Bernie going retarded

Hillary BTFO

Is Sanders breaking his conditioning and throwing his life away?

What the fuck? Did bernie just break or something?

One morning soon we'll find out he had a complication with a barbell..


RIP Mrs Sanders.


I bet he has like automated "twitter updates"
and it just sprouts things that he said 5 months ago, and now everyone realises that his previous propaganda is everything that goes against Clinton instead of the republican candidate

Pussy bitch didn't say that when he endorsed Hill.

He's talking about Drumpf you dumb cucks

Man. I don't like wgat this guy did. But he was still shafted pretty hard.

Should've been Trump vs Sanders

none of that applies to trump though, mehmet

How can Trump be buying an election when he's still spent less than most of the candidates that dropped out of in the primary.

This would amuse the fux outta me.
Sillahy Ole geezer.

I Wana see hilarious Hillary scream delete this.

thats the point, it also applies to the clintons
>friendly reminder that the old junkie bill had the secret service kidnap "very young" women he saw on the street so he can fuck them

I seriously hope he isn't talking about trump
just compare trump and hillary's campaign funds

Yeah, so he can get in a shot at Hillary.

He has to do it. He literally can't insult Hillary without it being an trojan Trump tweet, or they'll kill him.

he is

he's senile

hahahaah you're so original! Calling him an old way to pronounce his name from another country!
Guess im a #shillforhill now

Poor Sanders is going to have a heart attack

But I thought their narrative was that Trump isn't as rich as he says he is :^)

At this point Hillary and Bill might be thinking that Bernie should shut the fuck up already. All Bernie says is useless and just serves to make his fanbase a lot more angry at Hillary and himself.

I just hope it is senility and not stupidity. Maybe it's both.

But muh billionare

*pronounce's you're trip-code with the AmEng pronunciation*

Trump has only spent 56 million on his campaign, meanwhile sanders and Clinton are in the hundreds of millions spent, Clinton has spent over 300 million on her campaign alone. Sanders is under 300 million but not far, can't remember his exact amount.

t that'll show em...


They are throwing everything against the wall to see what sticks.

He's talking about drumf idiots pol truley btfo

Even if you discount campaign funds, it still wouldn't make sense in reference to Donald.

The Republicans have been pretty fucking open with their distaste for Donald. That's not a group that's been paid off, that's a bitter group of people that got shit on and now has to follow the guy's lead. The Republicans don't like him.


>0.25 cents has been delivered into your account from the Hillary Campaign. Keep up the good work and remember, Trump is a racists bigot billionaire idiot that spent less than clinton and sanders by 100s of millions of dollars.

Remember to reply to his tweet by pointing out that Hillary is billionaire.


If Trumps campaign spending is any indication of how he'll run the country I'm fucking ready, my body is ready.

>doesn't even add "bigoted" in front of "billionaires" or "like Trump" after it

I don't think she is but she has the support from enough billionaires that she may as well be

>my endogamous racist cult refused to integrate into the larger community and was persecuted for it
>this makes me an expert in racism

I agree, but not in the way he's portraying.

She isn't a billionaire, she isn't hurting for money either. Jews gonna jew

bernie got 222 million in donation and spent like 200M of it. Still ~4x what trump spent

It reminds me of a video I saw yesterdaay of a woman saying Bernie gave the stage because he believes in the first amendment. Poor lady. She was really stupid.

>implying Trump is literally a billionaire buying the elections

i think he is talking about trump

leftists are this retarded

>8 dollars an hour to shitpost on a korean cooking board

sign me the fuck up I'll work over time


DNC and Hillary far, far worse than Trump and RNC this cycle.

Is he talking about Hillary?

So why didn't he say this during the DNC?

Too little, too late Bernie.

Its "meant" for Trump but he is trying to get his followers more inspired to vote 3rd party

bernie's going mad holy shit.

You clearly know nothing about Clinton Foundation.

isn't bernie a billionaire from all the donations he got?

this fucker could fund free education for a year with the money he got, it sickens me

op plz

is this real

It's real in his mind.

>it sickens me

No you zionist CTR shill nigger. Go die in a fire with your imaginary narrative.

Endorsing someone who wants to import a toxic ideology that literally wants your kind purged from the face of the earth, and makes no qualms about it, is not doing all you can to rid this country of the ugly stain of racism.

>repubs waging war against women


is this about abortion or is he just saying nonsense

>sent from my hussein hole


watch your language or im gonna deplete your bank account

What's the best tip you can give a goy multiply shekels? I need your expertise on this.

It's funny how Trump has treated Bernie better than Hillary yet Bernie shit talks him every chance he gets....hmm really makes you think.


Really makes one ponder.

>The American people want "fair," healthcare. They want free healthcare. They want billionaires paying for their healthcare.

Trump is the money out of politics candidate. This is total cognitive dissonance and needs to be pushed back on hard, as Hillary and Bernie will need to continue pushing "money out of politics" to reassure Bernie supporters even though it makes no sense as an argument for Hillary.

Same thing as Hillary being the candidate of change, as Bill said in his speech. She can't be the candidate of change while still saying "America is already great" and agreeing with everything Obama did. She can either argue as the candidate of the status quo or of change, not both.

Same as this whole thing of saying how bad things are, gun violence, racism, hate crime, disunity, etc are rampant according to democrats. But then Trump says he will fix it and Democrats say "No, no, no no there's really no problem. What problem?" They can't maintain this. All these flaws in the rhetoric are ripe for attacking them on.

abortion, which is a nonsense talking point. Most pro-life leaders are women nowadays and always were, even during the Suffragette era. He's trying to court retard leftists who already agree with him, which is strategically retarded.

It's just another dems say one thing while doing the opposite episode.

What was that?

Bernie sanders shut himself in a body bag and shot himself 3 times in the back of the neck before weighing himself down with bricks and diving into the ocean?

He spent the least amount of money and won the nomination. He spent only about $50M While Bernie spent $250M and Shillary $300M.

Hilarious timing, since Hillary got $25 million from Soros this week.

You forgot the p faggot, kys.