It blows my mind how some people don't understand that demographics shape everything. If you fail to unite demographics then everything will be lost in the long run. The Republicans openly admitted that they lost in 2012 because Romney didn't pull in enough Hispanics. The Democrats have plans to legitimise 11 million illegal immigrants and considering the vast majority of minorities vote for them this will only give the Dems a huge electoral advantage for years to come.
The Republicans attempted to sign away their last chance of ever winning a presidency by shilling for the usual bible-thumping dickhead who continually loses (Cruz) even though Trump smashed the record amount of primary votes and brought far more voters to the GOP than Romney did. They think there's no hope left even though Trump is their best shot at winning the election, he was a fucking juggernaut in the primaries and he destroyed everyone.
This election matters because if Hillary wins, the GOP is dead and it will have deserved it. The Democrats let more people in, they'll give out those citizenships and you basically lost not just the election, you lost everything. Look at California, once upon a time it was a deep red state. It voted for Ronald Reagan and George H.W Bush but thanks to immigration it's now a permanent blue state, it'll never go red again in your lifetime. Texas and other crucial states are quickly turning purple, once they flip it's lights out.
>"Texas...PURPLE? That will never happen, it'll stay Republican."
Sorry but the demographics are radically changing thanks to Democrat leadership and because of that Texas is inching slightly towards the Democrats and there's really jack shit you can do about it except voting for Trump.
If Trump loses, America will never have a Republican president again.
Hudson Russell
Aren't you a drama queen? NEVER have a republican president again?
Connor Young
If we lost this election, we lose the supreme Court.
If we lose the supreme Court, we lose the country.
Julian Lopez
Demographics are destiny, and if the spic invasion doesn't stop America will vote left forever.
Luis Gomez
Except they don't, a lot of stupid Republicans (especially Cruz fans) refuse to vote for him for a number of pathetic reasons, they don't realise that 2-3 liberals on the supreme court by Clinton is going to damage the country & that damage is going to be very hard to repair
& yeah Clinton making Spics citizens & importing more Muslims will make it very hard for GOP to win in 2020
Aiden Sanchez
You really think with the Democratic party as flagrantly and openly corrupt as they are, that they will ever let another party with opposing political ideals to them threaten their hegemony? This election quite literally decides whether this country stays democratic or if it stays Democratic.
Jayden Hall
Trump will be the last republican president regardless. It's over. America as it currently stands is finished. The only hope will then be Balkanization
Leo Scott
You underestimate the demographic shift.
These illegals have children like rabbits. 5 per family easily. Not to mention the men sleep around making untold hordes of bastard kids. Those kids and those parents will almost unquestionably all vote Democrat. Why do you think Democrats are so pro-amnesty?
It solidifies their voting base forever.
James Phillips
Short answer? No.
Hillary is promising blanket amnesty, fast-track citizenship, and effectively open borders.
Demographic changes in the Southwest and Southeast alone would be enough to give the Democrats a permanent supermajority in the House and Senate, and a default majority in the electoral college.
Bottom line - if Clinton wins, we become a single-party state.
Justin Carter
There will be more republicans, but the republican party won't be the same.
What we'll see in the US is like in Europe, where someone like Merkel is considered part of the "conservative" party
God help us.
Jackson Butler
Parties changed, people change and minorities do change up thier minds. I doubt any party will have a perma dominance. "solid south" meant the southern states that exclusively voted democrat, Southern Strategy changed that.
To say GOP will never win is as absurd as to say Democrats will never win during Reagan's era.
James Jackson
My bongy friend, you make all these assumptions on the basis that balkanization of the North American continent isn't inevitable.
Jaxon Perry
One word: > cuckservatives
The (((establishment))) has been working for decades to eliminate white people through mass immigration, reps and dems alike. Until now, the GOP was controlled by cuckservatives who's goal was to undermine white people by all cost, aka pro open border.
James Gomez
Will there be secessions?
Carson Evans
This is very real. Hillary is a European Socialist. And the kind of opponent she wants is the Democrat of old times, where they're slightly fiscally conservative, but socially liberal so it wont affect the main party's voter base.
Dylan Thompson
>Democrats will never win during Reagan's era.
They stole the election in 92 thanks to Perot Then Clinton rode on the coat tails of Reagen's policies & the GOP congress, people are dumb & gave him credit for it, voted for him again
Logan Green
But most of the spics are catholic conservatives, mos of them don't put up with the sjw bullshit agenda the democrats have to embrace in order to win. I believe that as soon as they have their citizenship granted they will vote republican
Also, this is what I believe will happen if Trump loses this election
Adam Sanders
Australia, you know more about American politics than most of my American brethren.
Brayden James
I spoke Spanish occasionally, and I got 44% of the Latino vote. Now when a candidate speaks Spanish, he is ridiculed by conservatives. Why did my party decide that we needed to turn our backs on the largest growing bloc of voters, who are culturally conservative by the way, in order to appeal to voters who were already voting for us anyway? Now the Democrats will legalize 11 millions new voters who will vote for them, putting almost 50 new electoral votes in play.
>You should have listened to me guise
Xavier Butler
I'm not looking forward to the United States of Detroit if the Democrats win.
Ethan Johnson
if you don't live in a region that unanimously votes red in every local election you are FUCKED if Clinton takes office
Brandon Carter
The entire human race can't afford Trump losing this election. This is literally the last chance to keep America great before the decline is irreversible, and if the globalists succeed in destroying America, they'll do it to Europe next. Goodbye white race, goodbye inventions, goodbye technological progress. If anyone on this planet cares about the future of humanity, they need to do everything in their power to help Trump win. This isn't a fucking game, this is literally all of our futures and our descendants' futures riding on this election.
Nolan Perez
>Gibs me dat gringo
Also have you seen a spic's kid in a super market? No social conservative would EVER let their kid act the way these "parents" do. Obnoxious, running around, running into things and knocking them over, all while Papa and Mama stand around picking out dirty rice.
So long as the republicans are against a total welfare state, illegals will NEVER vote republican, regardless of social ideals.
Jason Davis
>everything will be lost in the long run
More like 20 years from now. That's not very long. Yea our demographics are fucked as a country in total. At least we'll still have large pockets of white that will be around for hundreds of years.
Nolan Long
How does it work out in any other country where whites turn into a minority m8?
Jace Brooks
>they'll do it to Europe next If you don't think the mass immigration from muslim shitholes has already irreversibly destroyed Europe you are a fool. Europe is already dead. There is a horde of invaders living off the spoils the working class, and they will continue to do so because Whites are too pussified to purge the enemy from their countries.
Hunter Green
>California, once upon a time it was a deep red state This is what happens when underage non-Americans have an opinion about US politics.
Landon Torres
America has way more niggers and spics than Europe has Muslims, but conversely America appears to have more of an uncucked attitude. It's hard to predict how things will progress for each of us.
Benjamin Diaz
The Latino vote shouldn't matter. If we ever get to a point where they're so numerous that their vote needs to be pandered to, it's already too late for this country. We need to maintain American culture for the good of humanity so we can keep inventing things like cars, planes, computers and the internet, and the only way to do that is to maintain the demographics of a majority white country.
Tyler Bailey
Pretty fucking shitty. The only advantage we have is a large land mass separating us from the hordes.
Sections of the country will probably balkanize when it becomes obvious we share nothing but borders.
William Brown
That's the best case scenario should the demographic shift continue.
Gavin Parker
Yeah but we're not arrested for posting mean things on facebook about niggers and spics.
And we're allowed to shoot them when they act up in our neighborhoods.
Ayden Brooks
“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.”
― Alexis de Tocqueville
Ayden Collins
I think the French have a chance of waking up & doing some sort of day of the rope, Hollande is doing an amazing job at fuelling the fire
But Germany is fucked, people are too frightened to say anything because of Nazi's
Eli Howard
If Hillary wins Republican will have to move more to the left aka they will have to become cucks to win again. Something like "conservative" parties in Europe.
Matthew Lewis
You might be right unfortunately, although I still believe in countries like the UK and Austria, and perhaps conservative Western Europeans can flee to Eastern Europe and make those countries great, but either way, if Trump loses, the white race looks doomed, and so will humanity's future.
Ryan Sullivan
Bentley Hernandez
A vote for Trump is a vote for a sociopathic toddler. If you can't see that, you should just take those precious guns of yours and give yourself a brain slushie.
Zachary Thomas
The ultimate truth is that democracy is a failure. We're just seeing the results of it. You can only delay the inevitable for so long.
Nicholas Campbell
>advocating ethnic cleansing >winning elections in US
pick one
Luis Cox
Pic related is the state of consevatives in America. Absolute cucks.
James Mitchell
It's not, giving Women & Non Whites the vote was the mistake
Brayden Perry
Like he said, it's already too late.
Which is great, because without the greatest golem around we might end up cleansing some (((ethnicities))) after all. You should be happy for that.
Ian Edwards
Death of the republican party just opens the way for a party with actual free market economic policies. Ie: libertarians.
Bentley Rodriguez
Libertarians are far worse with there open border policy
Ryan Adams
You guys should listen to us. We won elections. I even won 49 states once.
Hunter Evans
The Republican party as we know it dies this year whether Trump wins or not.
If he wins, than the Republican party may very well transform in to a full blown Nationalist party, the likes we haven't seen in a very long time.
If he loses, they'll continue their cuckservative ways while moving further and further left.
Adrian Hall
>American >Culture Pic one
Isaiah Gonzalez
If they vote Republican it will be because the Repubs agreed to implement socialist policies.
So at that point Democrat vs Republican will mean even less than they do today.
Luke Stewart
I never said anything about ethnic cleansing, I'm just talking about securing the borders for a change, taking away welfare to discourage irresponsible people from breeding at taxpayer expense, and maybe encouraging responsible people to breed through rewards or tax breaks.
Michael Barnes
true, they will have to fight to regain control
Carter Thomas
>Ie: libertarians. If Hillary succeeds in changing your country's demographics, you're realistically looking at two completely centrist parties with identical policies. And the US is irreversibly stuck with a two party system.
Joseph Lopez
No memeing my friend, Americans and the culture that shaped them invented most of the things that make life great.
Henry Harris
>where someone like Merkel is considered part of the "conservative" party what exactly has she conserved? apart from her money and power
Dylan Gray
There's a reason that the Republicans have been called the Democrats from 20 years ago. Every year the Dems move further left, and every year the Republicans follow.
It's also why cuckservative has caught on with the zeitgeist so quickly. It is because it's scarily accurate.
Owen Jackson
you want the government to subsidize fucking? is this a conservative policy?
Liam Mitchell
you think they'll vote against turning america mexico again?
they may not like all the bullshit, but as long as they get what they want out of it, they'll vote socialist
Blake White
It'll become a single party state through demographic shifts, yeah.
Grayson Gomez
Fuck off Jeb. Opposition to gay marriage and abortion never stopped blacks from voting Democrat. The same will happen with Hispanics as long as the Democrats accommodate illegal immigrants.
>muh hispanics hate illegals meme
Not if their friends and family members are here illegally.
Ryder Taylor
>no digits how embarrassing for you
Noah Cox
depends how ruthless trump is going to be if he wins
if I was pres, I'd just have tons of shitskin citizenships mysteriously disappear, then deport them as illegals
Josiah Baker
Yeah, by democracy I meant pure egalitarian democracy. I support limited voting: white males that pay taxes.
Lincoln Murphy
Honestly I'm a beaner and the only culture I find in America is in Dixie and some rural parts of the plains everywhere almost everywhere else is full blown pop culture zombiefied land
Daniel Barnes
the only reason the dems can win now is because of the 50+million shitskins they managed to import since the 1965 immigration and naturalization was passed, deliberately to lower the White % of the population
Jack Rivera
Who said anything about conservatism? That's a failed ideology, it doesn't have the power necessary to preserve a country's greatness. We need nationalism.
Brandon Gutierrez
I think you are right, they've already disarmed most White countries, if they get your guns then it's full on genocide time. like everytime they got the guns
Parker Martinez
the republican party was always a nationalist party. remember the national republicans and the whigs? the democrat party has always been the globalist party. when raegan and his evangelical buddies infiltrated the republican party in the 80s after nixon fucked everything up, he set back nationalism in this country by 30 years.
Leo Murphy
it's not over till it's over, but it's looking pretty bad.
Tyler James
>>advocating ethnic cleansing >>winning elections in US I don't think you have an election to decide if you want a revolution
Christian James
There are more conservative Latinos than people give credit for, and this will only increase, many Latinos, especially the Protestants, are naturally conservative. Even some of the Catholic ones too.
This will absolutely happen. To be honest, personally, I'm already there. California, Florida and most of Texas can sink into the goddamn ocean for all I care at this point.
I see this as possible, and I always like to keep in mind that Spain and much of the Balkans were under Islamic rule for hundreds of years, though under quite different circumstances. Western Europe's complete surrender of all their values is revolting. That's literally hundreds of years of history out the window for (((diversity))). Luckily, I'm Eastern European and my ancestral country where my parents were born isn't gonna let shitskin mudslimes in anytime soon.
Blake Bailey
why is it too late? tactically we have some advantages e.g. the shitskins are mostly concentrated, easy to encircle and cut off food and utilities. then offer them food if they get on the trucks
it can stil be done practically, but the political will is lacking
Gavin Fisher
If Hillary wins, the GOP wins because they can continue to have their democrat boogey man while secretly exchanging blowjobs under the table with them
If Trump wins, both the GOP and Democrats lose. And that would be an amazing win for America.
Jordan Evans
Sure, American culture might be shallow in some respects, and not everyone it produces go on to do great things, but my point is it also created people like the Wright Brothers or Henry Ford or Jack Kilby or ARPA, and our culture must be maintained to keep that innovative spirit alive.
Joshua Harris
>If he wins, than the Republican party may very well transform in to a full blown Nationalist party why the hell would any party not be nationalist?
William Russell
White nationalism
Jace Brown
>Democrat win: the country basically turns into a fascist dictatorship (that leans left) because the leftists can do whatever the fuck they want, which probably means going to war in the middle east some more and yaddayadda >Republican Win: Democrat faggotry in an attempt to permanently fix the vote is removed. Relations with Russia restored (which forces europe closer to Russia if they still want the USA as an ally) and they get out of the middle east and etc.
Ian Thomas
>spics are catholic conservatives
Like the current cuck pope. Basically globalist trash who only look conservative to the far left.
Logan Ross
you did some pretty cool stuff, but the yuros invented a bunch of useful stuff too. like the internal combustion engine, the car, motorbike, truck, computer, radio, refrigeration
>the culture that shaped them unless you mean the source culture of your ancestors too, in which case fair enough
Juan Moore
I think Trump is the last hope to actually preserve a white majority, with all its historical associations (smaller government, lower taxes, freedom of speech, etc.). We'll have to convince alot of white independents away from the Superstate, but it will never happen if this is a majority spic nation.
A Trump presidency will lead to a lot of self-deportation, which will have strong impact while being humane. If Dems win this year, they have 2020 in the bag and its over. Balkinization will be the only hope, and the US is done.
Brayden Johnson
have you read mendacious moldbug?
he talks about the cathedral(academia), and the inner and outer parties. all with the same agenda, but the outer party is there to pretend to the people that their is some competition in politics
makes a weird kind of sense
Jeremiah James
This. If Trump loses, whites are basically doomed to become a footnote i history. I'm not bringing up my children in a world like that.
Luis Bennett
you are too close to the trees to see the wood
Nicholas Lewis
>FL >NV >AZ >UT >blue
wew lad.
Can't assume MI is blue but VA is neutral.
Jayden Gutierrez
You are a fool. The libertarian mindset is dominated by white men. Something like 94% of the party is white guys, no one else intrinsically shares our views on law, economy or freedom.
Which democracy? America is a republic but has broadened suffrage over the decades. Would the republic fail if only white landowning men voted?
Jason Martin
>There are more conservative Latinos than people give credit for, and this will only increase, many Latinos, especially the Protestants, are naturally conservative. Even some of the Catholic ones too. yet they vote overwhelmingly for socialism in their own country?
Aiden Allen
If they wanted to live in Mexico why would they go to America? Dude, spics are different than blacks. They are generally very "racist" and want more than anything to be white. As a "sudaca" (That's how they call south americans) I know that, at least the non millenials will vote republican in no time.
Isaac Wilson
not doomed, but civil war 2 comes closer
Mason Cook
I think the GOP is basically done even if they do win the election.
People forget that Trump isn't part of the GOP. He's an outsider, a populist.
Someone who came into the ranks and completely destroyed their most seasoned, veteran politicians.
Most elections are about who is the least like the other guy. This one is about who could beat Trump. None of them could succeed.
Even if Trump loses, the GOP as we know it is history. Maybe the party won't dissolve, or people won't be hanging from the gallows; but the people who run the GOP have been given the biggest middle finger imaginable and have been told to reform or fuck off.
The only way to reform the GOP at this point is to start cutting staffers, redesigning their narrative, and start making smart choices about old; entrenched decisions.
How will the GOP look after a Trump presidency/candidacy? Who knows. The GOP itself will have to be remade from the ground-up to appeal to the same base of people who told them to fuck off with Trump.
A future GOP will also have to operate,clear in the knowledge that the DNC owns the media, owns the polls, and owns the narrative. In a climate like that, there really isn't anywhere to go but down.
It's a sad state of affairs if you even considered the GOP an electable entity any time within the past ten years. But at the same time, it's a necessary one when you realize that the majority of their candidates believe that the Earth is less than 7000 years old, lumps of cells are made of magic pixie dust, and they still want to be seen as sane people.
Justin Hill
>You are a fool. The libertarian mindset is dominated by white men. Something like 94% of the party is white guys, no one else intrinsically shares our views on law, economy or freedom. true
> Would the republic fail if only white landowning men voted? no, it might go back to being sensible though
Camden Sullivan
>If they wanted to live in Mexico why would they go to America? money, conquest, to avoid the shit that socialists have done to mexico, whilst advocating for more socialism
they are barely smarter than niggers, on average
Jacob Lopez
>They are generally very "racist" and want more than anything to be white. As a "sudaca" (That's how they call south americans) I know that, at least the non millenials will vote republican in no time.
All they do is accuse people of being "racista". Mexicans are genuinely mad and accusing cubans of being racist because they're voting trump. Cubans are probably the only hispanics voting republican...
Also, the old fuckers vote democrat too. How else can you explain the fact that every country south of the US is a socialist shithole?
Michael Long
Think about it, Nige, that's why they left in the first place. Besides the pseudo-nigger Puerto Ricans and Dominicans, almost all of the Latinos I know are quite conservative and very racist, and I live in a liberal state. There are black-Latino fights all the time, and the blacks always get BTFO by Latinos. And many Latin American countries swing back and forth between right and left wing governments.
>Dude, spics are different than blacks. They are generally very "racist" and want more than anything to be white. As a "sudaca" (That's how they call south americans) I know that, at least the non millenials will vote republican in no time.
this Brazilbro knows what's up.
Grayson Brooks
>A future GOP will also have to operate,clear in the knowledge that the DNC owns the media, owns the polls, and owns the narrative. media ownership can be undone polls also what do you mean by owning the narrative?
>no one else intrinsically shares our views on law, economy or freedom
But they're too disconnected from reality to see that their jerking off about these things doesn't mean shit unless you hold political power.
Eventually they will go after the guns and the law and the freedom. Children already grow up in a social media landscape where wrongthink is banned and "free speech" is described as "white man's racism".
If Hillary wins this will be the end of the white race as we know it. The DNC proved as much with all their crap about illegals and blacks and Muslims. Whites will slowly go brown and become bastardized mixed-race mulatto - a big tent of non-whites.
Jackson Perry
>Think about it, Nige, that's why they left in the first place. Besides the pseudo-nigger Puerto Ricans and Dominicans, almost all of the Latinos I know are quite conservative and very racist, and I live in a liberal state. There are black-Latino fights all the time, and the blacks always get BTFO by Latinos. And many Latin American countries swing back and forth between right and left wing governments. your anecdotal evidence means nothing when compared to analysis of HOW THESE GROUPS ACTUALLY FUCKING VOTE!!
yeah, they fucked up their country with socialist gibs and now move elseewhere advocating for more socialist gibs
Jose Perry
I'll be voting for Trump. But if he doesn't win who cares. I'm guessing we have another 20 years tops before this house of cards comes crumbling down. Hilldog just speeds the process. Let it fucking burn and then let's split just like the Russkies. Whites and Asians in one area and let the rest eat each other for all I care.
Ryder Jenkins
I trust the American-nationalist Latinos to be wise enough to vote for nationalists like Trump without having to be patronizing to them with all the blatant pandering, and I don't mind having some Latino Americans as long as they aren't a majority, but the US has been a majority white country since we originally bought or won our land through conquest, and we've done a lot of great things as a majority white country, so it needs to stay that way so we can keep doing great things.
Indeed, for all white nations
Of course, I didn't mean to imply American whites invented everything, but a lot of things, and the white race as a whole invented 99.9% of everything useful today, so it needs to be preserved at all costs.