Be a Anglo white dude

>be a Anglo white dude
>learn Spanish from classes and Duolingo
>try to talk to CHI’s
>they laugh at me

Why is it impossible for Anglos to not sound dumb in other languages?

>try to talk to CHI’s
I found the problem

it's usually americans and I don't know why. English anglos doesn't sound as retarded when speaking italian at least

CHIs are cunts. Anyway, Duolingo will teach you to speak in a stilted way. You will not sound fluent until you spend a long time talking to people willing to help you learn.

>try to talk to CHI’s

They laugh at you since they are trying to discourage you from studying their mother tongue because they have a huge chip on their shoulder about it.

They are probably shit at speaking Spanish with skills that have atrophied since childhood.

A foreigner, especially a gringo, trying to master the language they feel they are supposed to know induces distress in them due their identity issues. Fuck them.

Real Mexicans would be way more encouraging.

Yeah I figured, which is why I thought trying to practice with the local Mexicans while learning vocabulary would help

Absolute dickheads. One even said "why bother learning it if you're never going to sound like you can speak it"

Tell them to go back to Mexico in Spanish

It's because you're speaking to the local Mexicans who are salty because they think they're the ultimate authority on their parents' culture. Why not try talking over Skype to a foreigner?

>not wearing your shitty accent like a badge of honor

>Real Mexicans would be way more encouraging.

>They are probably shit at speaking Spanish with skills that have atrophied since childhood.

Is that true?

This is very common among second generation immigrants and those that only use their language skills with family

Chicanos can't speak spanish for shit mate, they destroy it when they open their mouth

Yeah, CHIs don't speak spanish very often so the little they do speak degrades as they grow up with english, they very often have pretty poor intonation and find themselves with a really small lexicon, often finding themselves at a loss for the right word or speaking like cave men.
Don't feel bad about it, speaking anything less than perfect fluent spanish is going to have someone giggling at you the first time. It's all about finding the correct intonation for the right words.

Chicanos are subhuman scum,you shouldn't involve with them

Wat are this words n shit, reedin boocs is for faguts.

chicanos don't know spanish

Anyone else cringe when they hear a white person speaking Spanish or other brown languages

>talking to CHIs

Anglos usually fuck up the 'R's and sustantive genders when trying to speak Spanish, as English has neither of those things.

I cringe everytime I hear someone speaking about white/brown languages

it's probably the r and ñ, they're very used in Spanish, specially the r and you guys usually have it harder when trying to pronounce it properly in Spanish, also English is a pretty simple language in relation to others, just keep practicing your pronunciation, OP. You're a big guy.

Those fucking rolling Rs. They're not just found in Spanish, but several other European languages. I can't do them. I can pronounce everything else except for that r. I can't even comprehend how you make that sound. I've spent hours and hours trying. So I just say the words with the regular r. Don't even care anymore. Fuck that sound.

Its the same for us with your "nobodyknowshowmany" vowel sounds. We have... guess... 5!! Like "a e i o u", you know?

>Be Anglo
>Is American
You are anglophone non Anglos like the Irish and Pacific islanders

But he is also a white dude

It's America he's probably an Afghan or some shit which is equally as anglo

chicanos are the most ignorant people in the whole earth, don't talk with them