Well done, germany.
You ruined yourself forever.
Well done, germany.
You ruined yourself forever.
Other urls found in this thread:
also, check my double repeating digits.
Payback's a bitch. Checked.
ohhh someone is upset his waifu is getting culturally enriched!!!!
go away
why?Do I sense discomfort?
god i just hate the format of all these career youtubers
the same fucking kiddy music
all are QUIRKY XD as fuck
retarded hand movements for everything
over the top face expressions CAUSE THATS WHAT 12YEAR OLDS LIKE XD XD XD
Lemme guess
>Kraut: socialism is GREAT!
>Venezuelan 1: r u fucking el idioto?
>Venezuelan 2: r u fucking el retardo?
>Venezuelan 3: r u fucking el mongolo?
Says a fucking greek
without us you fucking son of a bitch you wouldn't have money to eat you fucking greek shit
You are complaining about entertainment directed towards kids and slow people.
You are not the target demographic.
What's the story stavros
Easy there, Hans.
Being NEET is what we do best. Perhaps you should employ Greeks for a FINAL SOLUTION to your NEET problem, if you catch my drift.
Fuck off
is ok. everybody here love socialism, right guys?
stop being so intolerant, sverige.
javla fitta
Socialism is salvation and Will be inseperable from the process of national rebirth
I can't word a response to that, so here is a spicy meme instead.
I think our living standard is still much, much higher than yours, Stergios
I don't know what you are talking about.
If getting hacked to death with axes, shot at, blown up and gutted with machetes a standard of living, oh boy I must say your standards are pretty low, and objectively much lower than mine.
Stay salty.
Also, Giannis is a more common name. Like Hans in Germany.
I'm kind of curious to what the video might say, honestly.
HAHAHAHAHAAH what do you think?
A blue eyed german girl getting culturally enriched.
tfw when being greek and promoting freedom
be stronk user
Nice tits.
We would like to but you are far underqualified for german standarts. Actually you're countrys workers are less qualified than our needs.
>decriminalized weed
Owning and selling is prohibited.
Its only legal for pain patients and research, and they don't smoke weed, they get hempoil/tinkture which has concentrated THC.
Liberal shithols like genf and bern want to circumvent the ban with the research clause by making "research projects" with druggies so they can give them weed.
In short weed is banned and drugs are degenerated.
>I got out of the bathroom and saw Eric's girlfriend and his father curled up together on the couch
Top cuck.
Greece has no living standard, they are 3rd world and would be africa without merkelbux.
Judging from your grammar and syntax your meme country seems to have no standards.
it's a fucking spicy meme. maybe the weed part is false but everything else is true so IDGAF.
duuuuude nice comeback .
At least our only problems are economical. yours pertain more to the field of cultural replacement.
we weren't africa before merkelbux you shill.
now take your fucking 50 year old memes elsewhere, you fucking opa.
Point 2 and 4 are so accurate, everyone here is ridiculously superstitious and procrastinating is in our blood.
Point 5 didn't even occur to me it was a Venezuelan thing, I just chalked it up to poor people being dumb.
Her boyfreind looks completely white and is named Erick. Probably has german ancestry.
so venezuela is completely white.
Thanks for the lesson, Norway.
germany has nothing to do with this
it's merkel and her masters that are doing this
you think the average german wants this shit
fuck off you ignorant cunts
Is there another rape video? Venezuelans aren't black enough for me.
He fell for the 'bail out' meme
Stop trollin Sven
>germany literally pays our denbts
>germany takes in 1 million roaches from our islands
>germany lets roaches protest for erdogan
>germany lets erdogan prosecute their own citizens
Yea, I checked her instagram and her kid (w/ him) has blonde hair and blue eyes.
No, that's not what he said.
There are European immigrants in South America.
They are in the minority, but they are there.
Her boyfriend looks more white than most Greeks..
>mfw I usually sleep with my clothes on because of laziness
Besides that yeah I get it, Venezuelans are retarded subhumans. I already knew that.
The German f1 gp was held today.
A mixed black/Jewess with an accent sang Germany's national anthem.
The national anthem. Symbol of a nation.
Germany is lost.
>the happiest country in the world
yeah right
lmao she got BLACKED
No we're not
I have hungarian ancestry, but you guys will probably call me a nigger anyways
I don't disagree with that. The bail outs were a scam.
But we don't look like fucking arabs with mustaches ffs.
I, for one, would love to be Swiss...
oh god I must have missed that.
My eye only caught the obviously turkish/arab commentator that asked the drivers questions afterwards.
>those cuts
>those faces she make
>she probably really thinks she is funny
>why the fuck is she wearing a tie
>her fake dialect and still you can hear her German accent
>her voice is annoying as fuck
I hate Youtubers.
well guess what you can't, it means to be ''kinda'' forced to work till at least 70, if you don't you will go to jail, not directly but don't work for a month and your whole savings from this year is fucked
And he also looks like a huge faggot. I'm mad.
What a racist
She has nice tits, shame she's autistic
where is the video where she fucks the 3 venezuelans?
Holy fuck I want to SPANIED those boobs
Wtf I love youtube now
laughed so hard... almost glad dat i don't have boobs...
But honestly though, I don't like this kind of attentionwhore behaviour.