It's this easy for fit chads to get laid

>It's this easy for fit chads to get laid

Wtf I'm going to start going to the gym now!

How can we even compete with /fit/ chads?

How do you achieve that confidence?

How many of us are /fit/ crossposters?

its this easy for me though

don't have to be a chad, just not an /r9k/ incel

By being attractive.

I don't even have to start conversations, they come to, I thought it was normal.

it is pretty normal but the people on here are extremely ugly virgin losers desu

why be a /fit/ chad when you can become an Sup Forums wizard?

By not being a shitalian shitskin manlet :)

Well look at you normie, im blessed to be in your presence your Majesty

This, you don't have to be a model to have success on tinder. Take about three decent pictures, put something non-autistic on the bio and done. No matter how ugly you are I can guarantee there are uglier girls there.

thanks for the advice chad

You can looksmax and become Chad though.

>want a woman to talk to you? just read and follow this 500 page essay, it will take about 5 years

Lol okay stay incel then

feel bad for incels on here desu

>a huge wall of text and a bunch of pictures of dudes and balding patterns on a website that looks like a video game forum
I ain't reading all of that mate

>Refuses to do things required to get what he wants, much easier just to complain and cry about the evil chads

It's easy for anyone unless you're an ugly fatty. That's getting sushi though, not getting laid.

Tinder has about 2/3 guys, the odds are stacked against you.

what exactly is required that can't be summed up in a short greentext?
>have decent genetics
>have a social life and know how to make small talk
>don't be fat
>either work out and be muscular AND/OR have a well payed job

done, I don't need 4000 words

in fairness, depending on what you do for a living and what your hobbies are, real life might have 80% guys or more

>asking a girl out through texting/messaging

easiest fucking this ever. if my fat, ugly, depressed ass can do it, so can everyone else

I have all of those (except muscular; I'm really skinny), and I've been rejected every single time.

>except muscular; I'm really skinny
>and I've been rejected every single time.
gee i wonder why?

Taking care of the face requires a lot of words

What women need to be successful with relationships: have ok looks.

What men need to be: have good looks, be confident, sociable, have good personality, have high financial and social status.

So if you're a socially autistic and/or ugly male you're doomed unless you come from a culture with arranged marriages

I'm skinny too (litterally no wrist and no arms) and I manage to attract girls
ofc not all girls will fall for you since some of them really have a muscle fettish but if you know how to talk, have a decent face and a good job you normally should have some attraction with the ladies

if you were born with an ugly face it does
I don't do jack shit to my face except wash it with water when I shower and it has always been my number 1 asset when it comes to girls (as mentioned above I don't have a lot of muscles in my arms and chest)

I do notice that I missed 1 very important point in my summary: clothing (my second greatest asset) for the love of god try to dress as best as possible

Buy an IROC-Z and cruise around bumping Bon Jovi.

Realizing that you have nothing to lose. If the girl doesn't like you, you just find another one.


Can I act like that if I'm not /fit/ tho?

> let's go to the sushi bar, I'll pay the bill.

literally pussy hunter

Yes, give or take half the people in the world are female and most of them aren't homosexual. If you're not looking for one specific person you'll eventually succeed.

I'll give it a try, thanks man, bye

Just be yourself