
>Disgracing his heritage this way

I'm dying here

Other urls found in this thread:


His head proportions are still cartoonish.

What is with liberals and trying to destroy exceptionalism?

Must everyone in media be as mediocre as them before they're happy?

You're 2 years late to the party.
P.S. Modified Daria is sexier.

Well, if you try to find any kind of consistent theme with liberal beliefs, equality is the biggest one.

Holy fuck, these are all terribly edited.

Equality just means no one cares about you.

That is what people fail to understand.

If they were happy, they would'nt be liberals


Post it

>Gohan, the son of the protagonist, is clearly a teen (although his true age numbers into the hundreds).

I don't remember that being a thing. Is it a thing?

DAYUM, Sailor Moon got fucking High Test

Why is the average teenage body a chubby faggot? Why would an athletic character be tubby instead of athletic?

No, none of the main cast of dragon ball z is eternally young.

Holy fuck

Gohan at that time was literally 12 years old. Holy fucking shit. What are these people on about?

If animation was forced to imitate real life aesthetics then why animate anything at all?

>tall athletic girls don't exist
It's like these people have never interacting with anyone who wasnt fat and short.
Oh wait...

Somebody post the rest, I don't want to be an enabler for any clickbait links.

apparently athletic people don't exist.

Look, if you train a bunch, move around a lot, you're going to get fucking muscles. Why don't they understand that?

Is this that company that fattens up characters to help obese or anorexic people feel better or something like that? I remember when they did this to a bunch of comic covers. You'd think for a company dedicated to fat people they'd find out where fat accumulates first so they can make a convincing fat photoshop.

They made a fat Shaggy and a thickish Sailor Moon


Their idea of equality seems to be more about tearing people down than building anyone up.

>making shaggy fat
Isn't the fact that he was so gluttonous and thin at the same time one of the jokes?

Eating disorders are not a joke, user.

>superhero who was trained to fight crime at an early age, and even before that was a circus gymnast
>"better make him fat"

>take a character known for their athleticism
>make them fat
how does this make sense again?

Where did they get that shit from? Even at the point the series is in now he's only like 23.
Seriously, where did they get hundreds from?

Maybe they confused him with Trunks, and don't understand time travel plots.

But Trunks is only 31.



I laughed pretty hard

It's really pathetic how far these people go to feel better about being fat fucks. If they diverted even half that energy into working out they would no longer be fat.

>Americans making characters fat so they don't feel insecure



31?? No way. He was around 16-17 when he first went back in time. Then lets say 3 years later he returned, so 20. Now in DB Super that he'll appear again he looks 25-27 not 31

kinda would desu

b-b-b-but what about all the teenage girls that are nearly flat? How do you think they'll feel if they see this?

I will never understand why this is the case. I'm a fat fuck myself and even I know the longer I'm like this the faster I'll die. This shit needs to stop.


What I want to know is why people are going so far with this fat acceptance movement so their feelings don't get hurt, why sacrifice looking good and being healthy because you won't stop eating?

I think Black Goku was confirmed to have shown up 17 years after Trunks killed Cell.

Didn't they already have an episode like that?



They better not have touched Jane.
Did they slim down the goth girl Andrea while they were at it?

>He was around 16-17 when he first went back in time

Probably even less, he was really tiny compared to the rest of the crew. Not as tiny as Krillin, but really short regardless.

After they trained in the spirit room, he aged 2 years, and was notably taller.

It probably has something to do with screaming, fist-swinging babies who treat fat people like subhuman punching bags with "fat is unhealthy" as a superficial excuse, rather than actually caring about their well-being. It's easy to see why a counter-movement of "fat people should be treated like actual human beings" started.

>The average American’s body type has changed substantially over the past 40 years, especially teenagers’ bodies. Between 1980 and 2012, the percentage of adolescents aged 12 to 19 who were obese increased from 5 to nearly 21 percent. But in many ways, teenage cartoon characters are stuck in the past. Their body shapes have drifted further away from an image that most people can relate to: They idealize a body type that’s increasingly unattainable for many.
A subtle, subversive critique of our modern obesity epidemic

Is this a fatty simulation?

Sup Forums pls, thats like liking tumbrl.

yes but with clover as the fat one.

what the hell

daria is supposed to be like the most average and boring person already

why is being fat considered a normal thing now?

anyone else finds it weid that now we have fat kids like clarence and steven as main characters

when before fat kids used to be just side characters, and they usually had an episode about them losing weight to teach kids that being fat is bad for your health


average teens

well theres your problem, doc

they arent average teens

Gohan especially, dudes been fighting world-ending threats since he was even younger

>it's a "i don't understand basic character design concepts" episode

But that would require effort. Why work for beauty when you can just sit on your ass all day and complain about everyone else?

Why are kids so fucking fat

>Why is being fat considered a normal thing now
user....I'm sorry.

>four years of being treated like a living piece of garbage who exists only to be mocked
>"Obviously she's not listening to us because too many people are treating her with actual basic human decency!"
>"We should bully all those subhumans MORE! That'll fix everything!"

thy turned Shaggy into a Linebacker

What happened in 1980 that made people fat? There must be some easy to distinguish single entity to heap the blame on!


Well on the bright side fat girls seem to be on the downslope.
Fat boys on the otherhand.....

Maybe they're talking about the Hyperbolic Time Chamber stuff but then they missed the point and it just reeks of bullshit.

>Right image is actually cuter

>why is being fat considered a normal thing now?
I guess it must be the norm in America

clarence and steven are NOT "normal"
Especially not clarence

Shut up fatty. Go eat some cake fatso.

Isn't Shaggy like 6'5"? It makes sense for him to be a lanklet.

The ENTIRE POINT of Shaggy is that he has an unbelievably active metabolism and eats a fuckton without gaining weight. That is literally half of his character, the other half being cowardice.

High Fructose Corn Syrup.


Joking aside, artificial foods pretty much hit their stride in the 70s and 80s, along with successive urbanization and recessions that forced housewives that would cook actual food into the workforce.

Fatties deserved to be mocked though, especially those like the Slaton sisters.

Usagi is a Japanese schoolgirl, not an American schoolgirl.

Nice job whitewashing, Projectknow.

Why not teach kids how to eat healthy rather than move the goalposts.

To be fair this one I agree with. The only one.

But this misses the point. She's supposed to be conventionally pretty, but she doesn't put focus on her appearance. There are episodes that even deal with it like Quinn the Brain and the Glasses episode.

>Slaton sisters


Fuck you for making me look that up.

>tfw skellyguy

>"Everybody must be lying to me about my fat being a problem. The media, my family, doctors don't know what they're saying, it's just Fatphobic misconceptions perpetrated by soceity. I can be healthy at every size."
>"My worsening quality of life has nothing to do with my weight or lifestyle. Fucking Fatphobes."

Why do these people keep implying you can't be athletic and skinny? what gymnast, does she look like she needs to get fucking balk?

This one does things to me.

They just made them all slightly fatter.


Heart attacks are just a social construct shit lord.

Didn't they each get a different fetish for being victimized?

One was mind controlled a lot, one got her body changed, and the other was always tied up or something? I remember nothing that and finding it creepy when I was a kid but it's been so long.

Her being fat makes sense and is cute

>Shagster is a bulemic

When I was a teenager, I gained some weight after I stopped exercising because of depression. When I realized I had gained weight I ate healthier and started exercising again. I lost the weight.

sam was mind control, clover was body change and alex gets tied up a lot. however they all get tied up once in a while.

But that's just a theory. A GAME THEORY.

I didn't mean to post that image.

>They make them bigger except the boobs

I knew someone here would know that.

I love you guys. Never change.

post your original image then


Does this retarded fuck know that there are other countries besides America?

He's shitting fucking lightning but no being buff just isn't fucking possible.

What the hell is wrong with the people that make stuff like this?

but im glad you posted it

she is literally 600 lbs.

she is probably going to die in her 30s, but not before she burns through her government funded healthcare plan paid for by yours truly.

If that isn't a living piece of garbage who exists only to be mocked, I don't know what is.