"You're in my house now."

"You're in my house now."
Never watched any of the X-Men movie's, this shit was fucking GOAT tho

Other urls found in this thread:


>You will need a bigger house
I couldnt stop my laugh at the theatre thinking about Bane saying you will need a bigger plane and growing in size in the plane scene.

>"You're in my house now."
>Still gets his ass kicked hilariously.
>"Save me Jean!"

If Charles defeated Apocalypse you would say Apocalypse was a weakling.

Frankly Im fine with Apocalypse tanking both Xavier and World Breaker magneto at the same time.

Phoenix was an asspull but literally the only option to show Apocalypse being strong. He couldnt be defeated by any normal method, they had to rely on a cosmic entity to defeat him.

We need to get the drawfriends on it

I think that Scott doing a combo with Havok would make it more believable.

That being said, I am mostly pissed at Alex being killed in the most dumb way, with leaving training of a squad to the person that is capable only working alone, as she did past last 20 years. While Alex was in Vietnam.

>If Charles defeated Apocalypse you would say Apocalypse was a weakling.
Actually if Charles went Onslaught that would work far better than Phoenix again.

Especially since it would
1.perfectly contrast the original trilogy in that this time Charles loses his mind while Jean retains her composure
2.after 3 movies of heavy focus and build up over the stress Charles had endured since meeting Erik finally bring forward exactly what darkness he's hiding
3.Really get across and round off the point of what Apocalypse meant when he said Charles was something significant he had not come across before, instead of this one random redhead he just ran into slapping his down.

Look at this in different way
In original timeline, Charles locked Jean's power to make her less dangerous. In the end, she obliterated his body. Which would have killed him, if not for that "twin" he had.

This time, Charles was teaching Jean to embrace her power, and she saved his life.

Still, he was definitely more enamoured with Apocalypse's power, rather than simply terrified, as his face was more of awe when he said "I have never felt power like this before". And then his eyes became black.

Fair enough. Though with that I feel Jean should have been introduced earlier in the series.
She would have made a better little sister figure and eventual centerfold for the X-Men than Mystique. Of course Charles would have to adopt her in First Class when he's an adult and she's a child reducing her involvement.
Still, I think it could reflect several things in Last Stand in a better light and build towards this scene. First Class had Beast, early mutant cure, Charles, Erik, even Emma. There was plenty of opportunity.

What should be done, is Apocalypse as two parter, with destruction of mansion/taking of some of mutants to Stryker's base (if they need it so much).

And Havok would make better drill sergeant for X-Men than Mystique. She can only work solo, while Alex was in the army in 'Nam.

And Charles basically learned about Jean from Wolverine back in DoFP, when he read his mind + him reminding about Jean (semi easy), Scott (harder), and Storm (hardest), that were "must find, Professor".

>I think that Scott doing a combo with Havok would make it more believable.

Have Cyclops and Havok ever even worked together in the comics?

>Apocalypse for the last 2 hours is nothing but Bible quotes and meaningless melodrama shit
>all the sudden, "Youre gonna need a bigger house" quip


This is the one thing I'm really upset about. A huge opportunity was missed by not using that little thread from DoFP.

Kek, that was prequel-tier line

They were immune to each other powers, and I think there was a time when they empowered each other with other's ability.

Apocalypse is a movie of wasted potential. I feel that making it as a two parter would allow to develop characters more. And avoid pointless killing of characters. And develop bloody Horsemen.

And stakes felt empty by not showing people dying, just massive destruction. It would be better if Storm would participate in that destruction, and if Apocalypse himself would do more than obliterating Cairo.

>"You're in my house now."
As soon as he said that my friend starts laughing. He later tells me he was thinking of Macho man Randy Savage saying that
We basically remade that scene where Cerebros doors open Randy Savage comes out instead of Jean and stars wrecking Apocalypse
I have no idea why but we were fucking dying

Bless your friend's imagination, for it has blessed my sides. OH YEAAAH

I liked when this song came on after he said that


Drawfags please!

I know that feel, user.
That entire 10 minute sprawl was God-tier.
>yfw the second girder hit

>"You're in my house now. Bitch."
>He punches Apocalypse in the face
>'My House' by Flo Rida starts playing in the background

I got up and left when that happened. Totally anachronistic in a movie that took place in the 1980's.

Really? That's the part when you left, not when Paige came in screaming 'THIS IS MUH HOUSE'?

