Is it wrong to spend money on women who cheat on their bf's with you?
Dating girls with bf
yes you idiot.
you are supposed to fuck them and have them spend money on you
Spending money on whores is always dumb
It's wrong to fuck somebody's girlfriend unless you're black.
I'm dating a girl who's married. She spends money on me. I have become the cucker
Said the cuck
What if she has an ass like this
If her bf is not a white man then go on and cuck him
Don't fall for the meme that every woman that cheats on her boyfriend with you is a spineless cuck. Sometimes her boyfriend is batshit crazy and will kill you.
t. I know a guy who fled the country because the women's husbands we're after his ass.
Is this a Sup Forums raid or something? What's with the flood of Sup Forums tier treads today?
fucked up the grammar, don;t believe that all their boyfriend's are spineless cucks.
Shills posting slide threads
Seems pretty ordinary.
>posts picture of a not very good ass
>Enabling cheating is degenerate
>It's nice to cuck somebody else for a change
Sup Forums, I am conflicted
Elaborate this story. I have a lot of casual sex with girls with bf. I guess Spain is not Brazil, but anyway, never hurts to know.
no do what you want and have fun
You can fuck them but why would you spend money on her? It's not like you'll have an actual relationship with her. Once a cheater, always a cheater.
When are you going to post ass?
You aren't enabling them to cheat they're enabling themself. It's not your responsibility to inflict morals on them.
I was thinking it might be all teenagers who stayed home from church and are either tired of "rate my cock" threads on their board.. Or they're trying to be funny by raiding us.
I like Sup Forums but there's a reason the site has different boards.
I've cucked 5 dudes with their girlfriends, I've been flirting with this chick who is married for a couple weeks now.
I almost never have to spend money on it, if I do it's one or two drinks.
I will never understand the facination for large asses.
Hips yes
Breasts yes
But why the fuck Asses?
I know it's some black thing but I can't exactly figure out why it developed
Lol dude there's a few ways guys will react to getting cheated on. A. Cry to their girlfriend, B. hunt down the dude and beat the shit out of him, c. hit the the girlfriend or a combination of them like b and c or really any combination of these
I really do miss the good old days, when cheaters and the ones who cheated with them were flayed alive.
Really sad seeing it gone from practice.
Used to be entertainment for the whole family.
Pretty dog desu
Dog as in savage or dog as in that's a pretty woman
You'll be the first people to hang on the day of the rope desu
Lol we get away with it. Girls are great at keeping secrets of this nature. 5 dudes, none of them ever will know that I slammed their girlfriends and they squealed before I came all over their titties, in their mouths and on their bodies.
Dog act
>Is it wrong to spend money on women
Yes, it's current year. She can get a fucking job and buy her own shit. Strong independent woman and all that.
>who cheat on their bf's with you?
Doubly so. She's playing you and him for total idiots.
Picture related. The original cunt. Conned Adam into disobeying God. Conned the Serpent into thinking he could foil God's plan.
We're all savage animals inside, act accordingly.
Its niggerfication of our culture. Stand against large asses and when the precanned "DUDE UR SO WHITE LMAO" response comes proudly say yes you are.
That's really it.
>Guy I know that lives in USA (Florida, full of Spics and other BRs)
>Guy fucks multiple married women and women with Bfs
>The men find out
>Women told them they're straight up going after him to kill him
>Packs up all his shit and flees back to brazil
Not every man that gets cheated on is passive. Some beat the shit out the women
Some beat the shit out of the men
Some kill their wives, some kill the men
Some cry like a bitch and beg the woman to stay
Some think nothing of it, break up and move on.
You're basically playing Russian roulette.
Oh, for a good flaying, how I long for the day. Don't worry, your time will come, though I despair that I will not be here to see it.
Funny part is you're guaranteed to be a manlet cunt who would never step up to a man who finds you out. I'd love to be the one who puts your eyes out.
Yes because she's using both of you and you're letting her win
Still shitty for the guys
Irish heritage I'm guessing
>this post
average white american in a nutshell
You're boasting about being a coward.
That's literally it.
You're boasting about enabling degenerate behavior.
Careful with that edge chief.
I didn't know them and if I did they weren't even acquaintances. The women always initiated the process. I don't seek it out.
Getting laid is being a coward? Interesting.
hahahaha as soon as the girlfriend gets super mad at her boy friend she will say something like "oh yea I cheated on you take that!"
Did she accidentally leave her ass in another pair of pants?
he is american, what do you expect?
they are all degenerate
>enabling slut behavior AND paying her for it
How do I become as cucked as you?
If they cheat on their boyfriend they'll cheat on you.
This guy is pretty like He'll run like a bitch when the dogs get a stench of suspicion and go after him.
It is up to the men who are cucked to dole out the punishment. You need to let your woman know that such an act can lead to severe consequences, even death.
A woman can smell when a guy is fearful or a pussy and will then jerk him around. Take command of your woman or suffer.
Did happen with the first one actually, but he was a faggot. I find they don't admit it and go after that boyfriend's insecurities rather than admit they cheated.
>Some think nothing of it, break up and move on.
I'm a passive guy, and this is pretty much what I'd do.
Don't be a cuck
Tell you what, you go up to the boyfriend/husband of that girl you're fucking, tell him what's going on.
If you actually do that, then you're no longer a coward, merely pond-tier scum.
And getting laid in these modern times? That's no feat at all. Anyone can do it.
Most dudes just take it out on the gf and drop it. Guarantee that's most people in this thread as well. It's one thing to talk about what you'd do, but when the time for action comes nothing happens.
They start it, I just play along.
>Tell you what, you go up to the boyfriend/husband of that girl you're fucking, tell him what's going on.
Lol no, I don't fucking care about him and I want more action.
>And getting laid in these modern times? That's no feat at all. Anyone can do it.
Not to be a douche, but not the caliber of girls I'm talking about.
>I will never understand the facination for large asses.
Me neither...
>They start it, I just play along.
A good point
Women who know their men would beat them do death with their bare hands still go and cheat on them nonetheless. Because these kinds of women were already fucked up in the head and they can't be expected to make sane decisions in their lives.
>I just play along
Wonder if that's going to be any comfort to you when you get your face smashed in.
>Lol no, I don't fucking care about him and I want more action.
And that's why I call you a coward. Because you are a coward. Because you can't really do anything in your life, so you have to settle for the lowest hanging fruit, the kind of women who are scum, just like you.
>Not to be a douche, but not the caliber of girls I'm talking about.
Sure it is. They've already shown they're willing to fuck you, so that pretty much means they'd fuck a dog too.
Literally 99% of the stories in the thread...
These high caliber girls will fuck anyone, old, ugly. They don't give a fuck. Its not a feat anymore son.
Do you live in a large city or urban area? It's easy as hell to get laid. Why do you get off on banging girls who have boyfriends? Kinda fucked up desu
>Is it wrong to spend money on women
It's a waste of your time and money.
prohint: he is making up stories
Yes you aren't supposed to have sex with people that you aren't married to
Not good
>tfw 5'8 guy that sleeps with married women
Lol this really struck a nerve with you chief. What would be the point in me telling him? Because you have some disney tier view on morality? The world is a big game of fucking people over.
Simply not true, at least here. You have to be attractive and socially competent at the very least.
Nah I'm pretty much in the woods. I don't get off on banging girls with boyfriends, just so happens that they are attracted to me for what I'm sure is a multitude of reasons.
Lol same.
Test me. I'll tell you whatever you think only someone who can do this would know.
Please post a proper ass when you do things like this.
I say its okay to fuck another mans wife , but be prepared for unforseen consequences
Manlet master race.
No. Be the bull. Don't be the cuck. A true alpha scores pussy on any woman available.
The only rules to who you shouldn't cuck is:
Close friend
Male relative
Still taller than almost every woman and I'm not weak fuck so it works out.
This guy knows what's good.
Then why are you even fucking her?
Gringos trust too much, brother.
They'll eventually learn.
>The world is a big game of fucking people over.
I wonder who could be behind this post.
Sleeping with anyone who's already in a relationship is a pretty terrible thing to do. You fucks act like you have morals, but you seem pretty comfortable cucking some poor unsuspecting sap.
I reluctantly accepted this reality.
Lol I'm not a Sup Forumssmoker, I just come here to make fun of you faggots because you're the worst and it entertains me.
manlet complex confirmed.
Some men may be passive and dislike violent conflict, I suppose that's where I currently stand. Some might be big self-styled alphas who will try to kill you if they find out.
But you know, even if I say I'm passive and dislike conflict and violence... Even though I say that and even though it's true, my predilection to sheer unmitigated insanity is held back by a rusted lock. A plywood door with corroded hinges. An elephant in a cage formed of glass.
I want to be good, I want to be kind, I want to live free of horror.
So I'll stretch, and stretch, and stretch, 'till I am taut and razor thin. And if the wire is stretched that far, and then it snaps, who knows what will happen? Perhaps it will fall limply and lifelessly to the ground, or perhaps it will cut everything around it to shreds.
So be careful what you do, because I'm sure I'm not the only one like this. I'm sure I'm not the only one . There are worse things that can be done than killing, things I'm unwilling to give form to.
T-that's a nice ass
Pancake-esque asses are nothing to waste a dollar on you retard
Getting good pussy means I have a complex?
>the world's shit man, you gotta just get ahead in any way you can, you know?
What a convenient outlook on life for somebody who knows he's doing something deeply wrong.
Next time you get robbed, be sure to remind yourself that the world is just a big game of fucking people over, and you shouldn't really complain.
>I just come here to make fun of you faggots because you're the worst and it entertains me
Alright Cletus you've had your fun.
The fact that you need to get pussy that doesn't belong to you (hint: those high tier women would never marry you) means you have a complex, yes.
yeah haha man you dont even know like i've cucked so many men i spend money on their gfs and before you know it man hahah theyre in my bedlike srsly man ive probably fucked like 400 guys gfs lmao haha they just always go for dat bbc ahaha i love being black ahaha lol haha
you're both being used and morons for putting up with her. muh pussy pass. have some control, you retards.
You're a big guy!
I didnt think you Amish had access to the internet.
It's not wrong. I'm not even seeking it out. if you are too retarded to tell that your gf is a whore, that's your fault.
if anyone's cletus it's you guys. I'm a moderate leftist.
I don't need it, I don't even seek it out, it comes to me and I don't turn it down. You really don't get this do you.
Degenerate anecdotes, even when fabricated, are degenerate.