Isnt it sad this is going extinct?
Why live?
Isnt it sad this is going extinct?
Why live?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Dying out
kek now its the next best thing since sliced bread.
Their own fault, no need to feel sad about it.
That cunt isn't particularly good looking.
>dying out
>That cunt isn't particularly good looking
WTF is wrong with OP
THIS is dying out
We need to sacrifice Sweden so that we can point to them and say to the bluepilled "LOOK! That is what will happen to you if you keep being liberal retards!"
The greatest revenge whites can possibly have is to go extinct.
Finland it is then. Don't want to flee this shithole only to get killed by you guys.
play stupid games win stupid prizes
Haha naive faggot
They would find some excuse. If your masterplan is waiting till something redpills liberals, then you are fucked up
>he thinks the Finngolians will accept him.
We have more reason to kill you than Danes and Norwegians combined
Volcano island it is, hope Sweden takes you with it when hell breaks loose.
Isn't it sad shitposting on this board has gotten worse?
Ironically, this is true.
Blondes are the worst race-mixing whores. They always go for the darkest tribal niggers. Not a meme, it's the damn truth that we can see everyday we go outside. Disgusting trash.
Small price for white future
That can't compete with this
>Almost exterminates the indigenous peoples of America
>Complains about "muh immigrants "muh race mixing"
Holy fuck.
They're following their (((programming))) from the (((media))). Blacked porn? Blondes. BM/WF couple in a movie? Blondes. Nasty black rapper with a white girlfriend? Blondes. Maybe it's the Jews' revenge - take the purest whites and manipulate them into breeding with the darkest, most tribals negroids.
There has been an awakening.. Have you felt it?
This is simply a cancer scare. No cancer for Swedes. Mere wake up call. Niggers are dangerous carcinogens.
Don't be a leaf.
Not an argument, you are going to die
You'd think they would get the idea after Kenya and Rhodesia. But no.
We've had enough countries ruined as "examples", it's time to turn this shit around.
>Almost exterminates the indigenous peoples of Iberia
>Complains about "muh colonists "muh imperialism"
t. Alberto Barbosa
In re: Anonymous (ID: JT+yYyu2) 07/30/16(Sat)21:16:21 No.83543985▶
When Colombia speaks...
should've finished the job desu
don't worry once our leaders get uncucked that manifest destiny will kick in once again.
back to the misc you piece of shit
but when a guy does it its ok cause hes just slayin poon? whos the jew now?
Strength is a universal value. Weakness is a universal sin. Sweden is justice. Should they win their upcoming civil war their society will rediscover the right values, should it lose a stronger society will replace it anyway.
Oh fuck off with your jew-bullshit!
Women are to blame for everything, they're not controlled by the jews. They want this.
The west was ruined when women were given the right to vote.
The Scandinavian ancestry in me disagrees.
fucking mutt
they killed themselves. there's nothing sad about it. it's jhust pathetic.
>being a white remnant
you're the worst , m8
US non-hispanic white people are under 55% already, with a large aging population
1.3~1.4 million white woman have interracial marriage
more white women have black/latino baby
white birth rate going to 0
Future American look like mexican or Caribbean nigger
it make america become brazil 2.0
No, I could care less about someone with blonde hair and blue eyes, they think they're superior, I'm going to laugh my ass off in my grave or maybe even when I'm alive when their recessive genes are BTFO by dominant genes. The only reason whities think they're superior is because of technology. American blacks aren't real blacks, white people made them that way on purpose to make themselves feel better. And in Africa, the white man murdered and destroyed their cultures out of fear of the dominant black man rising above them. It's slowly but surely turning into the favor of darker skin tones. White people are just jewish puppets now.
White people are just fear mongering. They're holding humanity back from the goal of a pure race of one skin color. The stupid christians are doing their best to hold humanity back from achieving our goals. Christianity isn't even the true religion, the Jewish religion is, and it's the first. The jews control us, but RIGHTFULLY so. Christians are fake devil worshipers that want to hold humanity back. Why do you think Adolf Hitler tried to kill off all of the Jews? He's was the devil and he wanted to ensure that humanity couldn't move forward. The jews won though, and they will continue to win for the good of humanity. BTFO evil retarded christians.
>migrated from asia
When will this meme end?
gives me a cuck boner. more BMWF pics pls
I have swedish ancestry btw
>implying i care about those weak willed whores
Pic related isint going anywhere so who cares?
No one has any counter to this because it's true. BTFO retarded white people. The true aryan race is the race of the future. If you really wanted it, you would race mix, and look up to race mixing to achieve the goal of one, pure, and evolved race. There's certain trait that certain races carry, and bringing them together would make humans better! The jews are not our enemy, they're our saviors. Dumb, devil worshiping christians are our enemy.
The fact that you actually believe that is why you lose you massive faggot
Get an idea of the power of (((brainwashing))) and do it quick
The fact that you think the jews are our enemy, and not the christians makes you look like an idiot. The jews are our saviors, they follow the true religion and the oldest. Christianity is the devils religion. Jews are the saviors of humanity.
Stop being so naive.
It's not the jews, it's the women! Half the population bent on destroying the other half!
The west turned to shit when they were given the right to vote.
They most assuredly can
No, I could care less about someone with blonde hair and blue eyes, they think they're superior, I'm going to laugh my ass off in my grave or maybe even when I'm alive when their recessive genes are BTFO by dominant genes. The only reason whities think they're superior is because of technology. American blacks aren't real blacks, white people made them that way on purpose to make themselves feel better. And in Africa, the white man murdered and destroyed their cultures out of fear of the dominant black man rising above them. It's slowly but surely turning into the favor of darker skin tones. White people are just jewish puppets now.
White people are just fear mongering. They're holding humanity back from the goal of a pure race of one skin color. The stupid christians are doing their best to hold humanity back from achieving our goals. Christianity isn't even the true religion, the Jewish religion is, and it's the first. The jews control us, but RIGHTFULLY so. Christians are fake devil worshipers that want to hold humanity back. Why do you think Adolf Hitler tried to kill off all of the Jews? He's was the devil and he wanted to ensure that humanity couldn't move forward. The jews won though, and they will continue to win for the good of humanity. BTFO evil retarded christians.
No one has any counter to this because it's true. BTFO retarded white people. The true aryan race is the race of the future. If you really wanted it, you would race mix, and look up to race mixing to achieve the goal of one, pure, and evolved race. There's certain trait that certain races carry, and bringing them together would make humans better! The jews are not our enemy, they're our saviors. Dumb, devil worshiping christians are our enemy.
Please try to refute this Sup Forums. Please. LOL
I never met a swede I liked
Scandinavia is not kiked, if anything way more cucked by leaders and the people. Sure the US, now thats kiked! But holy fuck you're in for a hard job if you're too rid Scandi of jewry.
Made me think
If the Jews succeed, we will all have brown hair, brown eyes, and light brown skin. Every race today will be extinct, and the true master race will be unveiled. All these dumb evil christians like Hitler are trying to stop this from happening. They don't know the real plan, just like they don't follow the real religion. The jewish religion. Jews aren't trying to start a nuclear war, etc. They're trying to save humanity, by getting rid of differences. Differences is the one thing that causes war, and may even cause WW3. It's the jews that are trying to save us! Wake up.
Sweden is actually extremely anti-semitical. I think it's the same with Norway. Leftists and muslims hates jews, and we have plenty of those here.
So why are hungarian women not doing the same?
Whats the difference between Huns and Svens? Huns gassed their kikes thats what!
Yes women are cancer but they did not come up with (((feminism))) or (((diversity))) you clueless cuck
black dude in pic is undercover
just say'n
You're just bitter because you think your women are non-white loving whores. Don't be fooled by the kike propaganda.
Obvious Jewish woman. The eyes tell all.
What's it like being a Jew that looks so basic looking and nerdy?
Your posts are dripping with salt.
Wait what, blacks cant marry whites in the us or is it some state legislation shit?
I'm actually an atheist. Get BTFO idiot, I just know the true plans, and the righteous plans. Christians and muslims are evil and divisive. It has been shown. It's the Jews that will save humanity. Wake up to the christian lies. The Christian religion is WRONG! How do you not follow the true, early religion, but the devils religion? BAKA.
Reality isn't jewish propaganda. Why do you need to cling to this jew-stuff so badly? It's the womens fault entirely.
Women were always race traitors, this goes way back to the stone age and even earlier, as proven by genetic studies. The women of the hunter/gatherers sided with the invading farmers.
Once enough fems check their privilege we will clone the cutest palest whitest girls extinct or not. The natural borns can can die out. We have everything we will need on file already.
Jews won!
Blonde hair blue eyes was the point you dumb faggot
im not sad.
turned out they were disgusting traitor whores, good riddance.
and nothing of value was lost
Christianity destroyed Scandinavia.
>there are more white people today than any other time in history
/r/ download link.
If it wakes up the rest of the nordic countries than who cares? Sweden can be serving point of how multiculturalism will fail.
Wont matter if we are forced into being minorities in our own countries.
>there are zero white countries
>white people are being outbred in their former homes
that's what people are upset about.
oh shit, I can't take it anymore.
can't believe how cucked you westerners are. I live in a shitty country but atleast we keep our women in check.
that's not a real quote
>he thought that was a real quote
That's not yours Jamal, why would you even care
I know that. But what is said in that fake quote isn't far from the reality in the West.
Keep on getting cucked, faggots.
We're not leaving anytime soon
Muh 99,5% white country
>Posts picture of famous track runner with 3 journalists
What does this prove?
Thats right, mostly right wing parties gives a fuck about jews for some reason. I'm heavily ethnonationalist leaning but there are no fuck in a single bone in my body about jews.
now we're talking
They are the feminine swedish handball team who took turns banging him
Same here, probably cause the Jew community is >50 people
Indeed. Brown people are fucked no matter what.
>took turns banging him
being a physicist I've always thought about that. Why should I further my field, knowing that in the future there will be no one of my kind benefiting from it. Why should I try knowing that my work will help people that I hate. The only thing keeping me in research and not in some easier job is the hope that whites will finally wake up and take back control.
there are more people alive today of all varieties, that hardly means anything when we start talking about demographic makeup and the trends thereof
>a cucked country is hundreds of times more advanced than yours
are you even trying?
Come home white brother, volkscall to the fatherland now
well they might not be cucked, but they're sandniggers and muslims, so what do you expect?
murica being cucked is a new phenomenon though, we'll see how much they hold before they decay enough to turn into a shithole like Tunisia
Why that bitch got Microsoft Windows logo on her face?
and if I may add, when that will happen, they'll be a cucked country AND a shithole, effectively placing behind Tunisia.