ITT: Post degeneracy
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so progressive
My pic related would be a Sweden or Canada flag.
is this shit real?
how do they let this happen
God can't destroy us fast enough.
Pretty fucking cool 2bh
Is there a difference between Degeneracy threads and YRYL threads?
Shopped, obviously
why germanics are so subhumans?
fucking pìgs
she was ugly to begin with
somewhere this is someone's fetish
Did you report it? I saw your original thread.
This one could make it to the news maybe
I wonder when the regret kicks in for women like these.
Do they just wake up one morning and realize how much better their live could have been if they took care of themselves?
The boy is afraid people might notice his boner
Dressing like a fucking moron isn't degeneracy. Just retardism.
other american anons have told me that if the parents consent its legal, I dont know
report it where?
If you don't think that thing is a degenerate, then you are one also.
>mfw you're probably serious
>Wearing dumbass clothing is degenerate
>Wearing clothing that completely covers the body and reveals nothing, while also just being a retard
Again, not degenerate.
How and why
>being that huge of a faggot isnt degenerate if the clothes cover your body and reveal nothing
Would drag my drag my scrote through a kilometer of used syringes just to hear a recording of her queefing through a phonograph, desu.
the pornstar is named julia de lucia and its an episode of "public disgrace"
I suppose that's a swedish traditional outfit for men
Well that's a success story m80 not a degeneracy story
>huge of a faggot
He's not a faggot, he's a fucking retard. Again, know the difference.
This is a faggot. The guy in those clothes is a hipster moron.
I'm aware. Just posted for a ray of hope in a world of darkness.
idk desu
>My race shouldn't take responsibility for it's actions
It's good to know fags like this won't survive when SHTF. Or at least be used as sex slaves and traded for goods.
What am I missing here? All I see is a pregnant woman drinking apple juice.
lets do this
Are you kidding? This is not 1816, that guy is obviously a christian.
I'm happy with whatever Kek blesses me with.
Ok, faggot.
Japanese are the only ones keeping the Swedish tradition alive. They have people who feel more Swedish than Swedes themselves.
this is what a real man looks like, and basically, you're the fucking faggot
>Literal we wuz kangz
Meme magic is real
röll and sage
It's degeneracy all the same, Chaim.
/r/ that pic of a little black boy crying with text of his mom calling him a little bitch cause he walked in on her sucking some guys dick.
rolling, she'll make it regardless!
I'd say she's no older than 15
Freedom of choice
Is what you got
Freedom from choice
Is what you want
Sweden was a big fat mistake. In 20 years the whites there will be considered a minority
I've been waiting for this day.
My personal favorite.
How is kids experimenting sexually degeneracy? They gotta find out someway
This is a woman and if you don't think so you are intolerant and part of the problem. That's totally not a mutilated penis and this person doesn't have a mental illness.
Is this bitch actually taking a shit with her pantyhoes on?
so thats where the term batcave came from, never understood it till now
Let's go
Starting at 175 she doesn't seem that fat to me. Is she super tall or something?
According to the mathematics of gets so far, from 10:00 to 12:00, Sup Forums has a gap of about 10, post to post, when not approaching trips, which accelerates to a gap of nearly 50. When approaching quads, logic stands that a gap of 200 exists.
This one is only a test.
even if I get the fat version I know she'll lose weight
Maybe they are those people who always look like children but are actually like 40.
>Wearing dumb clothes or form fitting clothes is degenerate
>Dude has fairly good aesthetics
>Ruins it with this abomination of a dress and style sense
What a waste
This wins top degeneracy.
Link still works, guys. I wouldn't recommend it. At all.
probably still would but in secret
Do you take responsibility for your race's actions?
She's really short. Look at the 140 picture with the guy standing behind her. She was fine from 140 onwards anyway, 155 was doable too.
>ballerinas wear their tutus to run errands
"im still sexy daddy"
Can you find them all?
why do niggers think they can dance and then claim white people cant dance but their dancing involves convulsing like they are having a fucking seizure? Pic related to argument...
Looks like Asian Hope Solo
me on the left
>praying for 1-2
what do you mean 20 years? its gonna be quicker than that.
praise papiez ok
The FBI is what hes suggesting I think.
Found this one a couple threads ago.
That guy's going to die of a fungal infection if he hasn't already. Some day the cops will have to scrape his mold-riddled corpse off the ground and condemn the whole building.
Whites don't consider themselves a community.
this is just tourist stuff
same shit muricans do in japan. wearing a kinmono and attending to a tea ceremony for the real jap feeling
JIDF is really working hard today.
I'm now done vaping.
It is an actual residential village modelled after traditional Sweden, not just a tourist attraction.