difficult to keep the country together and Yeltsin was doing a notoriously shitty job. SO this fella stepped in and put everyone back in their place, held the country together and developed the military and economy.
Now we have a geopolitical standoff with the West who btw promised to disband NATO after USSR dissolved. But clearly that didnt happen.
He took action and on the whole despite the recent economic downturn has done well geopolitically.
Are Americunt only ones who correct mistakes? Germans user is the one who claimed there was only one Jew oligarch left.
Great strawman.
Is there any conclusive proof about Putin's gazzilion billions?
It doesn't make any sense, he's not some petty dictator in South America.
I'm sure he does shady shit and his associates do too, but I doubt he does it for personal interest, but rather for political purposes.
hes an exceptional manlet tho
he could beat all of those guys at the same time in hand to hand combat
The kind that would make you cry in school even if you're 8ft tall.
It is.
Apparently Russia is controlled by Jews...but so is West following same logic (and sources), so why are they in geopolitical standoff?
It's some Jewish plot within a plot?
Get a brain you moran.
Of all anti-Russian memes this one is by far the weakest and most idiotic.
Just the front of an array of oligarchs/former military men. Benefits enormously from the public perception that he is a psuedo-dictator and strong man when in reality he is representative of the continuation of an old Soviet state elite into the 21st century.
Much like the Chinese leadership, but just in the spotlight more for it.
i love these
M8, you do realize that when literally anyone around the world hears the name "Georgia," the first thing they think of is the American state, not your country?
But by all means, please tell me why Abkhazia and South Ossetia are rightful Georgian clay, when the people there are not ethnically Georgian, fully supported the Russian interventions in 2008, and overwhelmingly want independence.
He's an oligarchy enabler. Corporate lobby in Russia is fucking insane, he's just the middle man to insure the populace is oblivious to getting fucked in the ass.
how many of the worlds problems would be solved if everyone in that picture were nuked
Lol he cucks oligarchs for breakfast
Only competent poster ITT so far, thank you Ivan.
The only person in the world who will be remembered 300 years from now
>old Soviet state elite
None are in power today, at least none from higher echelons.
And believe it or not, patriotic powerful Russians actually exist.
>he doesn't know the president can't do shit about the embedded communist corruption
You need to kill the corrupt ones lad
>who is Donald J. Trump
Vlad the Lad is up for all the banter
>with his power
You overestimate his power.
That's the thing. That's why oligarchs still exist. He neutralized them more or less but removing them would be costly.
>implying he will be the president
we both know shillary and the jews will rig the election
They'll see, they'll all see
>tfw russia legitimately has the potential to be the greatest country with the greatest people but forever will be held back by corruption and alcoholism
>Kongo has the potential to be the best country in the world if not for the niggers that populate it.
Decades of problems can't be fixed quickly.
On top of that, Russia is in conflict with itself since early 18th century. And with everyone else around them.
There's shitload of rumors about "where all the money goes". Some think that there's shady schemes. Panama papers, etc. You know.
Some think that they're actually stealthy buying military shit on that money. That rumors came when some dudes from UralWagonZavod (tank military facility on Ural) leaked that they're building new tanks and register that stuff as (((tracktor parts))), (((agricultural vehicles))) to cheat international military attaches.
No one really knows. But as we all can see, there's a lot of uber-shady stuff all around the country.
From regular corruption, to Yamantau building site.
Stfu faggot.
Okay listen to me boys.
He was a servant of neoliberal proamerican(actually american occupation) goverment. Served, corrupt and steal some stuff. Like the whole administration whos aim number one was to destroy infrastructure, production and live level so USSR couldnt rise up any time again. It was a genocide, we lost that ages 20-25 mln ppl in demography. Hundred of thousands were lost during ethnic wars(henocide of russians) in republics.
So he served them. Then loyal to JIDF and ZOG elites made him president. He "rebelled" and "changed" goverment rhytorics. And he really got rid of some part of prowestern elites. But only part.
His elites are corrupt and did nothing to Russia. Our production and economics are dead. Goverment shills of west and only playing i dependent games. There financies and children are in West.
Where in Georgia are you from ?
So his endgame is good or bad?
Countries depending on each other will be peaceful but lack of a superpower may cause chaos
>soros is not on he pic
Literally zero.
Imagine CIA is uncontrolled, gains 10x financial support and staff every year and when they fire people from CIA they put them in head of various goverment organisation.CIA mutates in all purpose organisation and lays it's hands on everything slightly profitable. CIA employee has all support imaginable and his salary is always rising.
This is basically what Purin does. Hell he even put his former bodyguards in goverment positions and his party Edinaya Rossiya became an epitomy of corruption.
Things start to boil in 2011 with protests and then he consolidates people by using russian war mentality. Russians will be ok with Satan as the head of the state if they believe there is a an enemy and ongoing war, declared or not declared.
He's like Joe Pesci -- he doesn't fuck around and gets things done.
Based Putin.
OK first of all wtf does this have to do with communism? Forget that word. It has no meaning or place in Russian politics anymore. That's the thing if he does get rid of 'the corrupt ones' he loses power because of the way he's established his power structure. And if he loses power.. well any kind of scenario can happen including one where US sponsors another one of their famous annual government overthrows and Russia gets sold off piece by piece to Jews , Oligarchs and corporations who just dont give a shit, essentially turning Russia into Botswana. Don't get me wrong Im all for business and a good free economy. But there's a difference between good business and getting fucked in the ass.
Don't get me wrong, Russia has shitload of corruption, but it's not corruption from top down, it's rather inherent corruption that Putin and others don't have the means to solve, especially given the fact Russia is under onslaught by America.
Life is not a video game, you can't just spawn new people to fill certain positions with a click of a button. He works with what he has I guess.
It's not so simple as kids and Westerners imagine it to be.
Who are these "CTR" people ?
Are you talking to me? this is another level of strawman.
>M8, you do realize that when literally anyone around the world hears the name "Georgia," the first thing they think of is the American state, not your country?
How is that relevant? am I supposed to be an attention whore for my country and somehow feel bad about it?
>But by all means, please tell me why Abkhazia and South Ossetia are rightful Georgian clay, when the people there are not ethnically Georgian, fully supported the Russian interventions in 2008, and overwhelmingly want independence.
Abkhazian are ethnically Georgians, you act like there was a democratic referendum, "Georgians" were majority of the population of Abkhazia, so called "abkhazians" were small minority, many Abkhazians still are not that pre Abkhazians, many of them have surnames that end in ia, which are mingrelian(from region south of Abkhazia) it has been Georgian land since 13th century BC, so I don't agree with your point that just because they are majority now, it's only their land and we should respect that. South Ossetians are not ethnically Georgian, that is right, but again the land was ours since the ancient times, Ossetians only started arriving 4 centuries ago and we let them, but now that they are majority, doesn't give them right to declare independence and kick ethnic Georgians out. don't forget that you have bunch of spics and non-spic separatists in the US too, Russia has separatist too.
>OK first of all wtf does this have to do with communism? Forget that word. It has no meaning or place in Russian politics anymore
I'm live in Capital, but my parents are from western Georgia, from regions Guria and Samegrelo.
Paid Hillary shills.
"CTR" stands for "Correct the Record."
A manlet very proficient at judo.
>being this naive about geopolitics
Here, get a sense of what you're dealing with. And this is what they say openly. Imagine what goes unsaid.
You're naive idiot if you think this geopolitical confrontation is Putin's way to stay in power.
Do you even know what communism is you fucking retard?
>OK first of all wtf does this have to do with communism?
He means the corruption that originated with the Soviet Union. That way of doing things, the system is different, but a corrupt way of doing things persists.
Epic discussion tactics, you really beat me.
>hit russian peacekeepers
>get your shit slapped
Lel that company was quite glorious.
>Abkhazian are ethnically Georgians
Say that to Abkhazian and he will try to kick your ass.
even if soros was in the pic
>Rothschilds are not in the pic
Literally zero
>the land was ours since the ancient times
If Italy used this logic, they could claim half of Europe.
If Russia used this logic, they could claim Crimea, all of Ukraine, and even your irrelevant country.
If the UK used this logic, they could claim all of Ireland.
If Lithuania used this logic, they could claim half of Eastern Europe.
If Israel used this logic, they could claim half the Middle East
Oh, wait a minute...
Is it true that most Georgian politicians are bought by Putin?
Those that aren't are probably bought by America.
>let me tell you about your country
Shut up.
The old ones were... Sakashvelli & friends. Now I have heard that new government is drifting away from USA.
Well then he's an idiot. Communism is an ideology. Also corruption now is much worse than what it was during the Soviet Union.
How is that an argument? You didn't even read shit I gave you.
He's the Napoleon of manlets.
I disregard your opinion and everything you are trying to say.
Why? Because i live in Moscow all my life and you are dude from montenegro who read some shit on the internet.
You have to keep the military stuff a secret from the public because the enemy isnt sleeping. Stalin had closed cities, Putin is far less radical than that.
If Putin has any brains no jews will be involved in any of the military stuff, or he might as well hire americans or anglos for their military stuff like the stupid eurocucks are doing.
It's not my fault that you are arguing against position that I don't hold.
>hit russian peacekeepers
Already debunked
>Say that to Abkhazian and he will try to kick your ass.
I have an Abkhazian relative, he comes from one of ruling house or families of Abkhazian kingdom, he considers himself Georgian, genetically they are Georgian, ancient Abkhazians have writing and everything in Georgian, Abkhazian language was invented not too long ago. so I don't see how asking a heroin addicted, low IQ Abkhazian living in jungle makes your point valid.
except, the territories were ours for more than 3 thousand years and they weren't conquered, Italy conquered those territories and native people live there, just under Italian rule, same goes for everyone else.
Don't think so, sounds absurd, probably propaganda by that lunatic Saakashvili.
he visited us today for a 100 years chapel anniversary and some politics
doesnt seem like a bad guy to be honest, its just a shame that EU and USA try to fuck with him on every step possible
the west have been trying to fuck up russia since 1918, but they always fail LMAO
Pikrob rob Hitler tsotsxalia?
Fuck you. Communism will rise again bere. Like imperial German y rised in nazis. Same will be here
ex KGB
uses old KGB connections to do whatever the fuck he wants
almost despot/dictator tier
closest homo
>3 thousand years
Forgive me, but I sincerely doubt that the concept of a Georgian ethnic identity has been around for 3,000 years.
Have you seen putin? He is about 70 years old. That makes him a dinosour. Someone from ancient times. All he can think is geopolitics, based on stupid nationalism, which necessarily leads to war and death and destruction.
Why do you think he refuses freedom to men? Because of any logical consistency or, because, he is following some out of date thinking of a world that no longer exists.
hahahahahaha, now i like putin even more
Dictatorship maybe. The communism ship has sailed and it aint coming back. At least not in this millennium.
I hope all here commentators will die. Degenerate scum
And u. Shill monkey of hurrdurrr freeeddddaaaam. Degenerate
Didn't that Bosnian gypsy witch predict that Communism would return in the 2070s or something?