Fucking nu-males

Fucking nu-males....


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The vets were fucking morons and the others were degenerates chasing virtual monsters, no ones better than the other.

I want to hit both parties in the head with a bat.

I'm a vet and I play pokemon go.

They both acted like cuntwads.

>MFW I walk around playing Pokemon Go and I don't get shit from anyone like these faggots, b/c I wear a suit and tie 90% of the time I go out.

>mfw I see a guy wearing a full oxford button-up and dress pants with dress shoes when I walk the doggo
>it's 90F outside and he's still dressed in business casual
>i'm wearing gym clothes (shorts, light tee) and still manage to work up a little sweat

Are you guys just autistic or gluttons for punishment?

Just leave old senile people who seen sick brutal shit alone and move away, it's not like they will live another 60 years

>not open carrying a rifle while playing pokemon go

When I go out to play Pokemon go, I have a AR strapped to my back and funny enough no one has the balls to come up to talk to me.

Same, I go and walk the trail at the VA Veteran's memorial park every week playing pokemon go. Why are they raging so hard?

Kek, reminds me of the guy from Big Lebowski


t. reviewbrah

Didn't wat the video before reading his, was trying to figure out what being a veterinarian had to do with PoGo

Lel, that geezer sure is entitled..

When do we get to genocide our generation?

The day after Trump wins. Ironically, that's also the anniversary of Der Kristallnacht

You honestly get used to the heat

Dress clothes are made to be both breathable and resistant to cold weather.

So they work in both temperatures.

pretty much


At least it gets you out of the basement.

Fucking faggots.

Hyper-agressive Vietnam veterans should be sedated, they're a public menace.

Also disgusting chubby retard with the beard should be castrated so he can't procreate any further.

>You honestly get used to the heat
Did I mention that it's night time in my greentext and it's still 90F

the vet comes off like a fucking child.

>why did you flip our tent
>...because im a vetran!

Both are asses but I can somewhat understand those "pokemon go players"

Like come the fuck on, they were just walking around the park playing some stupid game and the vets act like they are fucking gods doing whatever the fuck they want. what the fuck was even their problems
The "Nu-males" as you called them were just trying to go about it peacefully and were saying that they aren't doing anything bad that there is nothing going on here etc. etc. and they just kept screaming at them

Seriously fuck those vets.

All the autistic faggots triggered in this thread.

You pokemon go playing retards are fucking sad.

What this guy said. These autistic retards than sit and wonder why they are being taken over by third world hordes...

>wearing a suit and tie

I appreciate the ambition, but there are so many good and professional ways of dressing that don't make you look like a generic businessman clone

pic related


At least you get fucked with a big dick, even though its black, right?

whoa, guys, this dude hates pokemon go! You probably get so much pussy dude!

keep in mind, these vets aren't your modern vets.

these are self righteous baby booming vets.

The worst kind imaginable.

Geert, you wouldn't understand. Americans, especially veterans, are very sensitive about war memorials. Those faggots shouldn't be shitting up a place where people go to honor fallen heroes with their faggot Pokemon Go

>that guy belching like Barney from the Simpsons

Fucking vile behaviour


>my life revolves around escapism and being distracted doing nothing productive (video games)

>gosh I'm such a winner
>I could be learning to make art, cook, play music, or create something of value that adds to my legacy and gives back, but catching imaginary pokemon on my phone is just as good

>Why are white women breeding with immigrants?!

Im willing to bet that faggot spent his tour in Germany or something. He keeps randomly bringing it up with his wlamart patriotism, then he actually threatens a pregnant woman.

Everybody involved in this video is a fucking retard.

Honestly what annoyed me the most was this faggot burping the entire time through the video.

>I was a veteran, therefore I get to tell people to leave a public park
>Baby boomers are this entitled

>bickering about a fucking app.

the true enemy are Canadians.

my face when I live right by Winona and know who took this video


Baby boomers just need to die already.

I work in a town with these fuck heads and it's like putting up with teenagers that need to wear adult diapers.

I'm on the libcucks side with this one. That fat old manlet said he was a veteran over 10 times....I appreciate his service but that doesn't give him the right to be above the law and tell people what they can and cannot do. Then he goes into full sjw mode and starts damaging their property.

Why spend your golden years harassing innocent people? Go move to Florida and live on the beach or something

>preggo wife more manly that these faggots

I dont even play it. Its just that pokemon go has become an easy target for every retarded faggot to jump on to virtue signal that they are better than everyone else. Even though the people who do it are usually typical white trash townie losers who spend all day on facebook likeing gay neo-con christian post.

>>Why are white women breeding with immigrants?!

I know plenty of chads who play this game, and even the numale in the video has a pregnant wife. So stop with your pathetic alpha male LARPing faggot.

Pokemon is literal faggotry

Dude, seriously fuck that.
They are not doing anything.
They just put up a tent there and were sitting in a park.
While the vet act like they were just straight up shitting on the memorials.

Also the guy pointed out how those vets were hypocrites didn't care about the cause and were just in it for the money
>Didn't you fight for our right to free speech?

Thats not how it works...

also this.

I would of killed him if he threatened my preggo wife.


pika peeee


yeah except the dude with that awful neck beard, he should be gassed just because of that nasty ass nu male neck beard.

>I know plenty of chads who play this game, and even the numale in the video has a pregnant wife. So stop with your pathetic alpha male LARPing faggot.

Outliers exist, idiot

Go to an anime convention and tell me all the winners you see there.

Yeah, you'll see some chads, but the overall majority is losers.

the nu males literally did nothing wrong besides not knocking that guy out

>baby booming welfare queen.


Canadians are better than fucking man children like you kek.

what are the boomers so upset about? that others are having fun with something they dont understand in their free time?

>my life revolves around escapism and being distracted doing nothing productive (winning arguments on the internet)

>I could be learning to make art, cook, play music, or create something of value that adds to my legacy and gives back, but posting on Sup Forums is just as good

>Why are white women breeding with everyone but me?!

>le my generation is so shit ehmagawd meme

Both groups are degenerates, just from different generations.

I'd side with the vets though even if they were being fucking assholes, because you can bet they were TRIGGERED by the sight of the degeneracy they fought and died for in order to promote. The fucking faggot with the tats, thick rimmed glasses and gay progressive beard...I was hoping he'd get shot in the face

they weren't even nu males, they are just a bunch of neck beards being autistic as usual.

essentially everyone on the website.

>veterans park

So nobody can enjoy the park except veterans?

Does he feel he fought for the right to have the park to himself?

If this was a Mexican family reunion or impromptu car show or some other bullshit, you see in public parks would Mr. Vet approach them and bitch about it?

this, sometimes Chad's like to associate with basement dwelling losers. Doesn't make the basement dwellers less pathetic, just means the Chad's have some shit waste of time hobbies.

>heh, he uses the internet like everyone else in the world but doesn't have an opinion I agree with?

>heh, I'll call him a loser for using the internet

I walk through a memorial park every day to get to work, and I play PoGo the entire time. Sometimes on my walk home I'll walk around for an extra 15-20 minutes catching Pokemon before going home.

Nobody gave a shit when I was doing the same thing playing Ingress last year and nobody should give a shit now.


what about this? As long as they're "Not doing anything" right?

Angry manlet syndrome.

>Muh 'Nam
Getting cucked by the U.S. military for a bullshit war isn't anything to be proud of.

My stepdad was a Vietnam vet. Former alcoholic, Heroin drug-addict, and rageaholic just like the guy in the video. He died 4 years ago and good fucking riddance, even my mother was glad he died.

Because you've totally not been fucked by a big black dick for eight years and better yet had to pay for it, kek

But who are you quoting?

I don't think so moosefucker.

Chads like to do it because they get easy pussy that way.

It's like walking into a room of just women and no men.

Well, at least you found a way to feel superior to both!

>whoa, guys, this dude hates pokemon go! You probably get so much pussy dude!
>I'm a 27 year old virgin millennial who hasn't talked to a girl since the 8th grade and now mock people who are socially superior to me because I have no other way of defending myself and am trying to avoid the harsh reality that I am a failure and should consider suicide

Seriously, when are you going to grow up and realize you're not in the 2nd grade anymore? Is that just too much to ask for you, Braydyn? Or do you need your mommy to help you get a job and become an adult?

Can you blame a guy for thinking this?

Why are these crazy vets picking on people? WTF? I don't even see what the issue is.

These crazy vets are DEGENERATE SCUM. Hope they rot in jail.

He isnt wrong faggot

>60% white
>tries to make nigger dick jokes about canada
you numale cucks are so dumb. sad!

anybody who plays pokemon go should kill themselves

I see you're trying to protect your wifes son you dirty wanker.

Also, i see that you enjoy allahs dick in your mouth.

So people playing Government/Corporate Shill "The Game" are openly disrespectful of their elders and of the memory of this nations warriors.

And even people on Sup Forums defend this.

We're fucked.

Getting angry and screaming the moment someone look you straight to your eyes is not really manly, especially if a crazy old man is the one thats doing it.

you probably don't think your dad is embarrassed by you either, shows what you know.

enjoy catching your virtual kids show monsters while defending it on an Japanese cartoon board.

>both breathable and resistant to cold weather
This is utter nonsense. There is a reason summer and winter suits exist. Do you even own anything other than sweatpants and t shirts?

great point user.

>knew a guy that obsesses with video games
>knew that I quit video games
>plays pokemon go nonstop and tries to tell me that women and chads play it too, so it's ok

>the guy went through academic suspension in community college and has no hobbies other than video games.

> No we don't


this video again? We still don't even know what triggered this altercation so it's kind of hard to say who's in the right here. Older dude is aggressive and violent and that's all we have to go on.

Those nu-males should've egged on the vet into assaulting them. Vietnam vets should all be gassed.

>asians and indians are white

>This makes canada valid.

Holy shit, you're a denial little fuck. Go hope your fence and stay with the other moose fuckers, maple twig dick.

>le "le my generation is so shit ehmagawd meme" meme

>relevant opinion

>not realizing how shit and pussified our generaion is

Do you live under a rock or do you just choose to look away at how shit our generation is?

>all that projecting

you are a loser who hates his life but thinks he at least better than people who play this one specific phone game because its popular.

over 6 minutes of footage and i still can't understand what they're fighting over other than I want to murder the camera guy for burping in the mic

at least vets pay taxes, bet those numales don't even have employment.

>trying to catch a Snorlax
>catch a low CP "vet" instead

At least you can murder it and grind it up to make "vet candy" to feed to other vets

Literally no one to root for in the video.
>Annoying fucking hipsters
>Annoying vets who think they own everything related to the military and can do whatever they want because they fought

Respects your vets. I would have beaten the crap out of these hippie-fucks for disrespecting the vets despite I am not american at all.

Vietnam was almost half a century ago who gives a flying fuck? That veteran acted like an entitled manchild. He waves his vet status around as bad as a woman trying to pussypass.

>he thinks asians and indians have big black dicks
so a numale, a welfare queen, a pokemon go faggot, and a retard.

when reddit sends its people, they arent sending their best.

even the guy in the video has a pregnant wife, while you have never had sex and its at the point where you resent all women for not just fucking you

wish we could trade American neets in this thread for immigrants like you germbro.

you're a fucking moron.

And these vets don't deserve shit.

ALL generations had idiots
and future generations will seem even worse to you because you'll be older and wiser