Tfw your wife of two months gives away all of your original Disney VHS tapes to a charity without asking you

>tfw your wife of two months gives away all of your original Disney VHS tapes to a charity without asking you
>tfw you're stuck with watching the shitty "remastered" versions from now until the end of time

This shit should be punishable by law.

you brought this upon yourself

Have you talked to her about this?

Why didn't you go to the charity shop and buy them back? How many kids would even buy VHS tapes to begin with, wouldn't they just ask their parents to get them the DVDs in the shop?


Also this , you dumb faggot. Who the fuck will buy a VHS? They are probably throwing them in the dumpster right now.

I assume you mean goodwill. Go in the back to the right and buy them or something. Also your wife doesn't respect you or your things cause your weak go fix that and get your damn tapes


We call them charity shops in Britbongistan. Chairty is one of the five pillars of Islam after all.

>wife of two months gives away all of your

go to the store and buy them back. While you're there, buy EVERY VHS THERE (including copies) and set them up around the house. Hide your disney tapes in a secure place.

Kill that woman and get your VHS tapes back, Mr. Plinkett!

LOL, holy shit. Guys, we are witnessing history in the making. Plinket Begins.

But user, remastered is so much better!!

8/10 for correct knowledge about Islam

You obviously ended up with a shitty wife that doesn't respect you or value your belongings for her to do something like this after only two months. Divorce now.

And ignore the posts telling you to go there and rebuy your tapes. You should be making HER do that.

Contact the charity immediately, explain the situation, clarify that your wife didn't have the right to donate them as they were yours, demand to have them back.

Call right now, user

Also hide something that's of great sentimental value to your wife, claim you sold it because you thought it didn't look important, let her rage for 15 mins and then say that it's actually in the garage but you hope that she realises that it's important to respect the belongings of others and ask first from here on out

But also, holy shit did you make a dreadful mistake in marrying a woman who gives your stuff away without asking. This is coming from a woman, you really, REALLY need to sit down and have a long talk with her about boundaries and respecting the other person which means not getting rid of stuff the other person owns or holds dear without their permission. What the fuck

She'll probably start cheating on him if he did that to her.

>And ignore the posts telling you to go there and rebuy your tapes. You should be making HER do that.
If he's short of time it may be better to go in, rebuy the tapes, then give her the receipt and demand the money back since it's her who caused the problem

>people are still getting married in 2016
>marrying someone who sells your stuff without even telling you.

>Contact the charity immediately, explain the situation, clarify that your wife didn't have the right to donate them as they were yours, demand to have them back.
No. He should have her call them back and make her explain that she wrongfully gave away something that wasn't hers without permission. Doing it yourself won't solve anything nor prevent it from happening again. You gotta grow some balls and stand up for yourself.

It's about making his wife understand that she shouldn't just be giving away her husband's stuff. You can get most of those Disney tapes for a dollar a piece if you know where to look. Getting them back or replacing them shouldn't be a problem.

So she'd prove herself further to be a shit partner, enabling OP to move on sooner, now, before there are children and mortgages etc in the marriage it's easier to leave.

But seriously, one has to draw boundaries. You have to do it the moment this sort of problems arise, because if OP just quietly goes "okay" and says nothing, it sends a message to the new wife that his husband is a spineless doormat who doesn't respect himself and the things he holds dear. But if OP manages to present it as the wife having been in the wrong (which she was, objectively) and having been insensitive, and manages to hold frame, she'll feel bad and will respect his stuff in the future. Maybe they can work out a goodwill box or whatever where the wife can throw stuff she wants to get rid of but which the hubby can check before it's actually carted away or something.

With a new relationship, the dynamic is just being formed. Both sides will probably pull stuff the other party dislikes, because they're still just adjusting to married life as a partnership. If these little things aren't addressed, the other person will assume that they're a normal part of how things work in the relationship, and will become the norm. Leaving the other person suffering quietly, which will ultimately build resentment. It's better to address this kind of stuff right away (in a calm and respectful, constructive but firm way).

But seriously giving away or selling the other person's property with no warning or permission is a major red flag. She's clearly treating the entire household as her home now, and seeing herself as the wife who has the right to decide what's in the house and what isn't. But it's OP's home too.

>VHS tapes
This is your own fault. You've literally had decades to transfer them to a more robust media. You can probably even download the VHS versions from someone that had the sense to record them onto their PC in the late '90s.

Yes yes but if she refuses it may be better to get them himself to make sure they're not sold on or thrown out

>All these different suggestions on how to explain things to his cunt of a wife.
>Not just smacking her.

I hope you signed a prenup, user.

>if she refuses
Then give away something of hers and dump her before she can do anything about it. Bitch needs to learn her lesson one way or another.

As I said in this post, finding the tapes again isn't the real problem here.

>hurr domestic violence solves everything
I bet you're enjoying the first days of your summer vacation from 6th grade, huh

Wow, you called me young, you sure showed me.

Why don't you ask me if I even know how to triforce, because it matters so much right?

Just do nothing OP, you horrible sexist manchild.

How does your wife's son play into this?

Does it really matter? VHS tapes go for like 25 cents each at most thift stores and every Disney movie is common as fuck. I even see the short-lived penis cover Little Mermaid from time to time.



That's what you get for getting married.

It's about sentimental value. They're relics from his childhood.

prenups don't mean shit

those clamshell VHSs apparently sale on Ebay for crazy