Other urls found in this thread:

>the american dream is real

>too lazy/dumb to get into a solid paying career
t. my little brother who smokes weed and plays video games all day

It does, just look at the Scandinavian countries

>Be American

It works on practice but in an inefficient way

>socialism does not work

>be white american
>go to the doctor for a checkup
>provide clerk with insurance info
>go about my day

>can't handle banter
your average mutt ladies and gentemen

Name a single socialist society that worked.

And no, Norway isn't socialist you fucking moron.

What? Are you retarded, user?

>NoRwAy IsNt SoCiAlIsT

Mutt education

Name a capitalist country that doesn't result in absolute degeneracy

A socialist country doesn't have huge private corporations that sell oil, retard.

Degeneracy is the direct result of prosperity and comfort.

You can't have a functioning nation without degeneracy.

>SoCiAlISt CoUnTrIeS CaNt HaVe CoMpAnIeS

I recommend the book 'Socialism' by Ludwig von Mises, it takes down this dumb utopia

Socialism is when the public owns their means of labor.

Read a book, eurotard.

>ThErE Is OnLy OnE fOrM oF sOcIaLiSm

>socialism is when the government taxes their citizens and uses it for universal healthcare and welfare!

- karl mcmarx

euromutt education

Are you one of those bracelets that thinks neoliberal capitalism is socialism?

>You can't have a functioning nation without degeneracy.

>MuH sOcIaL dEmOcRaCy DoEsNt ExIsT

>lose argument

>I know, I'll greentext a portion of his post and submit a meme!

Leaf education.

Social democracy is capitalism you god damn imbecile.

It's so fucking retarded that there's nothing more to besides post a mutt meme tho

Okay. Name a functioning society that doesn't have degeneracy.

>ctrl+f social democracy [enter]

So basically you're just one of those idiots that thinks anything with the word "social" in it is socialism instead of Marx's original definition of socialism?

Fuck you're retarded, eurocuck.

>american humor

>no one is equal but they should be treated equally under the law

Why would first worlders give a fuck about socialism? I can understand dumb uneducated third worlders, but first worlders?

Shoo shoo poorfag.

>Be mutt American
>Get BTFO itt

Retards like Are failures at life so they're basically like 3rd worlders in their own 1st world country.

>If It WoRkS iT IsNt SoCiAlISm AnYmOrE


why can't you take a joke?

You haven't named a single working socialist state.

Norway is capitalist. Try again, brainlet.

Learn to take a joke, poorfag.

>you will never get to shoot commies in the street

desu the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, without all the western propaganda and photos from a couple years after the war, is actually one of the best countries to live in.

>no u

evening kim

watching the bulls game right now?

Not as embarrassing as your bank account.

You don't even have proof, that DPRK is bad. You just trust your fake news government.

>a capitalist economy with a welfare state is equivalent to a group of central planners planning production ahead of time and allocating all resources inside the state

dennis rodman likes it

that's all i need to know

It does

You can''t even name one flaw of the DPRK, sad!

no hentai

In all honesty the first twenty years or so of the USSR were marked by jaw-dropping economic growth. It was the dictatorial politics which were retarded and made the country into a shithole, but those aren't an element essential to socialism.


>Scandinavia is socialist because they give welfare to 3rd world migrants

why is the Dutchman doing "tHiS"?

USSR was state capitalism, which is why it sort of worked.

not even norway calls themselves socialist

He learned it on reddit, same place that told him Norway is a socialist country.

now I'm just gonna leave it to the dutch guy to reply "tHiS" to you, because you ask for it

There is a giant intranet, which contains more information then our internet. It has less people on it so a less deverse content but you can actually see a lot of info about the state and how everything works, it is a very transparent society. However there isn't a single "Capatalist' country where you can do that.

is there hentai

You can just acces the normal internet so, yes.

Concentration camp, mistreatment of inmates, people being forbidden to leave the country etc are all pretty much undeniable. Even if you call it "fake news" there's no evidence in support of North Korea that is even remotely as convincing as the opposite evidence we have now.
Anyway the "DPRK" is not socialist at all (neither de facto or de jure) so it doesn't matter to this thread

DPRK is a real socialist state and it has a promosing economic growth and self substainbality. The camps that we have seen after the korean war are closed already. Only some criminals are being detained in rough conditions but that's also the case in the USA.


>literally all of these statements

>I'm socially liberal but economically conservative!

Not at all, why would you rely on the biggest enemy of the DPRK for information about the DPRK? And if you look at how the country is managing to be self substainible with the thougest sanctions possible it is logical to conclude that their economic flexibility is on a whole different scale then the western countries.

>Evola was wrong

>DPRK is an africa tier shithole

I think socialism might actually work well once AI takes off.

Possibly. Socialism will only work when human nature is no longer a factor, but that could be tricky even with AI/robots.

He's right you know. The DPRK has what I think could be called a model society.

I didn't mean socialism actually. I meant state capitalism.

see >having famines despite major support from China equals perfect self-sustainability
>we only get information from the USA about North Korea, not from human rights organisations, people who fled the country etc
Pic related

why are you talking to that shitskin "dutch". he is some kind of a chechen or some other russian shitholeman.

"Socialism" here means social democracy, which has yielded the best quality of life elsewhere.

>capitalism is a sustainable economic model that benefits the average worker

>pseudoscientific rambling that can't be falsified

t. average worker that's currently benefiting from capitalism

>"guys, maybe universal healthcare is a good idea"

>I love jews, more money for my Jewish owner and less freedom for my fellow countryman is a good thing, Milton Friedberg said so!

>welfare state is socialism!!!!!!


>can't even own property or sell some apples

you have to read the whole book before making an opinion

Americans are the ultimate good goy. The standard used by which to measure how good other goy are.

>good goy... give all your property to the government!

Nice trolling dutchbro, may you sleep good tonight
Also dumb americans, I lold hard

>he was just pretending to be retarded
You're right to be embarrassed, europoor. Don't fight it.

Your silly self-righteous replies were funny. You obviously don't get a thing about political systems. I do not want you to get mad nor do i want to stay awake any longer.
Good night

t. another blithering idiot that thinks state welfare is socialism

Top yourself, fucking brainlet.

Did I say that? I actually live in a country that was socialist 30 years ago.

>I think socialism might actually work well once AI takes off.

Why would you think this? It makes no sense. It's the same as thinking automation will do the same.

No, the people whose jobs were erased will die in squalor and the companies will just get even richer with less people to pay.

Yeah but you're 15 years old so

>this butthurt, giving instant (yous) to random faggots messing with him

>that's currently benefiting from capitalism

Ever increasing costs of living, gaps in life quality, class gap widening, etc are benefits now?

>ITT: 2% somewhat decent discussion, 98% wojakposters/bait

>gee bill what has been heavily regulated over the past 50 years that may have caused this decline in propserity?

>It was the regulations that led to a handfull of companies controlling 90% of the country

Nice try

Define "control"

The government of canada will make sure the profits are taxed appropriately and quality of life increases