All real conservatives must vote against Trump

What's the point of winning the election if you just elect a tyrant?

He's our tyrant, though.

We want our Caesar.

If Reagan saw current American college SJWs he would vote Trump.

>Not being the most tyrannical power-hungry she demon that's bent on destroying what little America has left

Trump's a kitten of a president by comparison, and I don't like Trump

He is our Messiah

>Implying tyranny is a bad thing
>Being a lolbertarian in 2014+2
Tip your fedora harder, will you.

He is an unknown which is usually a bug negative but Clinton is so obviously on the take she has to go.

i want my enemies to live in 1984.

i have no objections about denying freedom to my enemies.

We're not fucking conservatives, we're nationalists

>(((Conservative Inc. nonsense)))

Yeah you've convinced me I'm #ReadyForHillary.

Of course you don't like democracy.

Democracy forces you to make actual decisions.

You're all just lazy sheep.

Why do people not realize Clinton and Trump are basically the same? For different reasons but they will both be tyrant presidents who ignore the rule of law. Both will EXPAND NOT CUT entitlements, both will have aggressive military plans, both are pandering to voters based on race, and both are unfit for office.

I think it says a lot that no living former president will endorse him. H.W. especially, guy is a class act, even if he did break his election promises (like Trump and Clinton will).

Wow, a shill who thinks that we even give a shit about particular 'identities,' such as conservative, or liberal.

Frankly, it would seem apparent that you don't know what a 'cuckservative' is, so I'd have to ask you to kill yourself.

Or you know, as Alex jones would say...

"run a hot bath, get a knife, and just slit your wrist. YOU KNOW, GET TO WORK"

White Nationalists I bet. Traitors by any other name.

He's better than a liar and a flip flopper like Clinton

>The same fuck that pushed more gun control and fucking amnesty
>A "real conservative"
Kill yourself famalamborghini

I'm sorry the GOP of the past wasn't sufficiently paranoid and bigoted for you.

Enjoy the day of the rope

reminder that "conservatives" have been controlled opposition for so long and they hate trump because trump victory means they lose their pretend opponent to maintain status quo

Why aren't you voting your economic interest?

Trump may not be called a conservative,
but you can most definitely
call him a CONSERVATOR.

By virtue of being a duplicitous, hot-headed, inexperienced, ignorant moron?

Yeah he'll run the nation...into the ground.

Hi guys I'd just like to "Correct The Record" about "Correct The Record".

We actually are completely non-partisan and unbiased. We have been hacked (presumably by agents hired by Hillary Clinton)

We are currently working on regaining control of our assets in order to truly "Correct The Record" and expose Hillary's criminal libel against Donald Trump.

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None of what you said is true.

Trump isn't expanding any entitlements, isn't advocating new or expanded military actions, and hasn't pandered to any voters based on race. In fact he has done the opposite of pandering on race and that's why so many are pissed off.

Also, everything he has proposed to do is within the constitutional authority of the Presidency and the Federal government.

I love how you guys think every stalemate is a defeat.

Democrats understand the long game, you don't.

> Hillary spews demonic energy
> Trump spews Red White and Blue and shits apple pie

Is that why so many GOP people despaired over the DNC's message of optimism and hope, saying it was a better RNC than the actual RNC?

Talk about an epic fail on Trump's fault, when Democrats make better Republicans than him.

Conservatismâ„¢ was a mistake. The John Birch Society was right about everything, literally everything. Purging them was William F. Buckley's worst mistake, and the right is still paying for that.

Trump is giving you a chance. A chance to regain mass support, a chance to being relevant again. Reject it and enjoy masturbating over the constitution and "muh limited government" while Democrats imports Hispanic socialists to rig elections until they build a globalist one-world government.

>not expanding entitlements
He has said plenty of times this election that he didn't plan on cutting entitlements
>doesn't pander to race
Hahahahahaha you are a special kind of stupid. Are you that fucking dense? Just because he doesn't carry hot sauce in his purse like Shillary doesn't mean he isn't trying to appeal to the pissed off white man demographic.
>openly encourages profiling Muslims
>Mexicans are all rapists and drug dealers, and a few are probably good people
>says American born judge of Hispanic descent cannot be fair to him
>his crowds are 99.9999% white
He planned that Mexican comment and the whole "wall" idea was just some shit he knew would trigger all the angry white men. Trump is a smart man, much smarter than these dumbass sound bites and tweets he sends out. He knows how to play the media, and he has been doing it this whole time and most of you never realized it. He knows all he has to say is controversial shit that many white people think and he will go up in the polls because 1) free media coverage and 2) whitey thinks he has balls to say it. Don't be surprised after Election Day when he abandons his plans for the wall.

A liberal's definition if I've ever seen one.

Is he really a Tyrant...
Or is he the real change we need...

Either way I think im okay with the odds when it comes to trump.

I'm probably the only person in this thread that was old enough to vote for Reagan. Most Sup Forumstards don't understand conservatism because dumbass little kids who watch anime instead of actually contributing to society.
The irony is that they actually think their voice matters, and that they actually BELIEF that they're choices here are changing the outcome of the election.
It's quite pathetic. These idiots make threads about "praising KEK", and making Trump memes on degenerate anime pedophilia.

As a conservative, I'm actually disgusted that these morons are given a voice through the Republican party. These morons can't even tie their shoelaces, let alone hold jobs, why the fuck should anyone care what they think?