Red pill me on vaccines.
Red pill me on vaccines
It's simple. They work.
How do you know? A lot of people saying they are harmful.
People in the first world don't worry about measles, polio, and smallpox. Even if vaccines instantly killed 1% of the population upon injection they would still be a net positive.
They have zero actual evidence backing them up, and place a risk on everyone when they don't get them.
I myself didnt have aby bad experience with vaccines, thing is indont trust government and i think its just a matter of time since they start dropping chemical waste in there just to not having the costs to get rid of it the proper way or some similar shit (if it doesnt even happen now) so doesnt matter if they work or not, the government shouldnt be able to force you to get some stuff injected into you
The once off vaccines all work and are highly recommended.
The rest are a little jewish as they require repeated shots, get them if recommended after injury, travelling or have shit immune system. Do not get them for no reason unless you have spare cash.
>A lot of people saying they are harmful.
Based on research from a retard who studied kids at a birthday party with unclean needles and said retard admitted the research was valueless.
Fact is, if you're a millennial who wasn't raised by hippies, any damage a vaccine would've done has been done. However, autism is not an example of such damage. We do, however, not need a return of shit like measles, polio, and smallpox.
>dropping chemical waste in there just to not having the costs to get rid of it the proper way or some similar shit
I'm sure that dumping it in the ocean is a shit load cheaper and harder to tie back to an individual than meticulously diluting it to the extent it doesn't instantly kill people it's injected into.
Buy space condo, live alone for 20 years, and don't worry about ever getting sick cause there are no bad bacteria or viruses in your space condo.
laced with other stuff
How are you going to get food?
I don't personally know the facts. I think it is incredibly important for these types of questions to be brought up and asked though. Think about some 'safe' things in the recent past.
Promoted as completely harmless and pushed/fought by the government and lobbyists
Same as above
Same as above
> A lot of people saying they are harmful.
I hate Sup Forums sometimes.
They prevent diseases
This will be mandatory for al sw*des when we invade.
What is it?
they save lives
Yes please :^)
I'm an example of someone who enjoys herd immunity and had a bad reaction to a vaccine. I am allergic to the hooping cough vaccine and had a pretty bad reaction to it as an infant. Apparently I made mewing sounds while one side of my body went limp and other had severe convulsions. There were no lasting effects. If you really have to question vaccines look at some of the diseases that they prevent and have eradicated. The amount of good they have already done is astounding.
Vaccines are proven effective and safe.
Some cases of regressive autism are correlated to vaccinations. Correlation does not equal causation.
epidemiologist here:
they are very harmful, please Sup Forums stay away from them. Be safe, don't trust the government. And if you choose to propagate please don't give your offspring any.
Vaccines work but only for the elite. The general public get vaccines filled with harmful shit.
what is this sliding?