Why does he want more Mexicans?
Donald Trump:: "I want them (Mexicans) to come in LEGALLY"
Because immigration that is controlled supplies the nation with go getters who work hard and improve society. Illegal immigration lets in leeches.
they will work while neets like you shitpost
Stop being a literal racist you dumbfuck.
Because jews.
This whore will be used up when she settles for a beta fuck
You will still die a virgin
You will never take action
You will never get a job
There's already 55 million LEGAL spics here.
How many more do you want? More spic babies are born than white babies.
they will work while neets like you shitpost
>le ebin racist tho le meme! xD
This. America had controlled immigration for decades and it provided a filter for the better, brighter, and more motivated immigrants to get in.
Open borders just leads to leeches coming in and demanding gibs.
Uh oh looks like I made the spics mad. Nice arguments by the way
He said it to look good, he doesn't give a fuck about Mexicans.
>This. America had controlled immigration for decades and it provided a filter for the better, brighter, and more motivated immigrants to get in.
Hahaha is that why America keeps getting better with age!?
>better and brighter
Trump needs more housekeepers at his Trump hotels.
just posting to trigger ameritards
Believe it or not, America isn't a white nationalist country. Controlled immigration will never go away, and is one of the main reasons we are the most powerful nation on earth.
I don't particularly like spics, but I rather have spics that came legally and to work than fat white basement dwellers that contribute nothing to society and should be gassed along with their hood nigger counterparts.
Holy shit hahaha!
Damn,pendejo back at it again with the ''Fuck Mexico''episode.
Look at what has happened to Sup Forums in the last 6 months. His supporters are cucks in redpilled clothing
That doesn't imply he wants more of them, fuck off shill.
How is America getting better with age? Unemployment and people on welfare benefits is higher than ever. You know what else is higher than ever? The amount of illegals in this country.
I was being sarcastic
>diversity is our le strength XDd!!!
"Controlled immigration" means whites with a smattering of the most competent Asians. See: all immigration prior to 1965