Hillary Email Leaks Reference to Moloch

The author of the notorious Moloch email, Lewis Amselem, has been directly accused of covering up the brutal kidnapping and sexual assault of an Ursuline nun in Guatemala.
Of particular not in Diana's story is the fact that she stated she couldn't remember anything about her life prior to the attack.

Here are some links, including Amselem's blog post about the email in question. Take note of the comments section, particularly the user Kepha.


>basic background on sexual assault


>interview with Ortiz


Other urls found in this thread:

jesus-is-savior.com/False Religions/Wicca & Witchcraft/owl.htm

I've been reading these since the first one and these are my thoughts:

Saturn is Kronos.

Therefore we can establish that time is very important to the elite.

Have they really been behind all major events in history as some videos would have you believe or are they changing history through moving ancient artifacts around and controlling religion, media, and the printing press?

As we can see from the Pyramids, Pentagram, and cubes, they seem to have known about 4 dimensions since ancient times and we all now know the 4th dimension is TIME. What is the significance of the 4th dimension that it requires safeguarding?

How did they find out?

As far as eschatology, one possibility is that it is predictive programming and everything will happen as the holy books say because they have written them.

She was burned 111 times with a cigarette. 111 in gematria can indicate a "burned offering or sacrifice".
As a few anons in the last thread mentioned, burning is the final part of the necessary steps for magic/occult/metaphysical action.

I highly recommend reading her account.


Pommy Cross, any relevance?

This was her necklace during the acceptance speech.

Continued from Denverbro thread. Some serious shit came up

Occult user (not the cranky one) from previous thread checking in.

Burning is one way a ritual can be Released.

The idea is to Release the focused energy. Submersion and Burying count so long as the Charged object is destroyed. That being said, holy fuck.

Video from the last thread

All the things this guy says seems to match perfectly, we need to go deeper and get more evidence.

He was only one person and came out with all these things I'm sure a team of basement dwelling autists can expand it more but we need to focus and get our shit together because rigth now we are headless.

I'm still reading her interview. Full amnesia, complete embassy defcon mode over it, massive coverup.
Amselem calls her a "lesbian nun in a violent tryst." Keep in mind he was the Human Rights Officer. Appointed by Bush.
She alleges they made her kill another woman. She was very likely a virgin, as she decided on her vocation very early in life.

From the first paragraph:

>>"Lewis Amselem, the head of the U.S.
>>delegation to the Organization of American
>>States (OAS), who called President Manuel
>>Zelaya’s return to his country “irresponsible”
>>and “foolish” was denounced years ago for
>>having concealed the identities of individuals,
>>one of whom was a U.S. national, who
>>tortured and raped a U.S. nun in Guatemala."


>>A horrible interrogation began during which
>>Ortiz (nun) was burned more than 100 times
>>with cigarettes and raped repeatedly by her
>>torturers, who ordered her to identify
>>“subversives.” The treatment was so rough
>>that she fainted.


>>The Guatemalan Defense Minister, Hector
>>Gramajo, said publicly that Dianna Ortiz had
>>made up her story, adding insults and
>>slanderous insinuations of a sexual nature.

>>Researching the subject, reporters from ABC
>>News identified the source of these
>>degrading rumors. They came from the
>>Office of Human Rights’ Lewis Amselem,
>>who upon being asked about them,
>>vehemently denied any involvement.

Reminded me of Cathy O'Brien, who claims she was an MKUltra sex slave of the Clinton's.


"Both Cathy O'Brien and Brice Taylor were victims of the CIA's MK-Ultra mind control program, which is designed to create human robots to serve functions ranging from prostitutes to couriers to killers.

Their families belong to secret satanic sects that sexually abuse their children generation after generation to produce the trauma which causes multiple personality disorder. In this traumatized condition the mind splinters into many compartments. Victims exhibit extraordinary powers of recollection and endurance and can be easily programmed to do anything."

The third link has incredible details. First Lady Hillary Clinton took a special interest in the case. From there, the government sprang into action and Sister Ortiz received the full benefits of a DoJ investigation...that failed multiple times on many basic investigative fronts and denied the Sister access to the report.

Anons, I think we may have broken through a dead end.

This Amselem feels very arrogant if his Twitter account and blogs are anything to go by. And he's a baby boomer from the upper middle class, so yeah, what you see is generally what you get.

Seen this. According to Magick practices, the Mind is extremely powerful when it comes to focusing Intent. Given the right dedication and attention towards a ritual, Intent can grow.

With your theory I would say that they're either focusing on one LONG drawn out ritual, or there have been MANY, MANY rituals practiced by groups who've had centuries of refining and application. Could be both, but the point is these people fucking with Occult have had years of experience. They know what they're doing, and it helps that they have more money and incentives to get their desired outcome.

Here's a site with details of all kinds of occult practices, everything from sacrificing chickens to vampirism to ritual homocide.

forgot to add site anthropoetics.ucla.edu/ap0902/sacrifice.htm


So as I'm digging into background about Ortiz, I stumble on this.
Hillary is apparently a member of a Calvinistic (twice tonight I see Calvinism mentioned) shadowy elitist prayer group called The Fellowship. Or was when she was a Senator.

To all those skeptics saying fuck off to /x/, you can't deny we are digging up solid information beyond occult themes.

The Fellowship membership confirms what we already knew: there is essentially no difference between the parties.

What do you think occult bro? Her description is horrifying obviously, and that coverup. Man, that coverup.


Uhh... This is from the Calvinistic Church. A song written for Hillary

>Saturn is Kronos.
Sorry to derail, but has anyone watched Mr. Robot? Is that transgender Asian woman Kronos? I got really surreal vibes from the end of that show like the whole thing was about gods playing with reality, even from the main character.

What in the name of christ. Oh God.

I don't think so mang. If anything she represents how dangerous China is today's cyberwarfare, I don't get an occult/paranormal vibe from her or the show in general. A lot of conspiracy stuff though.

>>First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton caused a
>>bigger stir when she invited Dianna into the
>>White House for a meeting and told her that
>>she would try to get an early release of some

>>I.O.B. officials told me repeatedly they were
>>awaiting the completion of a Justice
>>Department investigation into her case so
>>they could produce a full report on the
>>findings. But in late 1997, Frank Fountain,
>>counsel for the I.O.B. said there was not
>>enough intelligence information to warrant a
>>report, and the Justice Department decided
>>not to release its summation of its
>>investigation to the public. Not even Dianna
>>received a copy.

>>Dianna pressed to see the report, but Seikaly
>>refused to give her a copy and discouraged
>>her from filing a Freedom of Information Act
>>request to obtain one. "I told her a F.O.I.A.
>>request raised privacy issues," he said.


can we counter their evil occult with meme magic and shit posting?


fuck you, I almost chocked on my food from seeing that picture lmao

Same story covered in a different perspective by Washington Post in 1996

Worth nothing:

>>In Guatemala, the then-defense minister,
>>Gen. Hector Gramajo, was quoted as saying
>>that Ortiz's scars were the result of a bizarre
>>"lesbian love tryst." Gramajo, who has
>>admitted his own working relationship with
>>the CIA, said that he learned of the alleged
>>tryst from the U.S. embassy.

>>Who in the embassy? ABC News reported
>>that Lewis Amselem, then the embassy's
>>human rights officer, was responsible for
>>disseminating that rumor about the alleged
>>love tryst. Amselem later threatened to sue
>>ABC News but never did. Recently reached
>>for comment at his State Department office
>>in Washington, Amselem denies he made
>>the statement.

>Rick Santorum in that Fellowship

Seems like just some bible study group, but idk.

It actually makes a lot of sense when you think about a religion choice for Hilldog. I'm a Catholic but from what I understand about Calvinism, there is a certain amount of pre ordination involved, correct? I could see her taking to pre ordination like a Smug Pepe to Critical Mass.

Sorry this shit is dark as fuck and this Pepe I Pepejacked is one of my favorites.

Wait until you really start digging. Dark, dark shit.

Time is absolutely important. I found a website a few years back: armageddonconspiracy.co.uk (with all their stuff, over a million words, now deleted). They claimed to be the Illuminati. They say they date back to Pythagoras, and that they don't control the world, but are fighting against the people that do. They refer to the group in charge as the "Old World Order", among whom are Jewish Bankers, high-ranking Freemasons, and old money nobility, with the politicians and capitalists doing their bidding. Some of their politics were pretty lefty, but their stated goal was to get rid of cronyism and make sure that the people who run society were the most "meritorious" rather than cronies.

Among their historic ranks, they claim people like Pythagoras, Hegel, Leibniz, Goethe,
Robespierre, and Thomas Jefferson. They assert that the Abrahamic religions are evil, the true God is a product of evolution but for now we are ruled by a demiurge, and the fundamental nature of reality is mathematics.

Here's their take on math, and this is where it's related to Kronos. There are not just 4 dimensions, but 6, three real dimensions of space and 3 imaginary dimensions of time, with all mental activity (the domain of ideas, memes, and magick) takes place in zero dimensions, therefore can transcend space and time. The Star of David (seal of Solomon) is a powerful symbol that represents these six dimensions with intersecting triangles.

I have no idea the full implications of this interpretation of cosmology, but it definitely leaves room for mind control, meme magic, and evil spirits.

If you can find an archive of the website somewhere, you're in for a serious fucking read.

They sound like a bunch of faggots to be honest family

I strongly suspect he had direct knowledge and/or was involved. And while I don't normally dive into the full 14/88 mode by any means, certain Jewish people have made it clear that they despise the Church and its members. If he is such a one, He might take extra cultural glee in such a horrific and ugly rumor.

That last part might be completely wrong though. Aleister Crowley talked about degradation being key to certain homosexual sex magick rites he took part in, especially with another man, so maybe that's part of why he did it.

Why do people, with low IQ, find the occult and Illuminati fantasy world and references so titillating? You sound like niggers trying to explain how gravity works.

Our meme magic is powerful, but it isn't our only weapon. We can sow distrust in the elite through conversation and social media, we can keep digging and expose them, take real life political action, and even use force if we must. But yes, we can counter with meme magic, because this war is a war of ideas.


So ignore the Occult references if you like.

You're still left with 3 articles on 3 different websites written at separate times corroborating the same story.

Alrigh senpai, I gotta get to bed. Please have a Eurobro (or night owl Burger) screen cap and archive, especially when Masonic user jumps back in after he catches up.

Really feels like we pulled out of a stall. Nicely done to all!

Deus Vault, Excelsior, Freedom isn't free, dog bless, etc

Meme magic in its own place, these are articles directly involving Hillary and one of the people in her emails. Who else in that massive list has a shady connection waiting to be dug up?

They probably are, and most of it is probably bullshit, but there are nuggets of truth. They do name the Jew. What's really interesting is the 6 dimensions theory and how it could relate to the elite's symbolism.

Where can I read the Moloch email?

One sec, gonna pull the screen caps

time to show the elite a real cult!

We should do this, but remember they can kill us in almost plain veiw and because the populace trusts everything the government says, they won't even bat an eye. We have to be careful here.




Any user willing to do a FOIA on it?

She was obsessed with time, which is why I thought Kronos.
Somehow I got an impression that she and the person she was talking to at the end of season 1 were demons discussing how they manage these lesser beings for eternity;
and even that the main character was a god/deity with amnesia, extending the explicitly stated delusion of imaginary family members to an entire universe. It was implied when he made the entire crowd of revelers disappear, and the comparison with the imaginary family members was made when they talked about how he couldn't take the loneliness any more.
Maybe I had just been reading some suggestive literature before then.

Yeah. I feel like I have no choice as I don't understand. I wish it were a simple thing to break out of. It's not so clear that it's self-deception, or whatever. I don't believe I'm inherently too weak to face the truth, or that I have no courage. I guess I could be wrong about either or both.
I'm so lost. and I'm getting old and tired. I'm hoping there's still a chance for me. but I'm just one, ignorant, inexperienced, insecure person trying to fix myself. I wish I could find a book of conditioning to use on myself. Not behavioral, but to teach lessons.

Masonanon came back


i have to say the capitol building is the most insane thing i've ever seen when it comes to this stuff


>submit request
>commit suicide by putting myself into a duffel bag, shooting myself 9 times in the head and setting it on fire in the bathtub

It looks like Lewis Amselem might have been involved in the Honduran coup and election rigging.

Can someone please cap his posts for for the infographic?

Jesus Christ, the Moloch thing is clearly a joke. Just like Trump's comments on Russia.

The emails are damning enough, all this conspiracy shit is a distraction, and you're falling for it.

that guy started talking about aliens n shit and totally lost me tbqh but whatever

My theory is it's a good replacement for sky-daddy, someone who is wiser than us and responsible for how things are, but one we can possibly disagree with, and oppose, possibly by killing. You can't kill god or ultimately oppose what he has set in motion, but you could kill members of a global cabal and ruin their plans, or at least you could believe so.

We want someone to be responsible, for things to make sense.
I might be open to the possibility that it's simple materialism and it's all just random noise, but I think even that feels like superstition in the opposite pendulum swing from religion. I'd rather believe in the demiurge or Lovecraftian horrors or that we're an extra-dimensional being's ant-farm that will easily be forgotten than that we're a random blip from nothing to nothing and just the end. All this new-age hokum about simulation theory, infinite black holes spawning multiverses, and god forgetting itself to live out individual mortal lives makes more sense. I think not just because of "god of the gaps", but that things get spooky when you dive real deep. I haven't looked into the specialties and gaps in knowledge of scientists with religious convictions, but I get the impression that science is inspires faith.

Regardless of whether or not the Moloch thing is real, we still need to get down Amselem and the Honduras/nun rape thing in the mindmap.

Right now, from

Thanks f@m

This shit about sacrificing a chicken is in the email or was that added by the creator of the image?

On it, one sec

can someone please tell me the significance of this stuff? if all the elites worship moloch or whatever what does this change/mean for us/their plan?

not shilling pls tell

Are you even trying my friend? Learn to be a better shill, so many others tried this before and failed yet they still did a better job than you.

Here's Kepha's profile. 20 minutes ago the profile was blank and had 11 views. I think we woke him up.

They are definitely worshipping the Devil.

It doesn't matter if it is under the guise of a too hip for you, I'd tell you the name of my God but you've probably never heard of him before, frat house cultural and intellectually superior stage performance wankfest...

It's still ritual satanic worship, even if nobody takes it seriously.

I imagine most are just atheist, or just don't give a shit. But I have no doubt that there are certain folks involved that take it deadly serious.

Damn, won't let me post the link, but you can get to it from the blog post. Maybe Kepha knows something.

This hasn't stopped us before and it won't stop us now. Filter and move on, friend.


his blog


He seems very educated

When was this?

idk i think he mentioned it in some thread and said that we're on some fuckin space trade route or something ridiculous

idk if it was the same guy but i think it was. some 'secret society' member

Also was anyone here earlier today when all the weird satellite coordinates were posted in the thread?

I think we are talking about two different people?

we must be desu

This site has some good insight into the owl symbology
jesus-is-savior.com/False Religions/Wicca & Witchcraft/owl.htm

They're associating the owl with the demon Lillith who could transform into an owl and would take children away and murder them.

In ancient hebrew folklore she was also Adam's wife and she left the Garden of Eden and cheated on Adam with archangel Samael who's a deceiver/satan of sorts.

I think the Owl/Minerva rule in Hillary's emails might not be some cult rule, but some basic political speech rule about not stating things as a fact until one is sure. This relates to the myth of the owl of minerva which says that "the owl of Minerva spreads its wings only with the falling of the dusk"—meaning that philosophy comes to understand a historical condition just as it passes away; in the context of political speeches its pretty much saying that she's trying not to say something until it has become a historical fact. The other part with the "Minerva agrees" in the email is a bit more vague, though. Maybe it's just a coy way of saying "Smart!" since they're all so addicted to their symbology memes.

Either way this is all too fucked up. Being associated with Moloch/Lillith is damning enough. They're associated with killing children for christ's sakes.

And then there's the weird Sandy Hook connection here. Fuck it's kinda creepy thinking about how Sandy Hook could've been faked and the kids were taken away to become sex slaves or sacrifices for some Bohemian Grove cult.

Reminder that the Globalists are getting desperate and making mistakes because they're running out of time.

Reminder that pride cometh before the fall, and arrogance is the death of power.

>Sandy Hook could've been faked and the kids were taken away to become sex slaves or sacrifices for some Bohemian Grove cult.

thats so insanely fucked up its not even comprehendable

Here's an ancient babylonian relief sculpture showing Lillith surrounded by two owls.

Lilith is the mythological first wife of Adam. She, like Adam, was created by God "from the dust of the earth. . . in the image of God He created them, male and female He created them" (Gen. 1:27) being the first reference to human life in the Bible. It would seem that Eve came later, fashioned from a rib taken from Adam while he slept : ". . . this is to be called Woman, for this was taken from Man". (Gen. 2:24) This strange anomaly can only be explained by assuming that there was a female human before Eve. Since only Eve is subsequently present in the Garden of Eden, her predecessor must have departed before Eve's arrival on the scene. One can only assume that Lilith's near total absence (aside from oblique references to "screech owls") from the Judeo/Christian Bible is a matter of prejudice on the part of the male patriarchal authors.

Semitic legend describes Lilith as having a "base" nature and a taste for biting Adam and drinking his blood. She had refused to submit to Adam's authority (and a preference for being "on top"), and in a fit of pique, she uttered the ineffable name of God and flew up into the air, only to be cast down by God into the desert wastes where she took up residence. (The only mention of Lilith by name in the standard Christian Bible is in Isaiah, where a passing reference is made about her living in the desert.) Lilith is described as either a winged serpent or a screech owl (or a anthropomorphic combination thereof) who murders infants (it would appear from the perspective of modern medicine that infants who succumbed to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome would have been thought to have been victims of Lilith), and who torments men at night who sleep alone -- the original succubus."

Screencaps of the sources and cited portions of the paragraphs linking Hilary Clinton and Lewis Amselem to claims of the torture of a nun in Guatemala

And the more you learn about trauma-based mindcontrol/mindbreaking, the more the weird behaviour of the parents of the victims starts to sort of make sense. Apparently the trauma can force the mind to splinter into multiple compartments, each distinct on their own, and they become separate personalities with separate memories, and the whole person becomes more easily manipulated also.

Like that guy who was laughing before an interview even though his daughter had apparently died.


Maybe it wasn't a crisis actor and maybe it was a dad...but he's been broken by some sick cult mind control and we're just seeing one of his splinter personalities


"In modern mythology Lilith has become a symbol to many feminists of the independent woman, who refuses to submit to the control of men. While this is certainly an aspect of her egregore, there is a strong sexual component to Lilith's nature that must also be recognized. She is more than just an "uppity woman", she is the power of primal lust in female form. And also, she is Death, and this cannot be ignored when working with her magically."

>>I think the Owl/Minerva rule in Hillary's
>>emails might not be some cult rule, but some
>>basic political speech rule about not stating
>>things as a fact until one is sure.

This fits the context of the email

>>The other part with the "Minerva agrees" in
>>the email is a bit more vague

This shit still throws me off though

Found this, might have some details not in the articles.

Dianna Ortiz v. Guatemala, Case


>laugh at Alex Jones for years for being the epitome of tinfoil hat
>he was right all along

Welp, I'm heading off to bed. Will catch up in the morning.

Alex Jones is woke as fuck and he has risked his own life to continue swallowing some of the biggest redpills of our society.


But how does Amselem fit?

Found this article about Amsleem


Sister Dianna’s memoirs mention Lewis Amselem, Ortiz wrote:

>“…after a U.S. doctor had counted 111 cigarette burns on my back alone, the story changed. In January 1990, the Guatemalan defense minister publicly announced that I was a lesbian and had staged my abduction to cover up a tryst. The minister of the interior echoed this statement and then said he had heard it first from the U.S. embassy. According to a congressional aide, the political affairs officer at the U.S. embassy, Lew Amselem, was indeed spreading the same rumor. “In the presence of Ambassador Thomas Stroock, this same human rights officer told a delegation of religious men and women concerned about my case that he was ‘tired of these lesbian nuns coming down to Guatemala.’ The story would undergo other permutations. According to the Guatemalan press, the ambassador came up with another version: he told the Guatemalan defense minister that I was not abducted and tortured but simply ‘had problems with [my] nerves.’"

>So yesterday was not the first time that Amselem revealed a mean-spirited streak to blame the victims of human rights violations. Most disturbingly, Secretary Clinton – who met with Sister Dianna in the 1990s and expressed sympathy and solidarity – should already know this history.

Reading through some of Masonicanon's posts, I think what he's been trying to give us clues towards is the secret meeting locations of his specific order of the Masons. From all the specific locations, clues about hidden doors/entrances, and hidden tunnels, I think he's trying to tell us where they perform rituals.

But another thought has crept on me....

Is masonicanon working for us or against us? What if he/she wants us to come give their order a visit during one of their ceremonies? What if he/she is actually trying to lure us into a trap so that they can have a free sacrifice to Moloch or Minerva or Lillith or whatever? It would be an easy way to get rid of someone who has knowledge about something while at the same time giving them a free sacrifice without making them get their hands dirty.

What if masonicanon is dangling bait in front of us to lead us into a trap that will silence us if we were to follow it?

I like how in this video you can hear lots of frogs. Evidently, Lord Kek keeps a close watch on his mortal enemy Moloch.

Praise Kek

Praise kek! Grant me dubs if I should be so deserving!

ah I see, more sacrifices it is then

Whoa, I googled the name Daniel Seikaly, who was in charge of the investigation in this case, and found this:


Basically, it was an investigation about whether or not the anthrax during the post 9/11 "anthrax letter scare" came from America or not. Apparently, he was in charge of the investigation and pleaded the fifth "about leaking the hyped Hatfill stories that derailed the Amerithrax investigation for 7 years."

Shit. That was a huge story at the time to carry on the fear of 9/11, and this guy was at the heart of it? Literally all I had to do was google his name and you find that shady stories follow these people like an awful shroud.

moloch isn't real
meme magick isn't real

go back to /x/

Sacrifices aren't required young disciple. Simply partake in the development of current and future memes, and you will be rewarded.

Another connection came to me. The owl was also used in connection to Egyptian mythology, mainly being represented by Horus: son of Isis and Osiris.

Horus gets his eye stolen by Set, his brother. The eye of Horus becomes an important symbol in Egyptian mythos, and DING DING DING, illuminati symbology as well (all seeing eye above the pyramid). The eye represents protection, good health, and royal power. Horus' eye also represents the goddess Wadjet who is the patron saint of the land. Wadjet in the Egyptian language meant the "green one" or "the risen one". Both which can be seen referenced by the dollar bills the US uses.

Symbology gets pretty deep since its basically ancient memes that have been used over and over by different civilizations for slightly similar purposes. It's important to know where they come from and what all their meanings could be are. It will give us the clues we need to understand just what they mean NOW.

Go to bed, Hillary.

But she hasn't had her Metamucil yet

That's definitely a possibility, user.

It could be one of two things: Masons don't know really who they're working for until they make it to the higher levels, and I imagine some, when they get to that higher echelon, might be a little weirded out by this Satanic/Luciferian/Paganist stuff. Now, they're culled and carefully chosen at every step of the way, so I imagine its rare for pangs of conscience to happen, but they definitely have in the past, according to history's long line of ex-Masons.

So he's either trying to lure us into a trap/intentionally misleading us, or he is one of those rare high level masons who, when finding out its true nature, being acting as double agents, using their insider knowledge to help spread the truth. Some take the form of whistle-blowers of course, but they often wind up dead, as history shows. So he might be taking this cryptic route as a means to save his own skin.

The thing is, we can't really know. All we can do is try and be discerning with everything he gives us. If it seems fishy, it might very well be dangerous. But since we can't ever know for certain his true allegiances, everything he gives us is worth considering.