Seems worse than what happened to Harambe.
Hey Twitter Is This Harassment?
Why'd god kill his wife
>being physically repulsive
>insulting someone else for how they look
So he could finally unleash his rage on his enemies
That's a good description of Coulter tbqh
only racist when it happens to a black person
Haha Coulter BTFO that bitch only hurts the conservative movement
> yfw hitler is raping his kike wife in hell
He looks like the love child of Grimace fucking Chip or Dale.
bit crass, still solid banter though
Is PO fat so he can have a heart attack and die then rejoin his wife?
Because if there's one thing Jews love, it's Muslims.
it's funny because Will Wheaton likes that tweet, but said he was glad Milo was banned because he found harassment awful. Basically proof of the hypocrisy of Twitter.
Honestly, that's some pretty good bantz.
That's a good one Patton I bet your wife laughed her tits off when you told her that one..... Right? Right? Oh.....
This one is still my favorite.
no he's just a slob
James Rolfe is literally one of the friendliest people on Youtube why do the SJWs have it out for him? Not to mention his channel is original and entertaining.
Oh, sky cuck! Why are you so disgusting?
So she could star in the ghostbusters movie
>"Why u mad tho?"
Argument over
He killed his wife, not god
He's just mad that Hitler had a foreskin.
twitter harassment isn't illegal in America right?
;_; such freedom.
Only against liberals. You can harass conservatives all you want.
he should have his wife ask satan that question
Unfunny manlet with political opinions bores wife to death- Many such cases!
What a doughy little guy textbook Hillary voter sad!
patton oswalt is just mad that despite all the shilling, he didn't get see the corpse of his wife in the new ghostbusters movie
fuck that fat faggot
Why did Ann's joke make him so asshurt?
Nice meme insult, cucklestein.
>literally played a rat
>"most known" for playing a rat
you can't make this shit up
One step out of line, and he's out. To be fair, it's like us with Benji.
>that 6 foot amazon
fucking unf
>tfw 5'8
>tfw I want a gf who is as tall as me or taller
>preferably 6ft+
>too socially inept to go out and talk to complete strangers out of now where and try to be normal about it let alone find tall girls who are already a rarity
I just want a tall gf
Where does Ann Coulter rank in the world of trolls?
Is she a legend or only decent?
Do women with small breasts have a meme where they pretend women with size D knockers are flatlets?
That's pretty awkwardly worded for someone who's supposed to be a comedian. Besides, that glutinous little doughboy isn't in any position to talk about other people's appearance.
I know that feel
>tfw volleyball girls have the best butts
>tfw 6'2" and will never find a qt taller than me
I kinda want an amazon like that to dominate me desu
Wonder what really happened to Patton (((Oswalt)))s wife? She probably killed herself so she wouldn't have to wake up to that stupid face everyday or hear those tired ass jokes of his.
Why is it always a fucking atheist who's the first in line to white-knight Muslims?
why does Patton Oswalt hang around with A. Wyatt Mann a.k.a Nick Bougas?
Here's Patton hanging out with A. Wyatt Mann again. I find it to be...problematic. Especially with the misogynistic attacks against Ann Coulter.
Isn't Patton a bit of a manlet?
A racist, misogynist manlet. A hobbit of hatred.
>Patton Oswalt
Netflix LOVES him bit everybody else says "Literally Who?"
I just tweeted to him
>You reek of misogyny. Get a wife.
So that's why he's so upset
who has reported him for harassment?
I dunno who this faggot is, but I was about to say it from the picture, he looked like a dwarf, and behold!
Dwarfs live in the mountains, some times they come and swap the child of dwarf with a human, we call these "byttinger" lit changelings. Used to put them out in the forest to die, it's for the best.
I'm going to be honest. That is actually pretty fucking funny. You don't have to agree with the guy to chuckle
Patton Oswalt's head sure looks like a good place for a bullet.
He's still a hypocrite.
> Leftist Comedian shows off his subtle wit
Oh shit
>literally whiteknighting for a racemixing cuckservative Israel loving whore
Lmao you guys are such betas
Just reported it for harassment
I like that one.
These bants gave me jungle flashbacks, Charlie
Is it really? He just got mad as fuck at a tweet and responded with name calling
>y-you're hitler's foreskin
That's my nigga! Together we can wipe out misogyny on Twitter!
Why does anyone care about this hack? The only good gig he ever had was as a recurring character on a sitcom that ended almost 10 years ago.
"look at it, I'm Patton Oswalt! I'm harassing a woman who disagrees with me!"
Shit no wonder god killed this guys wife.
Could not be more wrong user. She is one of the most effective people they have. The left hates her so much because she calls our their bullshit so precisely and it drives them crazy. Also because she's not scared to take them on on their own turf. Trump almost certainly read her book Adios America before launching his campaign and it's success speaks for itself.
> Funny
It's the kind of thing you'd hear in the eighth grade
You seriously don't want a tall gf, trust me.
I'm 6'2 and have had three girlfriends all between 5'8 and 6'0. Tall women are some of the most insecure people on the planet and make unsuitable life mates.
>Shit no wonder god killed this guys wife.
link pls!!
Why are they insecure?
He's still grieving his fat, ugly wife.
Benji acts like a massive SJW whenever Trump is involved and supported a false assault claim even after video evidence came in saying otherwise.
She killed herself after realizing she was married to Patton Oswalt.
>couldn't even reach 5'5
That's not even a manlet. That's worse.
Because they're lankettes
You mean Kek
So what Oswalt is saying is that Hitler had a huge dick for his foreskin to be the size of an entire human.
Tall girls are insecure that they're tall. Can't wear heels without feeling like giants. Can't get picked up and lifted nd shit by most men. can't look up into the eyes of men and be kissed as he's looking down at them. this is all first world shit but it's some of the stuff I've heard/read from them
He was funny before he had children and Obama.
Yeah but Ann coulter is right wing and white.
>shorter than a manlet
>taller than a midget
What the fuck is he?
Because God has chosen to punish you for debasing his greatest emotion with your perpetual failure to be funny.
I guess that's unfortunate, but I really admire him in virtually every other aspect intellectually. And when you think about it, it's difficult for a true conservative to support Trump, especially a public figure. I'm doing it because I want to watch the world burn and it would cause perhaps the greatest triggering of liberals in history.
He's below the average height of a US woman.
The last time there was this much fire in Vietnam was the Tet Offensive.