Why don't the Jews push a White man/Black woman agenda?
Don't they want to end the white race?
Why don't the Jews push a White man/Black woman agenda?
Don't they want to end the white race?
Because male sexuality is all about the visual and black woman are ugly.
have you seen black women?
disgusting desu
Jews are white.
Because black men are the degenerates they need. A white man/black woman results in a stable marriage.
Passing the Y chromosome is more important than racial purity.
>being this low test
The goal is humiliation and desecrating your opponent's women is the ultimate humiliation.
You're black, of course you like it
Because black men need all the help they can get, whereas a real white man can get a black woman withou really trying.
Also, whit women historically are empire killng whores, it only makes sense that they get paired with a demographic that has never had an empire to destroy.
However, black women deserve to be pampered after millenia of being shackled to lazy black men.
I'm whiter than you, Ahmed
Because growing up with a white father will turn a half caste baby into a black man.
But a black "father" I.e. No father present, will turn a half caste baby into a nigger
Sorry, want me to post a muslim woman for you?
>nose buried in a literal mound of shit
Y u do dis
>tfw want to see the contrasting pink/black myself
>tfw no idea where to find non-negress black women except for university which are just Africans learning nursing
M8, is this you?
Did you fuck a nigger?
enjoy those aids
Because you only need to influence the women to destroy a race.
Because white fathers would still raise the child as a functional member of society.
Jews want degenerates and crime.
Because Jews need single moms and unstable marriages. WM/BF couples provide neither of those things.
I bet she lost her virginity at 13 and has had lots of unprotected sex with strangers before meeting you.
Because it's easier to get white men to fuck Asian women. Then you get the Asian men to fuck the blacks women, and the circle is complete.
Even the swartiest Arab is whiter than you monkey nigger
>eating out a black chick
I've fucked black girls but I am not putting my mouth there
>cherry pickaninnying
>coconut jaw
>fat ass
>poo colored skin
>dark, empty eyes
I've been seeing it more and more in ads lately. And on one US TV show I overheard in a bar:
>black character: "my sister is dating a white guy and I don't like it"
>his (black) friend: "lighten up, Farrakhan"
It seems to me the latest thing they're pushing on the race-mixing front. Tough sell for me. Usch.
>Dark black nigger hair
There are hot nigresses (i'm a fan myself) but I live in a nig area and they are rarer than a vatican city flag.
They want to erase the patrilinear europeans lines for being to clever in seeing through their games.
what the fuck?
do white people seriously have these low standards?
i live in a "muslim" country , (majority of the people here are non muslims btw , thats why we have 0 terror attacks , everyone hate muslims )
and the women here are better looking than these things , how can u suck on her pussy? it looks nasty af and full of STDs
>pic releated
real woman
the pardos in your country are god's gift to man
>be morrocan
>go on Sup Forums
>tell lies
my morrocan friends told me you don't even have mailboxes in the desert.
more of that bitch
This desu
Because if you parallel it with old world feudalistic thinking conqueror man fucking woman does not cause half-conqueror baby. He puts the conqueror in her, so the baby she births is fully his blood.
So a white man fucking a black woman by their way of seeing it would be white men conquering blacks.
The Jews want the opposite. So they push other races fucking white women.
>majority of the people here are non muslims btw
the fuck you say sandnigger?
Moroccans are the absolute lowest life form on earth
i don't live in the desert , i live in the north part of morocco and its great here , everyone hates muslims and desert niggers
I love women of all ethnicities.
Thing is Omar, women like your pic are all over the place here, they're common and easy, whereas foreign women with different skin and looks are more unique and therefore more appealing to my cock.
He isn't lying. Their king want to distance himself from neo Islam asap.
But to compensate their muslims are batshit insane on an algerian level.
fuck off thief , everyone hates you , you're worse than niggers
They do, actually. Look into Rhianna's new album.
However, it isn't something that, I think, they're heavily concerned with. I think they just want white men to stop reproducing all together; but if they must reproduce, at least make sure it's with a member of another race.
That way, even if the child is raised to be non-degenerate, he'll eventually regress to the mean of his race and become degenerate all on his own.
They sometimes do just less often.
They idea is not as much to "end the white race" as it is to dumb down the white race by mixing them with the dumbest race of people on earth.
The conspiracy theory is that they will create a more obedient slave labor class of society that will serve as their work force.
Like George Carlin said in the Education Sucks bit, "Just smart enough to do the work but not smart enough to ask why you are doing the work."
>i live in the north part of morocco
>Majority non muslim
[Citation Needed]
No Belgiumbro is right. Most people do hate Moroccans.
Jews push interracial dating not only to end the white race, but as ritual humiliation of the hated white male.
WM/BW doesn't have the same appeal.
bbc > swc
black women have the highest rate of obesity
White guy here
Because Asian women are superior to everyone
So much photoshop it looks more like a painting than a picture
>thats why we have 0 terror attacks
give me source
>thats why we have 0 terror attacks (in the last 30minutes)
Meanwhile average asian looks like the girl in the back
My experiences say otherwise, Moroccans are decent people. Can't say the same about Algerians, for instance.
Daily reminder white women age like dog shit and are easily the least trustworthy most pampered group in existence.
6 fee 1 blond hair blue eyes here with a black woman and I say good riddance to white women and white bullshit culture. Let it die
but skinnier
Moroccans litter the streets of Spain selling "beer" which is just a front for hash and other drugs
I can spend a month impregnating half of Gary, IN, then go home and raise a traditional white nuclear family. Nigs get whited, whites get more numerous, Jews lose.
See, Jews don't want to see people mix like we're in a blender, they want white goyim to disappear as a vengence for the 60 billion Jews killed and the 6000 years of persecution.
So if you push BM/WW and cuckoldry then you get (half) black babies and no more white babies, Jews win!
nice trap, chink
Hm, maybe you're right, but I have never seen anyone selling beer on the streets here (León), it's not very common to see arabs/other ethnicities outside a couple of neighbourhoods.
I did see an asian guy selling beer in Madrid though.
They did in the 70s. White and black women where both competing for white men.
Then they settled down. With white women.
((( They ))) have realised White man/Black woman isn't working if it's for kids.
Because nigger women are foul creatures, very few white men would go for that.
White men should fuck shitskins and hopefully whiten up their population but MUST have pure white children.
Donate sperm, fuck ghetto rats raw dawg, do all that shit, but make sure to marry and breed with a white woman.
>here (León),
That's probably why. I have seen this all over cities like Valencia and Barcelona. They go out in the streets around 10 when stores stop selling liquor.
Got milk?
Rich white man rule the nation still
the only difference is we all slaves now, the chains concealed
in our thoughts if I followed my heart to save my self
Could I run away from $50 mil like Dave Chappele
>that nose
>that lighting
It's like all the Cuntbusters trailers where no one can see the nigress
Thats a full blood. i have only ever seen one attractive full blood and i live in NT australia.
africans can be very sexy and they look after themselves more then white woman or at least appear to with the way they do there hair.
you cant compare aboriginals to other blacks, abos are different
Niggers are repuslive
kys cuckposters you are mentally ill
saged and reported
They have been trying to push White men and Apefrican women since at least this year. (Walking Derp being the most prominent.) It's just that predictably, most of us are fucking repulsed by apes.
Has that ever happened? All I ever see are Niggress complaining about Niggers who fuck white women and azn boys crying about how asian women fuck white men. I fail to see how the two could ever be attracted to each other since asian boys are so effeminate and nig women, so manly.
Jelly, not gonna lie. I love black pussy
They want to end the white race both physically and spiritually.
All wars are waged in hearts and minds.
I've always fantasized about fucking a hot black girl.
telling lies to fit in
on Sup Forums
m8 you got so low.
Not missing out on much
>that face
Of course you do you subhuman amerimongrel
I'm a spic with white as fuck skin.
Reason? The black girls I know are very civilized
Can't be arsed to check if anyone has stated the truth, but the real reason is the primary objective is not miscegenation, but breaking down the family unit, in order to increase dependency on the state. Black man/white woman is a one way ticket to single motherhood, whereas black woman/white man is a stable relationship. The more single mothers there are out there, the more they'll vote for government programs to support themselves - free childcare, health care, education. Children of single mothers are also more criminal and delinquent, which leads everyone else to support increases in state security.
And thus, they push society closer to socialist totalitarianism, which is a hop skip and a jump from full blown communism. The end goal is to have children raised by the state. If they're little brown children who aren't clever enough to question the system, all the better.
10/10 cuck position