Mabel is cute

why was the last thread archived so quickly despite people replying on it?



mods are fags, news at 11.
post mabel

This is a blue board user.



ow fucking shit.

well yeah the human body is beautiful and this is a totally cute and in-character picture
but now i understand why the thread got deleted, so.. yknow, try to be more subtle next time, friend. maybe link from offsite.

Glad they ban it.
Most GF threads are the boring kind of shitposting.
I like the show but I don't need the same kind of threads.

I'm a different user posting these, but ok

can't seem to find the picture where she takes off the underwear, so we'll just skip a step

You getting banned homes.
Naked boy = funny and innocent.
Naked girl = height of perversion.

it's worth it

well they have a dipper one too but he's embarrassed so that's kinda lame
you have the imgur? that should have it complete

OH thats right, Hiroshima fired all mods yesterday after Sup Forums told him to.

No, but I do have other Mabel lewds if anyone is interested

Sup ForumsGHEmd
i just feel like you should have it, yknow? if you're a fan

thank you kind user

same user who's been posting lewd Mabel, have the mods just given up?

they're too busy deleting what they shouldn't
which technically this falls under
whatever, i'm confused. the point is they're slow. and this is nice.

Stop. Mabel should not sexualized to this extent!

does this mean I can start posting uncensored? ;3

Oh, i can see why.

Whatever do you mean user?

What does that makes this then?


sry you will get banned. Not by me.

That series isn't sexualized, just a girl undressing in hot weather. She not engaging in any inappropriate activity or striking any provocative poses.

if you want the thread eventually deleted and want to get banned i guess. which at this point is gonna happen

aw cute. we need more nudist pines

Absolute Madman

Do you think Dipper ever tried on Mabel's underwear secretly?

>dangit, it IS softer. That's not fair!

>Dipper, do you know what happened to all my undies? I only have like three pairs left!

I'll make a lewd Gravity Falls thread...