peaky blinders edition
Other urls found in this thread:
One of my mum's neighbours is a single mum who's recently had her second kid and seems to be struggling after her boyfriend left her. Since the baby arrived and she split up with her partner we've begun to hear her screaming at her toddler and baby pretty much every day, sometimes into the early hours of the morning. This isn't your 'normal', chav parent yelling you sometimes hear in areas like ours. Because the walls are thin we hear the kids crying in their room and she'll go in there and scream things like "shut the f*ck up! Stop f*cking crying! Shut up!" back at them for 10, 20 minutes at a time. We hear her swearing and shouting at her toddler every other day for things she's apparently done wrong and today my mum thinks she heard the woman literally throw the toddler onto the floor in one of the rooms.
Is there anything I can or should do about this? It's been going on for months now and seems to be getting worse. My mum wonders if the neighbour might be suffering from post-natal depression because things have rapidly declined since the birth of her youngest, and they seem to have no support from anyone.
I'm tempted to go round and suggest that she take out her frustrations on my bollocks rather than her children but how do you do that without antagonising the woman? I'm currently negotiating a contract with her previous boyfriend (which has taken a lot of coercing and sizeable payment, might I add) and am organising a break-in into the house in the middle of the night and plan to hide myself behind the baby's crèche, have the boyfriend steal the baby and then dress my bollocks up in a romper suit in hopes that she'll spend the entire evening clobbering my aching spuds
what year is it in the jewish calendar
How long do you talk to a girl on an app before asking her out lads? Also do you need to get her phone number first or OK to just go straight to the date stage?
*rapes your fat healthcare bird mum*
need a bf lads
I can't stop cumming
how do you know this? either way, it's unsurprising, most pornstars were molested as children
6 million
>im a healthcare assistant
>single mother
lol @ you for living next door to some niglets
shan't be telling you now
Is this the same lad who posted the story about dressing his bollocks up as a pumpkin on Halloween? If so could you please repost that, I rather enjoyed it
who are you quoting
real struggle catching up on all the /brit/ threads when new ones come out at such a fast pace
what if i told you that if you have android version 7+ you can disable snapchat's permissions from settings and take snaps on your phone without the other person knowing.
how does porn make money in 2017?
haven't watched PB since mid S2. I hear CIA is in it now! any good?
>and not 'meme-good', actually good?
I have no friends at all.
never met a single normoid who knew what an adblocker was
In my younger years I did a lot of anal stretching. Used to have big dildos and use speculums and achieved some pretty impressive gapes. Fast forward to the current day and I'm paying for it. I'm not incontinent but if my stools are just a little bit loose it'll just pour out. I don't have to push when I'm having a shit either, the poo just drops out.
Gosh user you're such a loser.
it's amazing how much of the internet is built on a foundation of selling ads
beto will be hearing ALL about this
do you have skype x
5700 or some stupid shite
Best duce
Would you pay a fixed annual fee to never be subjected to any adverts in any media?
best bollock post was the one about the london bridge terror attack
i always forget that trump is like 71 years old
Told my dad was hungry right so he slaves away in the kitchen for a hour and I eat like 1/20th of what he's cooked and bin the rest.
Beto is ded
>italian ww2 tanks
cv33 is cute though
still remember this one, had me howling for ages
based french nonce
Haha you're a cunt mate
the gf
Horrible little boy, if you were my child i'd have made you go back into the bin and eat it
Haha alright lad, would uppercut you if you dare made me eat out of a bin and call childline you dirty pedo
fuck off yank
So, finally, my years of work infiltrating ISIS and ingratiating myself with their Afghan cell had paid off. Donald Trump was about to drop the "mother of all bombs" on the cave complex I, Ballbaghi al-Britani, had been living in for the past three months, constructing crude IEDs.
As the news began to filter through, was I screaming prayers in Arabic and cursing the Great Satan America? Was I running for my life away from the impending fiery Holocaust? Was I attempting to make one last call to my family to let them know I was about to meet my maker?
No, I calmly strolled outside and buried myself under the fine, warm desert sand. And I waited.
I wonder what the USAF pilot who remotely dropped the bomb thought the pale, hairy, quivering mass poking through the sand was as he remotely surveilled the area from within the walls of the Pentagon? A naked mole rat? Some sort of small beige cactus? Could he possibly have suspected it was my tender spuds, anxiously awaiting their complete and utter destruction?
As the 11,000lb mother of all bombs detonated, spreading my bollock matter across the Middle East and beyond, completely and totally annihilating my pathetic knackers for good with unimaginable, overwhelming force none of this was going through my head. I was filled simply with a sense of perfect bliss. My sack was well and truly fucking fucked. Utterly splattered and totally eviscerated.
not really happy that my worst ever bollock post is the one that made it on here
all me
i also invented toil posting
did the car go vroom vroom
Cute is all you need
BIG choon lads
>fuck off yank posting in 2018
Wow real original guys.....
Having flashbacks of the time I took DMT with mates and seen the international ballbusting grounds.
It's hard to convey the scale of this thing. It's as if one entire country was designated to be this busting ground ,
and white cuckold men made a pilgramage there from the world over.
Thousands of waiting room tents on a completely level field, gore storage vats the size of grain silos,
Then the main busting facilities which hold thousands of the strongest fittest black studs,
With IV drips attatched to their arms like the hoses attatched to automobile gas tanks, pumping them with steroids.
Then after they were injected they would remove the apparatus and head into one of the resting tents.
The bulls went through thousands of exercises before they entered the smashing room,
arranged in a large circus style big top tent where thousands of cuckolds lined up to sit on these bench styled apparatus where the bulls would bring down the hammer, I even saw that one had my name on it, it was beckoning to me
There were changing room facilities for the men to put their clothes while they got sterilised.
When my mates ask me what my experience was like I had to lie and say I was flying over a forest
thats not really that old anymore. especially given he's a tee-totaller and likely didn't do coke either
me with the neck
Love how my fingers still smell of my girlfriend's pussy
nowt better
try the arse next time
me at the bottom
>this is what a rap group looks like in 2017
some good anchovys here
Wow you two must be really close if she lets you stroke her cat so intensively
I'll try your arse next time scruffy cunt
it's weird how your perception of your parents changes as you grow older. i thought my mom was a good parent who fell on hard times and made some bad choices when i was a teenager. i was giving her the benefit of the doubt, but now that i'm an adult i've learned that she created all her own problems and reacted poorly to them and was, simply put, a terrible mother who should have never had kids
SOY (sod off yank)
I feel like demolishing a kebab ngl
me kneeling at the front with a masters in astrophysics
il duce è la vera regina
Any good ideas for soy milk cocktails? So far I've had a soya white russian which was pretty good, might try soya and whiskey next
Somebody called me a scruffy cunt in Greggs
its pretty good ngl desu (senpai) CIA and Bane carry the latest season to be honest
smoked 2.5 grams of weed lads
literally on the moon right now to be honest
me second from left with the polish jawline and hourglass figure
hey :)
>it's tits
your mum's a mong mate
Have a high wank
lena dunham is so foul looking that it makes me angry
>Any good ideas for soy milk cocktails? So far I've had a soya white russian which was pretty good, might try soya and whiskey next
soya colada
anyone remember heemlad
already done
was fantastic
Don't quite understand Sup Forums's fixation with soy. I consume it all the time and I certainly don't feel less of a man than when I took protein at the gym.
Now, if you excuse me I'm going to perm my beard before the refugees welcome rally tonight
literally the only good thing about being high
felt like my hand was a tight fanny
have never known the warmth of a woman's touch
Good lad, those are the best
Listen to some jams and shitpost with the lads
yeah it's actually good lad.
Shame, was shagging my girlfriend 3-4 hours ago
bet she farts in a perfect B tenor
My protein has soy lechtin in so I get best of both worlds
Listening to music is a very close second
Watching TV can be hit or miss cuz I'm usually confused all the time