Democrats of Sup Forums

I obviously voted Bernie in the primaries, and I am no fan of Trump. If the parties nominee we're Hillary, and she had won fairly, then my vote would go to her.

But we are in strange waters here, we either have to let our party become undemocratic, or we jump ship for parties we don't agree with.

I suppose after 8 years of Obama, we can't just keep getting the same, nothing good lasts forever.

Other urls found in this thread:

If you vote for Trump, there's a good chance that Hillary will be sent to prison.

Think about it:

What if the most powerful woman in politics had to pay for her crimes like everyone else?

What if Trump ISN'T going to be the next Adolf Hitler?

What if he turns out to be a guy who just wants to Make America Great Again?

>let our party become undemocratic
What do you mean? We're abolishing the superdelegates (unfortunately, it's up to each state delegation, so it'll take time), and historically, they have yet to decide an election anyhow.

>I suppose after 8 years of Obama, we can't just keep getting the same, nothing good lasts forever.
I don't follow this. You disapprove of Obama?
my Bernie or bust friend told me to watch this, I agree and everything, but still...
I have really liked the Obama presidency.

>democrats have shifted to the right

Please, don't even fucking think about Trump. USA not preserving status quo would be a fucking disaster.


They have.

Identity politics is just a symptom of ultra-capitalist individualism.

>democrats have shifted to the right

Ur right left classidication is fucked up nither the economy or trade got freer nor did society became more conservative

Vote Stein. Seriously, she's a leftist like Bernie. Hillary is a globalist 80s Republican.

They're called "neo-liberal" for a reason. They're social liberals with conservative economic agendas. And by conservative, I mean current-year conservatism, which includes a social state.

Vote Stein

>Implying hillary didn't adopt Bernie's platform to appeal to BernieBros
If you identify as a Dem and won't vote for Clinton you are putting Trump in the white house.

>mfw chomsky will die in our lifetime

You can tell by the way this is written that you never were a Democrat but I'll entertain you: if you live in a swing state then vote for Hillary, otherwise voice your protests in another way.

Stay peaceful.

quit being a faggot and make america great again

Noam Chomsky is a retard.
>hur dur im an anarchist who supports big government
>hur dur im da REAL libertarian
>hur dur muh labor theory of value
>hur dur im an anarchist but ur not allowed to own property or else
>hur dur syndicalism

>Democrats of Sup Forums
Go back to your liberal hellhole you BBC-loving communist redditor. Sup Forums has been and always will be a right-leaning board. If you want to talk about sucking nigger dick and giving taxpayer dollars to filthy illegals you can go do that on facejew, not here. Get the fuck off of this board.

Vote for a third party

It started with bill Clinton the reason you are confused is because the Republicans have shifted so far right as well and Bernie made sure that changes

I don't give a fuck anymore. I don't care about politics at this point.

I'm here to make fun of christcucks and bitter virgins.

Nice temper tantrum you fucking 8th grader lmao

How do you democrats even contemplate voting for Hillary with what she has done to Libya and Syria?

And then she practically announces she is planning to start a large scale war with Russia if elected by trying even harder to overthrow the Syrian government.

It would be like GWB announcing he planned to let terrorists destroy WTC and start pointless wars on false information before he was even elected

European, Australian and Asian allies will likely face nuclear attack if Hillary initiates large scale conflict with Russia and China. But most American democrats are more concerned with domestic partisan issues. You fucking bastards need to do something about your party even if it costs you an election. You have to spread the information among democrat voters.

Democrat voters are the only ones who can prevent the war with any certainty, if you support her it's likely she can win.

I'm not voting for Hillary almost solely because of Russia. I've always been some what of a Blue Dog, but after seeing Libya? And the leaked Emails? The party I've been a part of is dead. Replaced by (or always was) a group of elites who guilt people into voting for them while doing the same shit Bush did in the Middle East. I don't want to see our relationship with Russia get even worse.

Not only that, after Chelsea Clinton said they were gonna try to ban handguns, I realized that I liked the idea of my daughter having a gun in her purse. Where the fuck did both parties go?

>I'm not voting for Hillary almost solely because of Russia. I've always been some what of a Blue Dog, but after seeing Libya? And the leaked Emails? The party I've been a part of is dead. Replaced by (or always was) a group of elites who guilt people into voting for them while doing the same shit Bush did in the Middle East. I don't want to see our relationship with Russia get even worse.
>Not only that, after Chelsea Clinton said they were gonna try to ban handguns, I realized that I liked the idea of my daughter having a gun in her purse. Where the fuck did both parties go?
I think we all need to put our differences aside and work together to stop Hillary and WW3. We can all go our separate ways and resume arguing about what we want in the future when we are confident there will be a future for any of us.

>I obviously voted Bernie in the primaries

How do you feel about the assfucking that DNC under Debbie Wasserman Schultz (now a Hillary employee more directly) gave to Bernie supporters?


even bernie sanders would be considered right-wing in most of the world.