why aren't millennials having any kids?
Why aren't millennials having any kids?
Poor economy
Draconian marriage laws and relationship standards
General lack of hope for the future
22 yo here 4 kids JUST
They're waiting on Trump to Make America Great Again
No Trump, no kids
low effort
we'd make shit parents
This. Don't bump the shills.
I hate looking at this mother fuckers face
stop making these threads you leaf shit
too prideful to take care of those adorable screaming drooling poomachines
There are a million reasons OP, the dating/marriage market is fucked to hell and back, suitable mates are difficult to find for either sex, and when good men and good women do get together the economy is shit and it's hard to get the money together to raise a child.
My wife and I are probably going to start trying for a baby around New Year's when both of us will be making more than we do now, if it wasn't for money we'd have had a kid already. My younger brother makes good money too but he's single and a lot of the dating market looks like pic related.
Because millennials are like
You're thinking of Gen Z.
Women never take in the vital information of their professions.
Its called weight division not league
As a melenial I would have to say this is accurate
Millennial women are too busy working on their education, career, while men constantly waste their sex drive on porn or hookups. Nobody is fulfilled, but they keep chasing the empty highs of the brave new world. Just look at Japan, that's probably the future of all post-industrial societies.
i am offended by this picture, I like trump and all, but he shouldn't pull a nigger and replace a historical figure
rednecks are. Smarts aren't
You have to go back and this is why
how much do they pay you to post this shit?
The first ones were born around 1982
Because too many people stay curled up in their parents houses and they only really interact with other people while online.
When I was in my teens and early 20's there was no internet, and we basically roamed around looking for shit to do, going from house to house visiting people ect. It was pretty much impossible to not get laid.
But now there are all these sheltered butterballs who are passive-aggressive douchebags from never having to back up their words, and they do not even really act like males.
You have to actually be where women are to get with them.
I don't really blame them. I don't know where I'd be if I had grown up with entertainment/porn on demand like the internet provides.
can you get banned again?
sage, report, ignore, and ban all stevo threads
I wouldnt want my kids to deal with this shitty society
30 y.o. here. Beautiful 9 month old screaming and pooping all over the house.
I wish I had 4 kids 2bh pham
Kids are the whole purpose to life
You, you, you, you, you have to go back
These are ctr slide threads. Mod s please. Report and sage
I'm 30 years old, working minimum wage with no social skills and job prospects. Women don't want anything to do with a loser like me.
Thus, I persevere alone.
Pretty much exactly this. Houses are a fucking million dollars where I live, rent is $2000 a month for more than one bedroom, and I live in a fucking beaner infested town.
Hell I went to the beach a few days ago and it took me 10 minutes of searching just to find one white person, and it was a guy with a black girlfriend. 90% of the people there were mexicans.
1. "The oceans are boiling...!"
2. "The Earth has a fever and MANKIND is the infection..!"
3. "In 25 years ago there will be NO MORE rainforest at all..!"
4. "America is OVER THE HILL and this is the new normal..!"
5. "Whites are smallpox-blanket distributors who've invented NOTHING and PLUNDER other countries..!"
6. "Words like good and bad are judgemental and should be banished! There are many shades of grey, there is equal value in ALL ideas, like clitorectomies being as good as electricity or clean water..."
7. Christianity is no good!
8. "Pursue a woman and she'll lie and say you RAPED her. Marry one and she'll confiscate HALF your wealth as soon as the baby pops out..."
Given these, why does ANYONE wonder why people aren't getting married and why SO MANY people are on anti-depressants..?
Because they're still children who can't handle the thought of actually having to be responsible.