Trump is fucked after this...

Trump is fucked after this. You morons bet too much on xenophobia to carry you into the White House and now it's all O V E R

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Why isn't this Muslims running for president?

They are know to be better then Hillary Clinton at winning against Republicans

Every single week he does something OUTRAGEOUS and every single week everyone gets over it

Calm your tits. Once ISIS commits an attack on US soil everyone will forget about this shitskinned faggot and Trump's polling numbers will soar

When will libs learn that Trump is basically immune to 'controversy.' They've been trying to get him on something ever since he decided he was going to run and no one ever cares.

You need a female radical muslim to run for president, because muh diversity.

And your peoeple would probably mindlessly suck up her shit because she's so culturally enriching.

>Like i can talk any better of my country.
>I want to get out of here...

and every time people talk more about him

Its funny when the dems burn through add money like crazy and have little to no media presence at all.

Sage bate thread.


I want to fuck this little bald Muslim man in the ass. I want man ass.

The only thing that's over is the DNC & HRC !!
Get out of America you fucking criminal enabling traitor !!


He's another Cindy Shaheen. Had a sympathetic message and went nuts.

This guy comes off as an angry jackass Muslim. Most people do not like him he is just unlikeable. He is just so full of anger for no reason at all and that is what turns the public off.

This is what made me a trump supporter, I watched a rally to see the crazy racist things the media said he shouts, and I agreed with him

>$0.12 has been deposited into your shill account

Khan is a CAIR faggot
Khan has ties to Lorreta Lynch and the Muslim Brotherhood
Khan's son HATED him

MUSLIMS killed his son but he is mad at Trump...

I did what very few people did and actually watched the interview. Nothing he said was bad.

Where did Trump say he would deport all the Muslims or ban their religion? If not letting them into the country, like not giving them a fucking greencard, I can't see how this is against the consitution. You Americans are already filtering possible migrants pretty hard.

Having said that, I don't think your consitution says anything about letting illegals flood your country. Wondering if the guy really read the thing.

normal people don't give a fuck about what some sandnigger thinks

He lives near me in Potomac. Everyone keeps telling him Hillary killed his son

Damn, that's a lot of money per post. Where are you working at to get that much? I get only about .001 per post, each week I make about $500.

Someone ask the man to denounce Sharia law, the Islamic State, and the pedophile The Prophet Muhammud.


I can smell your greasy taco laced fingers through my screen you fat fuck.

Pic related (You)

a muslim killed his muslim son so now he is pissed that Trump wants to ban muslims from coming to the us and kill other muslims?

>786 replies

has his wife spoken yet?

>some guy thinks trump is a bad man

This is "breaking news" on CNN

Your son sits in Valhalla and is ashamed of you old man.

*If the constitution said to led illegals in they wouldn't be illegal I would reckon. It's illegal because it's against the law obviously.

If that were true why would someone be paying you to lie about it?

"Nevertheless, with typical convoluted liberal logic, the Muslim man whose son was killed by radical Muslims in a war Trump opposed and Hillary voted for, bashed Trump for wanting to protect America from radical Muslims."

Kek, that's nothing compared to Mexico, our dumb as fuck president couldn't even name three book title's he read.

>an anectodal snackbar is a valid reason to allow 100% of a toxic ideology into your country

>It's another dipshit in the media thinking that silly attacks like these affect Trump

has this floor mat enthusiast read the federal code? Alien act is still on the books Abu Hajar



I want to believe you but I've never seen anything to suggest any of your claims. Google yields nothing

Republicans: "Islamic terrorism is the greatest cancer on civilization of the century. We have been fighting it for over a decade and have made no progress. Thousands are killed every month in the name of Islam with no end in sight. We need to result to temporary desperate measures until we can find a solution"

Democrats: "B-b-but look at this one Muslim who died fighting for America"

resort to*

>goat fucker
>punch drunk wife
Yeah, I not going to pay attention that filth.

Neither did Hillary
Guess Hillary needs to too, because she wants to take away the second amendment
You mean he wants to stop the same radicalized mulsims that killed your son from coming into this country
You're with the woman who was one of the big wigs that sent your son to war in the first place? Ok man.

It's not xenophobia when it's justified.

>this will hurt donald

said everyone a million times in the past year

What a stupid man. His son dies in a war fought on the basis of false flag operations, lies, and fabricated intelligence, and he blames the man against it who doesn't want another war like it, while supporting the woman who backed that war and wants more just like it.

No way he isn't getting paid tons for this.

Doubt that ever happens in our lifetime, user. Just another incidence of workplace violence.

I'd be angry too if I supported the candidate who is the reason my son is dead

Literally NO ONE will remember this raghead and his dead kid in a month. Reminder: polls do not matter until the debates, Murricans have a very short attention span

>implying you wouldn't

>non American telling things to American

It doesn't even register.

Anyone with eyes and discernment can see this piece of shit Muslim is a lying piece of shit. Was he asked about the fact that Hilldawg voted for the war that got his son killed by a fellow Muslim? Was he asked about the fact that Trump opposed the war? What a faggot.

That sweaty face.

This mudslime fucker massacred 13 American soldiers in the Fort Hood terror attack, yet the media could care less about those soldiers that were killed in action. One fucking mudslime is apparently more valuable to these traitors than over a dozen non moozlems.

You don't have to worry user. I'm guessing that if Hillary wins that within the first year there are at least 3 or 4 medium size terrorist attacks like the ones we see in France and Germany.

I'm going to give you a hint broham - even MINORITIES are sick of seeing and listening to whining and complaining ingrate MINORITIES.

People migrate to America to make a better life for themselves, not to participate in a progressive whine fest and compete with illegal Mexicans while having to worry about Islamic terrorism.

You people really are tone-deaf. November is going to be hard for you.

So your taking about merkel?


This guy looks evil as fuck

I wonder if he knows that Clinton supported the useless war that got him killed and will continue practicing regime the whole time she's in office

hahaha. Faggot. even with election fraud you are going to lose by at least 5%. your schtick is getting really pathetic.

>Republicans: Islam is the religion of peace now lets go regime change some more

Really makes you think. (((Sup Forums))) BTFO.

What did the wife say? She was silent at the dnc!

>and now it's all O V E R

Not so fast sucker of mudslime dick. Khan said on CNN that terrorism has nothing to do with islam.
He's played right into The Donald's hands and lost.
OP still a fag.

How come all muslims who try to fit in always end up looking like bert?

that muslim dad did the best job to trump more than anyone else. shits very tactical and overwhelms trump.

Fuck you the second amendment is mainly to arm militia which if civil war were to happen again shit would be super violated so they can keep the opposition as weak as possible.

Thw swcond amendment as it is interpreted legally now is just a lame bastardization meant to keep fucking gun manfactures in business.

Faggot you should read th constitution to before sounding off like a dumbass

Trump is the one who needs to read the Constitution even though he wants to preserve it and wants to elect SC Justices who will do the same, while this guy supports Hillary who wants to ban all guns and who works for globalists who have started banning free speech in Europe and will do the same to America? Is this bizarro world?

This, will be forgotten by the primetime roasting Clinton receives during the debates.

Trump needs to hold a press conference and formally apologize to all 13 muslim soldiers who died in Bush's wars, and then apologize to all 6,800 non-muslims individually for insulting the fallen.

It's the world liberals want. They want everyone who doesn't agree with them to submit and be ruled by foreigners

I can't look past the fact that this asshole used his dead son to attack Trump when the person he's speaking on behalf of voted in favor of the war that killed his fucking son.

>some muslim who can barely speak english using his dead kid to attack an american nationalist while supporting the woman who voted for the war he died in


also hilarious how different the coverage is for him compared to the mother of someone killed in benghazi, where hillary was actually involved

The Clinton News Network is going crazy. No one will honestly buy this shit.

nobody except libcucks care what you say about muslims, especially right now
this guy's a fucking retard anyway, the candidate he supports helped send his son to die in a pointless war that only made things worse, and promises to do it again
Trump is against the kind of foreign policy that led to this, but what would a muslim know except blind submission? It's why the elite would rather have them replace us

hillary is part of the neocon agenda that killed his son. she voted for the war. even if you think trumps response was foolish, surely this man's foolishness is self-evident

Guy died fighting insurgents Obama and Hillary created and fucking trained. These motherfuckers are blue pilled beyond redemption.

Why didn't the DNC have the next speaker to be the father of a person killed in San Bernardino by a crazed imported Muslim terrorists?

nice b8 m8

The Constitution doesn't give Rights, its sets limits to the Federal Government, and its unmistakably clear that the Federal Government has no power to regulate firearms.

I guess someone didn't get their CTR check in the mail this morning. I like how you didn't try to refute any of my other points.

anyone have that "he was troubled young man" comic with the sandnigger yelling allhu ackbar?

God what a stupid goat fucker. The president having the power to temporarily ban a certain group from entering the country on grounds of national safety is literally in the constitution.

I hate using the word "literally" because its makes you sound like a fucking sjw but the constitution is "literally" what gives the pesident the power to ban certain groups entry in the country.

This entire MSM operation plays right into the hands of al Qaedas 20 year plan, which is to garner sympathy for mudshits in order to affect U.S. elections and US Policy.

>democrats try and control media through money and political position offerings.
>Trump uses "outrageous" statements to get the media to focus all coverage on him taking the media apparatus away from the democrats without spending a single fucking cent.

Muh 12 dimensional intergalactic linear algebraic chess

>I want to believe you but I've never seen anything to suggest any of your claims. Google yields nothing

they're scrubbing anything about Khan or his son the lack of information on both of them is telling we need to dig deeper.

>The president having the power to temporarily ban a certain group from entering the country on grounds of national safety is literally in the constitution.

When Carter banned muslims from coming into this country the media didn't call him a nazi

It's just like that fucker who supposed "built" a clock as a science project and was arrested because "izlameophobia". That little shit's father was connected to all sorts of shady stuff.

How much do you get paid?

Carter wasn't a demigoug who appealed to foul mouthed sub-humans.

>Once ISIS commits an attack on US soil
San Bernandino? Orlando?
70 fucking people.

$0.10 has been deposited in your account

He looks a lot like the "you're not white" guy

this. he's making all the media rounds and the dems feel like he's their biggest weapon against Trump right now so they're going to keep pushing him. People will get tired of seeing him and tired of him using his son's sacrifice as a political football, and accusing Trump of things that aren't true when Trump has actually said NICE things about him.

It's going to backfire and they don't even realize it.


>muslim man claims hillary is honest candidate
>says trump has sacrificed nothing
>US has volunteer army
>son signed up for this
>Hillary voted for war in Iraq
>Hillary sent his son to die
>Trump was against war in Iraq
>Khan still supports Hillary

This guy became a political tool the moment he went on the DNC to parade his little dead towelhead, and how he's upset he's being treated like one.

Eat shit muzzie.

ITT: shrill CTR shills.

We see right through you fools.

>not voting for trump makes you anti-white

>have you read this?


Sub-humans? It is your side that begs and grovels the government for money, handouts and gibs me dats. Pathetic underachieving failures. You're the the sun-humans who can't take care of yourselves. Basically, living like dogs and begging your master (government) for the next meal.
