I finished a degree in PoliSci/History and really regret it. I just got a notice that I could go back to school for a year and a half to do a STEM degree without paying for it.
What STEM fields do you suggest? (Aside from M)
Hard mode: which one could allow me to live in the countryside?
Luis Morales
Computer science or chemistry
William Mitchell
I'm teaching myself CompSci, no degree needed
Jacob Powell
I should mention that I've done a few classes in Biology and Environmental sciences.
Jeremiah White
Lucky fucker.
My university literally charges more after you graduate.
Isaac Reed
>Polysci >History >Biology >Environmental
hahahaha nice joke well memed
lets make it 2 walls
Jose Phillips
Christian Sullivan
Ryder Smith
That does sound fun.
Adrian Watson
Why did you get a degree in something you would never get hired for?
Aiden Martinez
50% tax and a 3.8 GPA work out well in the most selfish of ways.
Wyatt Brooks
I was young, idealistic and eventually wanted to go into law.
Noah Cox
Hey Julian
Matthew Brooks
When I saw which (((lawyers))) mainly got hired.... Sup Forums was right again.
Adam Cox
College isnt for you. Just become a cop or a prison guard.
Samuel Miller
I've thought about the RCMP but dealing with drunk natives all day will not be rewarding in the long run. Cops are also bring targeted by BLM terrorists so there's that.
Owen Foster
I finish school this fall with a B.S. Finance and B.S. Accounting. Should I get master's in Math or just ride what I have now?
Sebastian Williams
>Should I get master's in Math Only if you want to become a high school math teacher.
Ryder Fisher
Engineering, its more practical.
Jayden Nelson
This is great news! I'm Jewish and plan to go into law.