They are richer and more educated than sub-saharan africans. So why are they more violent?

They are richer and more educated than sub-saharan africans. So why are they more violent?

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wh*Te genes

niggers are too dumb to commit real crime

It's almost like the poverty = crime hypothesis is bullshit...

>richer and more educated

Inequality paired with poverty.

Most murders in Africa are not reported properly.

part of our culture

Outdated map. The murder rate here is closer to 20 than it is to 30 as we speak

Latam is the most inequal part of the world

spanish or aracuans?

well, both i think.
remember that spaniards kill bulls for fun even nowadays.

well, you eat meat that bulls.

Whites are even more violent on a larger scale aka world wars. Latin Americans and middle easterns are similar in the regard that they ultimately cause more violence because they’re intelligent enough to be better at the violence they strive to commit than blacks.

Blacks are children throwing toys at their parents, Latin Americans are teenagers that can cause real destruction when they rebel.

What are you talking about? Whites arent violent.
Who gave freedom for all slaves black and white, yes was white slaves? It was only whites. No one else.

>Whites aren’t violent

When inspired to actually commit violence, whites do it more deadly and efficiently than anyone else.

So what?
It's no why whites violent. They just more smart for to develop things for war. We didnt kill all germans as it could do black or yelow for example.
We just made war more effective.

This just proves racial profiling

i don't know man i see a pretty strong correlation on all three graphs there

Whites commit violence tactfully and subtly, but they’re still very much ambitiously violent more so than anyone else. Niggers just shoot somebody who steps on their shoes then get promptly arrested by the police. Whites pretend to get along and peacefully undermine each other until they believe they can achieve their goals through violence, and then it results in the absolute worst violence imaginable.

Whites are absolutely violent. More wars have occurred in Europe than anywhere else on the planet.

White made modern safe world. White made human's rights. Only whites decided that slavery and other shit is bad. Not blacks or yelows. All what is good in thise world whites made. Science, human rights, love for all and all, all other good things.

Still, less violent and evil than wh*Toid scum, since our evil and violence is carried out at a small scale, not at the industrial scale wh*Toids have us accustomed.


Daily reminder
Slavs are not white.

Блять, eбaныe пидopaхи, eвepивeap. Пидopaхи тoчнo дикapи и нoн вaйт.

1. Better crime reporting and statistics
2. Culture of Brazilians competing with ISIS for gnarliest snuff videos on LiveLeak

plus drugs n shit

In Brazil, there is unironically a forum inn Sao Paulo where drug lords, "intellectuals", and politicians meet up.

Dá link galera, eu quero uma maconha pesada

>Only whites decided that slavery is bad
Mexico abolished slavery, and that made American immigrants in Texas want independence.

We are economically very unequal. Most of all that violence you see is comitted in the poor areas of the countryside or by people in / from slums.

But Peruvians do have more peaceful personalities, and a better shared concept of nation than us.

People in Lat-Am aren't human

>Only whites decided that slavery

1. Bullshit the Persians did it way before you.
2. As savage as the Aztecs were, their slavery was objectively more ethical.

The American war on drugs

Rich countries but with High inequality and terrible education

>Ukrainian pretending to be the authority on whites

Your country is literally what people point to when they want to make the argument that “whites” are not genetically gifted.


"whites" are the only people to have commited the vile and inhumane act of dropping multiple nuclear bombs on densely populated city centres. This is violence and disregard for human life on a scale humanity will likely not ever top.

While I agree with the fact whites are violent, pointing to the nukes dropped on Japan as an example of our violence is just dumb.

More Japanese civilians died in the Tokyo firebombing campaign than the nukes, and the Japs committed plenty of atrocities of their own that were worse than what the US did, including prompting war with America in the first place by bombing Pearl Harbor.

African + White genes.

Note mulatto countries are the most insanely criminal.

The whitest part of Mexico is land of narcos, BTW.