How do Christcucks justify not following mosaic law?
Did God suddenly change his mind on all this shit?
How do Christcucks justify not following mosaic law?
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no he just finished it
no reason to really do it anymore, it doesn't bring salvation.
>no he just finished it
That's retarded.
>don't wear 2 fabrics
>nevermind lol
all that stuff was for the hebrews who were gonna bring god to earth
god came to earth, made a new covenant, rules changed. I'm just telling you how it is.
Why would the law on wearing 2 fabrics change?
Did Jesus bring the divine fashion trends
The law was a covenant (contract) with Israel. Jesus didn't destroy the law or erase it or anything like that. In Christianity with the crucifixion Jesus fulfilled the obligations set forth in that contract and then offered a new one (New Testament, New Covenant) with significant differences. The New Testament renews some of the demands but not others. Specific legal obligations (like putting rails on your roof or punishing a certain criminal a certain way) are not renewed but the principles behind them are. The two major principles being to respect and honor God as well as your neighbor.
the not mixing linen with wool thing was because one is plant and one is animal and it was for the high priests with the fancy robes and stuff
I don't really know, man. I'm sure there was a good reason for it back then. they didn't have sewing machines. the bible is full of all kind of retarded shit that has a good reason if you just google it.
You mean your next right? Anyways I can accept that answer. But why do morals change?
God commanding to kill these and genocide that and conquer land and all that shit. Also God being angry God punishing sinners destroying cities n stuff.
God was different back then
a new covenant was brought about by the coming of the messiah.
>I don't like that
>Now I don't care anymore lol
Come on
Well for example, the fabrics - that was to distinguish Israel from its neighbors. The Old Testament is full of laws designed to keep Israel from blending in with the cultures around it. Food laws are an example of this as well as circumcision. The moral didn't change, only the application of the moral. In the New Testament Christians are called to be "separate" from the world in terms of behavior, beliefs, etc. Food, circumcision, and fabric rules are not necessary because the NT emphasizes God's desire for internal transformation rather than external conformity to rules and rituals. Compare that with the Pharisees who would have rules such as not healing on the sabbath but find sneaky ways to get around it like putting the medicine in food and saying it was part of their meal.
I like how you completely ignored my entire post.
>The moral didn't change
You telling me Jesus would fuck up Sodom and Gomorrah? Or kill a whole people to get settling land?
He literally protested against the stoning laws his dad put in place
him and his dad are same person so think about that for a second
The people of Sodom and Gomorrah and others had no savior. God is still going to fuck up people in the end times, but He is waiting because now they have a chance to be saved.
Yeah kinda the point.
>Kill her
>Jesus went through the grainfields on the Sabbath; his disciples were hungry, and they began to pluck heads of grain and to eat. But when the Pharisees saw it, they said to him, "Look, your disciples are doing what is not lawful to do on the Sabbath." He said to them, "Have you not read what David did, when he was hungry, and those who were with him: how he entered the house of God and ate the bread of the Presence, which it was not lawful for him to eat nor for those who were with him, but only for the priests? Or have you not read in the law how on the Sabbath the priests in the temple profane the Sabbath, and are guiltless? I tell you, something greater than the temple is here. And if you had known what this means, ‘I desire mercy, and not sacrifice,’ you would not have condemned the guiltless. For the Son of man is lord of the Sabbath." (Matt. 12:1-8)
Basically over time the Old Law transformed into a strictly "human", legalistic understanding of God's will, the Pharisees were more lawyers than holy people. Jesus did not abolish the Old Law, he rid the world of the misunderstanding of the Old Law that could be considered "Pharisaic Law", which is essentially an interpretation of the Old Law that brings the divine commands of God down to such a human and legalistic level that the laws are no longer even divine, and contains many ridiculous things such as not being allowed to walk upon grass on the Sabbath because your shoe might pick up a grass seed and plant it somewhere without you knowing, causing you to "sin". Jesus came to perfect the understanding of the Old Law, to teach that it was not these human laws that were holy but God's will.
Christian interpretation of God's will is the true word that the Pharisees had long since forgotten upon the coming of Christ. Christ teaches to look past the bare, godless legalism of the Pharisees and hear the true perfection of God's will, straight from his own mouth, as he walked upon the Earth in flesh.
>Stone her
>Don't stone her
Your argument works on sabbath rules n stuff but some of Jesus positions are directly detrimental to God's
no man it's like this
>stone whores cause that's our rule cause we are fulfilling prophecy
>god is here, prophecy fulfilled, there are no jews or greeks in christ so no reason to stone whores anymore, just exile them
We kinda follow it. It's the jews who don't follow it, they have the Talmud instead.
>God gives laws to this tribe
>God gives the same laws to all tribes
Christians don't actually worship Jesus. That's a misunderstanding many non-christcucks have. They actually worship Saul of Tarsus (Paul). Christians could literally not give a shit less about a single thing Jesus ever said. All they care about is what the old jews and Paul has to say.
Are you suggesting God is incapable of having mercy upon those who sin against him? If God himself can forgive a sinner, why would anyone stone them? To stone someone who can still seek forgiveness before the Lord is ridiculous, and Jesus made this quite clear.
Jesus brought a new covenant, only through this covenant can we ever be forgiven for our sins against him, by his sacrifice on the cross. Before he came the old covenant was still in effect, but his coming signified not a change in God's will, but a change in our place before God, man once being irredeemable sinners are now sinners who can be redeemed, and so stoning is only robbing a person of their opportunity to seek forgiveness before God. This is not a change in the law, this is a change in the covenant, had a new covenant not been implemented, stoning would certainly still be valid.
To follow the Old Law before the coming of Jesus is no problem, but to continue following it even after his coming, even after his sacrifice and new covenant , that is where there is a problem.
nobody worships paul
talmud are autists taking delight in outsmarting/outlawyering the Almighty.
even allowing themselves to sacrifice their own children to Molech without sin
Then why do you all ignore Jesus and only listen to Paul? Jesus said to keep kosher or you were going to hell. Paul said fuck it and you listen to him. The religions of Jesus and that of Paul may as well be totally different faiths. And christians follow that latter, not the former.
To trick goyim into carrying old jewish scriptures around is a method kikes use to subjugate them. The supposed dislike jews have of christians is simply reverse psychology.
>and the lord said 'keep it kosher or you're going to hell'
I think I missed that part of the gospel
Because they're lukewarm chrisitians who would will never pursue the ascetic lifestyle their turbo-jew messiah preached
Matthew 15
>10 Jesus called the crowd to him and said, “Listen and understand. 11 What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.”
Can you show me where Jesus said to keep Kosher?
>Jesus said to keep kosher or you were going to hell.
Typical fedoras like you and Hitchens and Dawkins have no understanding of the Gospel.
I know you did. That's because christniggers don't actually know their own religion.
17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
20 For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, YE SHALL IN NO CASE ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN.
Jesus LITERALLY fucking said: "Keep kosher or you're going to hell." He also explicitly says that "This applies until the end of creation. Period." Funny how ALL christians just skip over this like it's not important.
Also interesting that christians worship the death of Jesus, but not his teachings. You fucking worship Paul. You're glad Jesus died so you can follow the guy who relaxed the rules. Just admit it and we can get on with it already.
>Doesn't read his own horseshit book
>Calls others ignorant
Jesus literally said to his followers to eat whatever they wanted, Christians didn't get the message until God literally sent a vision down to Peter (not Paul, by the way) of the sheet of unclean things.
matthew 5:17-20 has already been addressed in this thread, numerous times.
I briefly scanned the thread. Most of the questions within are answered by the Father, Son, Holy Ghost dynamic.
Especially the differences between "God" and Jesus. It lies in respect to the way people communicated with these figures.
>Protested against stoning laws
Two things about that.
1) He didn't question the law, he just called the people organizing the stoning hypocrites
2) The story was almost certainly added to the text at a much later date; its origin seems to be from some other set of writings. Most scholars agree that it is an insertion which was not originally part of the books which became the bible.
well we are kind of glad jesus died, on account of his death saving the world. quit acting like a jew. jesus said if you love god with all your heart, mind, body, soul, and love your neighbor as yourself, you're already fulfilling the entire law.
So what did Jesus mean in Matthew 15 verses 1-20? Why did He allow his disciples to go against the Law? Your interpretation of Matthew 5 verses 17-20 completely contradict Matthew 15.
Plus in Matthew 15, he is pointing out the "righteousness" of the scribes and Pharisees and going against them.
The legalistic Pharisaic laws are not God's will, they're an unholy legalistic approach to understanding the will of God. God does not say to eat only kosher things for no reason, these laws all stem from a source, the source being God's will, God's true intent behind each and every command he gives. The Pharisees believed the laws themselves were divine, they worshiped the rules, but not the source of them, they lost sight of the truth of God's will and clung to the only thing they could still understand, the unholy legalism of the Pharisaic branch of Judaism.
The laws did not change one bit, but they were made perfect and clear by Christ, Christians understand the law better than Pharisees (and modern Jews) because Christians understand the laws serve a purpose and are not to be worshiped in and of themselves, for that is as idolatrous as worshiping a book of traffic rules. What must be kept in mind is God's will, which Christ made very clear was NOT to follow the laws as if they were simply traffic rules, but to follow them so as to keep yourself righteous and good before God and among men. You can take any rule in any context and use it for a dubious purpose, you can stop someone from jaywalking to save a person on the other end of the street, and likewise you can prevent someone from healing a person on the sabbath, these are both SUBVERSIONS of the true intent of the rules, which is in the first case to keep people safe, and in the second case to keep people righteous and good. The Pharisees very often abused the old laws, as they saw the rules as more important than the intent of the rules.
You must also understand that Christ brought a new covenant as well, which I mentioned, that changes the way we act under these laws. You can no longer stone someone for example, because the new covenant changes not the law itself, but OUR POSITION as human beings on Earth, followers of God, we are no longer irredeemable.
>the prophecy of stoning women
So is stoning people good or bad?
>Are you suggesting God is incapable of having mercy upon those who sin against him?
>If God himself can forgive a sinner, why would anyone stone them?
Because he said: "Stone her"
>To stone someone who can still seek forgiveness before the Lord is ridiculous, and Jesus made this quite clear.
Then why not tell Moses: Stone her unless she seeks forgiveness? Jesus moral is different from Gods
Is it coincidence that you picked that pic or a subtle reference to nobody shills for Hill?
Anyway 10/10
>Nobody worships Paul, it's a Mohamedian lie to smear our religion
So the bible is edited? Are you christian?
I learned about this in my humanities class in undergrad,
Basically the bible was a bunch of oral traditions
As was a lot of shit back then,
they couldn't just write down a book
It's a collection of oral traditions etc
It's not edited, more curated in a way
The bible isn't bad though
If anything it's probably the backbone of western civ for the past 1500 years
Culturally, ethically, etc
>Then why not tell Moses: Stone her unless she seeks forgiveness? Jesus moral is different from Gods
Because forgiveness of sins didn't work the same way before the new covenant.
>not stoning people didn't work before Jesus
Oh come on you don't believe this yourself
>The bible perfect. It is the infallible words of god, the ultimate truth, written by the hand of God himself.
Bible verse you disagree with.
>Clearly a mistranslated passage to try and throw Christians off. The bible isn't perfect you know. It was written by people.
Christians in a nutshell.
Why question God?
I'm just glad I have salvation
There is nothing wrong with following the old law under the old covenant, I already mentioned this. Just don't make the mistake of the Pharisees and lose sight of the meanings of the laws, God's will, that gives them authority in the first place, else you will do crazy stuff like avoid walking on grass during the Sabbath.
LARPagans and fedoras should be hanged for degeneracy.