>tfw 23
>tfw still havent moved out because I live in London
Hows the housing where Sup Forums lives?
whats age did your (or are hoping to) move out?
>tfw 23
>tfw still havent moved out because I live in London
Hows the housing where Sup Forums lives?
whats age did your (or are hoping to) move out?
>Hows the housing where Sup Forums lives?
Completely depends on your credit score, and if you're stupid enough to not get a fixed-rate mortgage
>what age did you move out?
22. My parents let me live with them until I found a career I liked and could succeed in. Then whether or not I needed to go to college to advance in that career.
I'm 19, live with my mom (parents are divorced), and she makes me pay rent (desu, I lived with my dad and he made me pay rent to). Housing prices are really good where I am because it's so rural. I hope to move out by 21.
I moved out when I was 17. I could still go back home if I wanted to, my parents didn't want me to leave; I just prefer living alone.
The housing situation in my city is completely fine. Plenty of older houses on the market that are affordable and in good condition.
Moved out with 22 into a rental apartment, which is pretty usual here.
Actually it kinda sucks that we don't really have a suburban culture in Germany. Living in the city basically means living in an apartment.
I highly doubt I'll move out anytime soon and I'm 30. I did live on my own during college but my dumbass returned . I doubt Ill ever own a house, maybe just apartment like I had before.
23 here
decent housing on good neighborhoods is also unafordable because olympics and market bubble.
anything below a million bucks is not only on shitskins and violent places but also the size of a shoe box
400 euros/month for a studio
800 euros/month for an apartment
400 000 - 700 000 euros for a decent house
I moved out when I was 18. If you still live with your parents at any age older than this you are a failure and may as well kill yourself.
Its unthinkable that anyone could still live at home at 23. Thats fucking insane.
>Age: 23
>moved out 2 years ago
I own a mid-size flat in Turin and I was thinking of buying a a country house with an acre of land that I saw online.
Gonna go check it out next Saturday.
22 and bouncing around shared renting, really want to get me own place for rent but everything's too expensive (Manchester)
>and she makes me pay rent (desu, I lived with my dad and he made me pay rent to)
>american """"families"""""
Thats pretty fucked up.
Why is it such a bad thing though as long as you help around when needed? Plenty of societies have multi generational households. Me having my own actual house would be fucking stupid to be honest because it would just be me and all that wasted space.
Moving out is the plan of the jew
Young adults literally pay ridiculous amounts of money or even go in debt just so they don't hear the yelling from their mom and gain the ability to fuck chicks without a schedule
t. The Eternal Anglo
im 28 live with mom and want to kill myself 2bh
my not leaving had a justification about 5 years ago though.
How can someone at age 18 afford $500 per month in rent? He would have to be working a shitload and half his paycheck would go to rent.
Some people don't want to be renters for life. It's smarter to live at home a few extra years until you can afford a down payment on a house.
lol @ you shitheads bragging about moving out at age 18 into some DUMP with FLIES hovering around the kitchen sink, stuck in a life of poverty forever.
Housing is affordable where I live (Raleigh-Durham NC), with nice 2-3000 sq ft homes going for maybe 3-400, and nicer homes being around 5-6, depending on area.
Currently living with >gf in an urban apartment supporting us both (rent is 1650) off my luxurious software engineering salary (~90k).
Hopefully buying a cool/unique home within 2 years in the 3k sqft, 600k range near one of the schools so that it can be used as a passive income earning rental home once I decide to move.
>dropping 600K on a suburban house
Why not buy land out in the country?
Cheap land is literally THE only good thing about the USA.
Wll, that and guns.
Moved out when I was 18
Have a hueg house now and just pay $300 a month
>live with mom and teenage sisters in California
>some mexican tried to break in to our house years ago
>beat the fuck out of him and he runs because I think there are more trying to get in
>29 now
>still live with them because any time I talk about moving out of state sisters start crying uncontrollably
>mom still clearly uncomfortable
>I'll never escape without feel like a complete piece of shit
>$300 a month
over what, 50 years?
>moved out at 17
>had to work 2 part time jobs and hide the income starting at 14 or they wouldn't let me work
>bought first house at 25, second house at 28
>29 now life is dope. Median housing prices in my area are 350k USD.
probably rents out the other rooms dude. I did it too for a while. Pay either some tiny amount of cash or actually get cashflow.
Some of us started working at 12yo.