>Pope Francis encouraged hundreds of thousands of young people at a global gathering of the faithful Sunday to "believe in a new humanity" that is stronger than evil and refuses to see borders as barriers.
>Earlier in his pilgrimage, Francis had expressed dismay that many people and places aren't welcoming enough to refugees or those fleeing poverty in their homelands.
Funny how the first "liberal" pope is going to fuck up christianity the most....
Thomas Reed
He's pushing politics
This guy is a false Christian
Brayden Bell
>Implying the Poles will do anything
Jordan Perez
I was raised as a catholic and live in a country that was strongly catholic until the 1970s... but god damn it's not only the pope who is spreading this liberal nonsense, local priests and bishops are following him
Can you recommend a protestant denomination or something?
Tyler Nelson
If you feel you have to convert, go to Orthodoxy. Protestants are heretics.
Sebastian Russell
The first JESUIT
Ryder Carter
Isn't it a little bit odd to be orthodox as a westerner?
Thomas Walker
Pope is an antiquated worm that gives only specticle in trade for cuckoldry.
Logan James
Dumbass cucktholicks will follow this globalist shill anyway
James Perez
We missed our only chance
He was at auschwitz and all we needed to do was lock the gate to be free of his stupidity
We failed...
Isaiah Sullivan
Yeah perhaps, maybe protestants are different in Belgium, but over here they're heretics.
Christian Perry
A latin american who hates borders? who'd have guessed?
John Lopez
I recall an incident involving a very high tower that the Pope may want to consider
Nicholas Wood
I wish I could convert to Orthodoxy but I can't stomach the icons or their high mariology
Camden Jenkins
How does 'belief in a new humanity' help you when your head is being sawn off with a blunt knife?
Brody Bailey
Ever consider the possibility that maybe you guys might be wrong? Step back away from your selves and take a more thoughtful look at what's going on.
Daniel Rogers
The sole purpose of Belgium literally was to have a country without protestants, so we've never had any because they all moved to Holland. But Anglicans are indeed a literal meme. I was looking more in the direction of calvinism, lutheranism or presbyterianism
Dylan Gomez
I dont think it is a coincidence that his predaccessor who was very conservative had to step down which only happened one time before in the entire history of the church.
Jose Morales
what's wrong with the mariology?
Eli Diaz
I care about the continuing existence of my race, therefore I will support stances that support that agenda.
Charles Jenkins
You either believe a man is infallible (satanism) or you believe that God is (Christianity).
Alexander Parker
I don't know anything about those. Here we have mainly Anglicans, some Baptits and Jehovas, and some Catholics. Just do whatever is best for you I guess.
Andrew Rogers
>Catholics using their positions of fake authority for political nonsense that's not even remotely rooted in doctrine, just like they've done for thousands of years
Color me surprised
Landon Richardson
This Pope is the Antipope.
He serves Satan.
Hunter Robinson
>but god damn it's not only the pope who is spreading this liberal nonsense, local priests and bishops are following him I always confuse Belgium with Romania and I was very surprised by your words before I moused over your flag.
William Myers
Argentina, explain this shit
Nathan Murphy
I don't see how peace and compassion are going to help when you've got an AK47 pointed at you by some mudslimes...
Austin Davis
There are tradinionalist movements within Catholic Church and I'm still convinced that this organization is salvageable, there's also SSPX fsspx.be/
Oliver Lewis
What's "going on" is that the leftists seem to think that treating the influx of Muslims with 'compassion' (the reality of which is closer to subservience) will lead to their assimilation of Western ideals. The one tiny hitch is that they're dealing with fanatics who treat 'compassion' with contempt and who will destroy everything they cannot enslave as they consume the resources which are the product of the tolerance they so despise even as they exploit it.
Save the tolerance for those who will return it.
Carter Parker
>Catholicucks will believe this man Top kek
Carter Carter
Time to reverse the popelarity.
Adam Fisher
I just looked up Orthodox beliefs in Mary and I see they reject things like the Immaculate conception. I always thought they were identical to Catholics with regard to Mary. Going to do more research on the Church since that was a major stumbling block for me.
Joseph Ortiz
Since when is the Pope supposed to stick his nose in the affairs of other countries?
Jesus put it very plainly. "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and Render unto God that which is God's". Christianity was never meant to influence matters of state. Worldly and spiritual matters are to be separated at all times.
Adam Stewart
Our revenge for y'all making fun of us
Grayson Cruz
1. They aren't fleeing poverty, they're coming for handouts, as illustrated by the fact that they refuse to remain in countries which "only" house and feed them, rather than provide them with luxuries and stipends, also how they pass through literally dozens of countries on their way to wherever it is they actually want to go. 2. Their culture is inherently evil and dangerous to all men, and allowing them in, without recanting their religion, is actively harming your countrymen, both materially and in terms of the decline of Christianity 3. The bible says to help those who need it, not permanently resettle them in your backyard. 4. It's actually impossible to solve poverty by immigration even if you wanted to: youtube.com/watch?v=LPjzfGChGlE
Caleb Hill
That fucking heathen
Colton Gutierrez
Pushing politics? Unlike the previous popes, who were entirely apolitical?? Are you some kind of idiot? Religion is political.
Jonathan Hall
fugg :DD :DDD
Cooper Kelly
>has no idea what an antipope actually is
Stop, its so embarrassing. Just shut up.
Easton Smith
God damn, the audacity of this fucking cuck pope.
Parker Lopez
They're also in the belief that all the values and rights they care about are set in stone, and that it won't just take a stroke of a pen to erase all of them if muslims ever become the majority.
Gabriel Allen
>The Pope sympathizing with Saracens
Literally a false pope.
Jeremiah Wilson
But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.
Cameron Butler
>Not ex-cathedra
Into the trash it goes
Nathaniel Green
He's not mine pope.
Tyler Russell
I don't even go to church or anything, I just believe in christ and god and try to be a good person as much as possible. Seriously, catholicism is beyond corrupt, I've heard the priest in my church doesn't even accept the black coins(1, 2, 5 cents) and gets extremely happy whenever tourists give him notes.
Samuel Carter
The Anglican Church of England is the one true Church anyway you fucking heathens. Our church literally has the best of all denominations combined into one.
Liam Cooper
That shit's gay as fuck. It's really no surprise Christcucks are leaving the religion by the millions, it's a faggy social justice/"pacifist" clusterfuck these days.
Michael Phillips
That verse means don't chimp out over an insult
Additionally, the concept is not to fuck someone up over a personal slight. Not to allow OTHERS of your OWN PEOPLE to suffer because of the evil of foreigners.
Cameron Miller
Nice quads. The problem with the left is that they're more defined by an affiliation of those (traditionally) not in power than through any solid confluence of beliefs. Ultimately, as they gain power and swell their ranks the overwhelming contradictions of their beliefs become more apparent, hence the need to have a system of 'privilege' to determine who deserves more 'respect' (read: power). Whether deliberate or not, Muslims seem to fall at the top of the pile of those who need 'protecting' (they would say from the hurtful abuse of others, I would contend it's more from reasoned criticism), one could cynically assume this is because they maintain rigid voting patterns and reproduce prodigiously, ensuring continued support (at least, until the Islamists can completely usurp authority).
Anthony Bailey
Turning the other cheek (IE, ignoring petty insults) is all well and good, but what if they try to behead you?
Angel Cooper
Well what have you expected from him? U mad?
Wyatt Richardson
Jace Smith
I'm Catholic. I want to become orthodox now.
Leo Sullivan
Then you turn the other neck.
Hudson Cox
Then you can do a full 360 and turn both cheeks, since your head is free of the pesky ligaments of your neck.
Aaron Gonzalez
Are they sure the didn't appoint a jew as pope?
Isaac Long
Daniel Green
Umm, his country (my country) doesn't have walls
Argentine immigration law is pretty much "everyone can come in, and there's no such thing as an illegal immigrant!"
Levi Foster
>I'm still convinced that this organization is salvageable that's deluded. I was raised in a very religious family, but this denomination of Christianity has become a joke. We are almost as bad as protestacucks
Oliver Diaz
Orthcucks are the same. Just pandering to a different audience. All christianity is anti-white cuckshit
Matthew Perez
Bro we Orthodox venerate Virgin Mary as much as Catholics do, you sure you read the right thing?
Mason Gomez
A country founded by foreign colonists who killed/bred out the natives has no problem with mass immigration you say? Shocker.
Aaron Taylor
>everyone can come in, and there's no such thing as an illegal immigrant
I have a lock on my chicken coop because people might steal my chickens at night. I don't need to put a lock on my pile of chicken shit.
Charles Miller
literally heresy
Jayden Davis
>Medipack turning up the heat
When will christcucks on this board stop arguing over which denomination has the biggest cuckshed. The cucking started with Jesus Cuckst himself and his spread the other cheek shit. ABANDON ALL SEMITIC RELIGIONS
Sebastian Collins
Aaron Ross
>all these protestant heretics spreading insecurity on accounts of satan >all these orthodox LARPers pretending they are catholics >all these catholics with a weak faith who want to convert so they can find a le sekrit klub in which to hide and LARP without fighting satan ans his power in this world
Absolutely Disgusting
Luis Perry
>arab invasion a good thing Look if you want brownies to bang your wife that's your thing but don't call it divine revelation
Xavier Fisher
Dude come on. You know damn well that the basis of Catholicism (papal infallibility) has been proven wrong, unless we admit that God wants us to go the way of the dodo, which I'm frankly not fond of
Isaac Wright
this guy is literally a false prophet revelations are upon us
Asher James
you fucking faggot it's your prime minister who is inviting them, not the pope. He only asks to treat people nicely once your shit politicians impose millions of them living among us. Either way this has nothing to do with Catholicism itself. You faggots are so far gone into materialism and secular thinking that you can only think on very poor and shallow level. >le pope said muslims are humans >wtf I hate catholicism now You have abandoned the concept of what it means to believe in God and to be religious, so you judge everything according to your vanity and your puerile post-modernist thinking. And yes, alt-right "muh SJW" thinking is as post-modernist as it gets
Jonathan Adams
Can this pope just die already
Dominic Harris
>You know damn well that the basis of Catholicism (papal infallibility) has been proven wrong it hasn't >unless we admit that God wants us to go the way of the dodo, so you abandon God, become secularized, shit all over his Law and his Covenant, and then complain you are ending up like the fucking dodo? Unless Europe becomes Catholic and pious again, it is inevitable that we get fucking destroyed. >b-b-but muh Pope said muslims are humans >s-s-so it's all because of that we are retarded open your fucking eyes and look at what got us here. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about
Julian Moore
>not the pope Yes the pope. Don't you read news?
>He only asks to treat people nicely No he specifically asks to take in more. He literally went full fuck boarders n laws n shit.
>this has nothing to do with Catholicism itself wat
>You faggots are so far gone into materialism and secular thinking that you can only think on very poor and shallow level. No. I just oppose immigration
>le pope said muslims are humans >wtf I hate catholicism now Nice strawman. Do you really think not letting a mud into your country and wife accounts as inhumane? You're beyond saving but I guess it makes sense your a catholic
>You have abandoned the concept of what it means to believe in God and to be religious, so you judge everything according to your vanity and your puerile post-modernist thinking. No
Oliver White
>Unless Europe becomes Catholic and pious again Do you think it's going to happen with what the current pope supports? >mass islamic immigration >low native birthrates >RIP Christian Europe
Leo Sanchez
The holy talking head has spoke again. How worthless he is. Also, I've never met a 'young person' who gives one fuck about what the pope says unless they are Hispanic or Phillipino
James Howard
>Yes the pope. Don't you read news? Yes. Who has the political power that allows immigration. The Pope or Merkel?
>No he specifically asks to take in more. >He literally went full fuck boarders n laws n shit Nice paraphrasing faggot. He only says to treat people we invite here humanely. Once they come here they should be treated with dignity. That is catholic humanism. However, it is not him the one who is inviting them and giving them welfare money.
>No. I just oppose immigration Still doesn't have anything to do with Catholicism
>Nice strawman That's literally how you faggots think >Do you really think not letting a mud into your country and wife accounts as inhumane? It depends on the situation. The point is that the Pope is speaking about the ones Merkel invites. It's you krauts fault for inviting them in the first place. >You're beyond saving but I guess it makes sense your a catholic nice argument faggot >No Yes, your reasoning proves it
Joshua Allen
>Unless Europe becomes Catholic and pious again Yes. Do I have to remind you that it was Catholicism that stopped Islam from conquering Europe countless times?
>Do you think it's going to happen with what the current pope supports? Holy shit how dense do you have to be to understand that the Pope has no political power? Literally no head of state nowadays gives a shit about what he says. Almost nobody among the faithful does either. When he expresses his personal opinions on news, his word is as important as mine or yours. Futhermore, so what if he supports it? He is not going to live forever, and it's not like his fucking opinions about le current year meme policy will affect you 2 years from now or even ever. Why are you faggots so shallow and ignorant you can't see that the rejection of God is exactly what brought us into this mess in the first place?
Jackson Edwards
This pope is 100% retarded.
Brody Scott
The pope has the power over the people that believe in God making them believe that it would be wrong as a catholic to not accept and treat those "poor victims" nicely leading to those people voting on politics that support mass third world invasion.
the current pope is the antichrist
Ethan Kelly
Andrew Gray
>Do I have to remind you that it was Catholicism that stopped Islam from conquering Europe countless times? I know full well, but now it seems that the catholic church is working with islam, instead of opposing it >Holy shit how dense do you have to be to understand that the Pope has no political power? He doesn't, yet his word is pretty influential. He could at least speak out about the threat of islamization, but he never does, not even when his priests are beheaded in a church >Futhermore, so what if he supports it? Well I feel betrayed by my own church if it's head supports replacing me and my religion > and it's not like his fucking opinions about le current year meme policy will affect you 2 years from now or even ever. The consequences of him not fighting islamization will. And they won't affect just me but all generations of European Christians to come. >Why are you faggots so shallow and ignorant you can't see that the rejection of God is exactly what brought us into this mess in the first place? I completely agree. Yet I think that the first entity who abandoned God was the church itself
William Watson
>founded by Jesus
why did you save this guy's retarded post
Parker Ward
>implying turning the other cheek is merely a sign of weakness
Its meaning is way deeper than that. It's a sign of resilience. One can offend your faith, but he may not stop you from believing. In short, most of the time loltheists use it on christians in the wrong way. If it was truly applied in its meaning, most catholics would just nod to said loltheist and go on. Remember this each time someone uses that verse against you, christians.
Carter Ortiz
>The pope has the power over the people that believe in God making them believe that it would be wrong as a catholic to not accept and treat those "poor victims" It is catholic to accept and treat poor victims. The problem here is that too many of them are not poor victims. Also you don't seem to understand that the "humanism" of today has nothing to do with catholicism. It only uses catholicism as some sort of heritage, being the original true humanism spawned from catholicism in the middle ages. It's a bit like claiming "muh human rights" as heritage of allowing transexuals to use female bathrooms. It creates a faux connection in people brain that something is genuine where as it isn't. Either way western politicians are not doing this for humanism anyway, and even if the Pope was against it, the average normalfag would be still welcoming them in virtue of the new humanism, because they have rejected the old one. You don't understand that this world has turned their back to God and their ways of thinking are already the product of malevolent influences. If we were all REAL catholics and hadn't created "multicultural libertine societies full of hate" we'd have no problem kicking out Islam, like we did countless times with the blessing of the Church countless times. The Church is the sum of its components. You blame the Pope but in truth it is us ourselves that we should blame. Our everyday actions and our everyday thoughts. We don't see how they affect the world but they do, and when we finally notice the consequences, it is too late. Too easy to blame a comment by the Pope on the fact that we've allowed Satan to go rampant in our society.
Andrew Miller
This. They elected him as a way to bring more lefties back to the church, but the problem is those people will never go to mass in the first place.
Gabriel Hall
Jew pope in his jew cap. What the fuck happened to the tall hats.
Michael Bennett
>I know full well, but now it seems that the catholic church is working with islam, instead of opposing it It is the western world that is working with Islam, or rather is working against itself. The Church right now is at its weakest probably since her foundation, because it's the faithful themselves who are swept by secular doctrines that subtly make them de facto non-catholic >He doesn't, yet his word is pretty influential.. it is not. The media only tells you what he says when they agree with him. Otherwise they completely ignore him. It almost looks like he only speaks about refugees if you look at newspapers. That's clearly not true. They use him and you let them use him by judging him based on their propaganda. I don't like this Pope either, but my critic isn't just "refugees? wtf I hate the pope now". >Well I feel betrayed by my own church if it's head supports replacing me and my religion You shouldn't >The consequences of him not fighting islamization will. And they won't affect just me but all generations of European Christians to come. So who is fighting islamization? All right-wing parties in Europe are literal good goys and gatekeepers. Unless people really say fuck you to the ideologies and heresies that have allowed our society to change for the worse, muslims will never be kicked out. You are looking at the consequences, but not at the causes. If you don't give up hedonism, liberalism, marxism, etc etc. in their entirety none of the consequences will be solved. >Yet I think that the first entity who abandoned God was the church itself Part of the Church certainly did. But we were warned about that. We were warned about the smoke of Satan. We were also promised that the Immaculate Heart will triumph. Don't you trust God to save His Church? He has saved it for 2000 years and he will do it again. He is testing us as he always does. If we lose the faith, everybody will lose the battle no matter how much people change their mind about muslims
Tyler Young
I'm not placing blame solely on the pope, but he does have a finger on it.
Ayden Hill
Can someone explain how this man became pope? Surely he had spoken about these beliefs before?
Is there a way to get a pope impeached? Surely the rest of the congregation in the vatican cant all agree with this shit?
Daniel Flores
We have two popes though. I suggest you read some Ratzinger theology
Zachary Reed
this desu.
What's happened is the liberals are simply dying, while, traditionalist like SSPX outside the Church, and those inside like FSSP are growing. Liberals like Pope Francis are a dying breed
>"believe in a new humanity" that is stronger than evil and refuses to see borders as barriers. literally Falun Gong-tier
Connor Carter
All this fucking tower of Babel talk coming from the pope.
Really makes you reflect.
Lincoln Thompson
Caleb Turner
Globalist puppet anti-pope pushing jew politics
50+ officially acknowledged anti-popes in 2000 years, one every 40 years on average, they all had a huge following among the clergy and laymen, yet their names and deeds were erased from the church records.
If Ratzinger dies there will be a sedisvacancy until a new pope is elected (and obviously not by the godless cabal that elected this one against the will God).
The name of this fake pope is Bergoglio, not 'pope francis'.