Sup Forums how do you feel about this?
Based miss teen usa
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they should have included a 500 laqueshia. some people are whaleophiles.
it makes me think
My benis
Would all girls look like this if hitler had won?
Why do people like to cry about shit like this?
I'm not even white and it pisses me off, let them be white, who bitches when all BET awards people are fucking niggers?
>brown roots
How many of those have done porn?
maybe dark skins should stop being so ugly
i don't know why they want to force diversity.
whenever a brown person wins something, people will suspect it was affirmative action instead of merit.
>why do people care
minority women are incredibly jealous of/threatened by white girls.
h-how old are they ?
Probably should be more pissed they are all blonde, aftermarket or not.
>white people are enjoying themselves, start complaining
i call racist
it is because most of them can't achieve anything on their own merit
and those who do are ridiculed and hated by their peers
And they will make themselves look as white as possible when they have the money.
At least one of them have a jew nose.
So, it's a scandal in America to be white now. I'm really sorry for you.
I also wanted to move to America when Germany becomes africa but it seems like you are way ahead of us.
How can blacks even compete?
It doesn't even matter anymore and they know it too. If they put one nigger in there all the stormcucks would be getting all bent out of shape, but if they don't put any all the sjws get triggered. Might as well do the right thing and leave the niggers out.
Damn fuccin rights.
This is a beauty contest, not a safe space
Doesn't dark skin sometimes get lighter and ashy as they age?
Poc btfo
Another victory for whites
>people are pissed
Let me fix that for you;
>kike media is pissed
Not people. Leftists.
Leftists are inherently inferior and will cry about being inferior until the sun sets upon the human race.
Damn you southerners have some good looking women.
>entirely "white"
>three with non-blue eyes
>none with naturally blonde hair
>at least one of them is a (((chosen one)))
Who cares?
Beauty pageants are some of the most white washed events in the country. I couldnt give a fuck less about what blonde white girl #7542 has to say about global politics or what her plan to save the otters is
Most of these bitches are dumb as bricks and aren't worth a conversation.
This. Brown hair roots are non-white.
oh God no, if anything Darker.
t. Texan and surrounded by Nogs.
Anther win for Delaware, first in all things!
Try the Midwest, the South is full of ugly Anglos
they all look the same lol
also the one on the right is a spic
God Bless America
This. They maybe hot but they certainly don't look like teens. Some could pass for 30
wow painted on eyebrows, makeup out the ass, fake pearly whites! i love it haha MISS TEEN USA SO WHITE LOL GUYS THIS IS SO IMPORTANT
fuck the hell off. this isn't politics.
right, any black girl who wins Miss USA will be an oreo anyway.
>People are pissed
SJWs and dindus.
I know it sounds shitty but who gives a fuck? I work in the corporate world and our company is filled with useless diversity hires. They even know they are incompetent and make jokes about it.
But guess what. Their pay checks clear just like mine. And when they get promoted they make more money. So if you think they are morally troubled you'd be wrong.
what does pol have to do with politics?
White male who ranks hair colors for girls like so:
Top tier- Red
High Tier - Black (not negress)
Skank Tier - Blonde
"That's my colour tho" tier - Brunette
and even I think these girls look exactly alike.
this desu
The dyed blond hair is fooling everyone. Their faces do not look as good as natural blond nordic girls.
The southern belle is a meme. Most girls in the south do not look good, very plain at best.
Most French have brown hair you dick weed. Are you calling your own people non-whites?
None of them are particularly good-looking though. They all look like vapid slags.
Even these girls look like they're in their late 20s, with the amount of makeup they've got caked on.
Just a heads up but the stuff after the # symbol in the URL is some kind of tracking parameter or unique ID. A lot of clickbaity sites have one. Take it off if you have to link to them.
northern midwest has based nordic genes
the south is a shithole
Why do they all look like 30-year-old skanks though?
IDK, what DOES politically incorrect have to do with FUCKING POLITICS?
Post some Miss Brit or whatever. I wanna see how these girls are "slags" compared to whatever you see.
Who said I consider myself white you retard?
you sound like a retard
They generally have no shame or self awareness. The Oscars saga was a great example of this.
Shit taste my race mixing friend
wow now i'm a #shillmissile
>t. probably some islander
Yes. Thanks for ruining that, Burger.
Girl on the left reminds me of Jazz Jennings 2bh.
You are thinking like a white man.
Most blacks I know don't give a shit what people think as long as their bank account keeps growing.
Last time i checked black people in USA don't want to fuck black women, so why upset now?
kill yourself
i suppose whites should just be barred from winning anything at all. how fucking self loathing and apologetic are we supposed to be. seems kind of racist people are so mad at a white girl. oh yeah it's only whites that can be racist.
They all fucking look the same. I hate make up. there should be a no make up rule.
Scandinavian girls are the most physically attractive females on the planet. Anyone who denies that isn't living in reality.
>South Carolina
Heeeeyyyy. What gives man! SC is such a good place. We didn't do anything to you!
Southern girls are not Scandinavian.
y-you too
Now let's see them blacked
Why aren't 50 percent of these women minorities? I know that blacks account for 13 percent of our nation but they must represent 50 percent of anything good.... And where is the goddamn tranny?
kys you obese germanic whale
Why do I find all these women ugly? I feel like if I were to talk to them, they would have as much conversation skills as a limp fish.
Their ancestry is Scandinavian you retard.
The one on the far left actually looks nice. The others all look like you'd be at risk of an STD just from eye contact.
Vapid slags appear to make up the majority of women who apply for these things. Who would have guessed?
le white pepo meme
Kill yourself, cuck.
what's her ancestry?
No it isn't retard. Southerners are Anglo and Celtic.
southerners are more likely to be of scottish and english descent.
Try Minnesota buddy
Looks like an anglo/slav mix
Last time i was in Minnesota it was a bunch of niggers.
moar alabama plz
lol, this is so real. They all claim to be so proud of their blackness, but the moment they get money they get either their hair straightened or an expensive weave and a skin lightening.
>entirely white
We need to get those retards those old books on differentiating between races.
That's not true, they have a whole category for best white person apologizing for being white.
They are slags because they are caked in eight inches of makeup, that's just beauty pageants they are all fucking slags
Probably all the somalians
Alabama one looks nice
I would take her to the gym so she loses some weight, she would be great
British girls and southern girls look the same anyway because they have the same genes
>insert your own comment here.
These are extremely attractive women. There is nothing about black or bullshit BLM idealism that's going to be more worthy or of more value to society than the carry of any of these women. It's not even close.
Why does it never, ever seem to bother blacks that they are included in situations like this for no reason whatsoever other than being black, and that that's so painfully obvious to anyone who has even the slightest mental connection to reality?