Leinster geography edition.
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1st for the west!
you may only post ITT if you can name 5 2016 eire personalities
Hi take back your 10,000 illegals in Boston xx thanks ^^
Who are you?
Why can't the Irish fish
you may only post ITT if you can put all 5 fingers and thumb up your bum whilst also posting a smug anime picture
What have you been up to?
Who are you?
Excellent edition.
Hey, if you send them back, we won't oppose you. We don't want to be supportive of people who break immigration law.
A faggot.
>Who are you?
Why do you keep asking this?
What's your personality name?
>if you send them back, we won't oppose you
>condemning an entire generation to living with Bawstan accents
Just trying to update my database. >.>
>all 5 fingers and thumb
I think the Irish education system is failing.
Lads, all this mixed splainning, what's going on
What are you?
you're a real pedantic nignog so you are. Must be great craic at parties
Its a joke lad ffs
Why are you mad?
You have to go back.
>going to parties
Normies amach.
Guuurrrgggghhhh, wat is this
As what?
>says the lad who went to one only a week ago
My ancestors had more potatoes than yours lel
t. east
Which personality are you?
I'm not one, personalities post Kancolle
Are you impllying that somebody from /éire/ other than Lux has been to a party recently?
Wrong lad.
Less than half of /éire/'s current personalities post Kancolle though.
Boys with girls names.
Girls with boys names.
Superior to everyone else. Actually nevermind. Names should be genderless.
They've started using my name recently for the opposite sex which is weird.
I'm new
What is your name?
What is your name are what are your gimmicks?
How is my second favorite island doing?
Very good thank you Finlan.
What is your job Trinity?
What do you want from me?
I don't get it
hi micks
/nederdraad/ is celebrating their 1000 post anniversary
you are all invited and very much welcome to come celebrate and discuss Dutch culture with us :)
Good, good. Now give me a red hair Irish qt Also, what's Finland in Irish?
I'm the local toothpaste,do not challenge me or be destroyed like the rest
Trying to search "what does sex feel like?" on reddit but it just keeps crashing.
>give me a red hair Irish qt
Okay sir.
>what's Finland in Irish?
An Fhionlainn. Would be nice if it was a Gaelicisation of Suomi instead but alas.
Salty bags of sand.
The most unoriginal and predictable response.
The most unoriginal would omit the salty though.
Well, what do you expect when you are looking for the answer to such a stupid question?
How is that a stupid question?
Milky coins.
>How is that a stupid question?
Regardless, why would you even be looking for the answer to that question anyway?
How is it not?
why would I not be looking for an answer to that question? You're stupid I think.
t. Shannon (male)
Why is Tilberg's flag Sweden's flag but with a square in it?
t. Malachy (female)
>actually answered my meme question
Thank you kind! May I ask about the Gaelicisation of Suomi? I believe that it would be much more suitable
the colors come from the historical coat of arms but the design is comittee designed in the late 90's. as far as i know there's no symbolic meaning
Irish is a very lazy language when it comes to naming stuff outside of Ireland to be fair.
I was sexually abused as a child. Feelsbadman
Stop drinking
Jaggy here. AMA
idirlíon is quite a good word desu
>May I ask about the Gaelicisation of Suomi?
There isn't one that I know of.
>I believe that it would be much more suitable
Me too. It's the same with how most other languages' words for Ireland derive from the English word Ireland instead of Éire. Maybe in the future things will change, like how Iran got everyone to call them Iran instead of Persia.
Newfoundland is the only place outside of Europe to have a unique Irish name that isn't just a Gaelicisation. Even within Europe, the unique names are probably confined to Ireland and Britain
>pretending to be me
I used to get it confused with idirbhliain. They sound almost identical.
I have returned.
>another night alone in this shithole of a country
Not sure whether to drink myself blind or just go to my cold empty bed now
>not knowing Jaggy's actual tripcode
Would like to announce myself as the newest personality with the most joyous of fanfare
Keep trying, sweetie.
fuck u
real jaggy here
I'd never say something like that.
i am jaguar
4 hashes?
Give it a rest.
Stop shitposting
>New Brunswick was going to be called New Ireland
>king of England vetoes it
5 hashes?
Happy St Patrick's Day
Brunswick is German scum.
calle giola
>New Brunswick
Looks like quite a sad place desu,wouldn't like it weighing down the prestige of the name "Ireland"
Still better than a small island beside Papua New Guinea though
It was a very popular destination for famine victims though and the Irish language survived there for some time.
Also this
I was referring only to placenames.
Don't worry, once you join us and the Japanese,we'll name an asteroid after every county on the Island
What country would be better?