Why is Trump making up excuses to avoid debating Hillary?

Why is Trump making up excuses to avoid debating Hillary?

Why is kike controlled media trying to bash trump

Why is Hillary looking for excuses to minimize the audience?

I thought he was actively trying to debate her?

He's turning the entire NFL fan base against hillary

idk but i am sure somehow he is going to win in the end

Whoa, 5D chess confirmed

4d chess

Trump is trolling anyone and everyone for media attention, then when all eyes are on him he will do or say something that wins their support. This is the way he's run his campaign from the beginning. Dems just aren't capable of beating it because he's pushing all of their hot buttons.

>create the image that Trump avoids a public debate
>postbone debates
>finally "give in" and make a short debate with Hillary on TV
>utterly destroy her on TV, leaving her anus and her reptilian cloak gaping wide open as Trumps smug face is all over TV

>americans have to prioritize between sports and future of their country
choices, choices

Why the fuck would they air the debate during the most popular sports broadcast in the country. Almost everyone watches Football.

He isn't .He doing exactly the OPPOSITE.

Trump wants more people to see him destroying her .

>We did not send a letter
>we sent an email
I like how everybody is running this non-story, when he was completely correct about the NFL's position on this.


He plays chess with a spoon. He's on another level.

Why the fuck would the NFL send Trump a letter? They're not involved in the picking the dates for the debates. The Commission on Presidential Debates does.

He just wants the most people as possible to be watching as he shlongs Hillary. Seems to me that Shillary is the one running scared.




Let's talk about the real issue here. Why are they both afraid to debate Johnson?

>Trump complaining that the media is putting debates on nights where no one will watch

Wew, you got me

>le 4D chess
>Trumpetfags being this delusional
you realize he doesn't want to be the President? He has made shitload of money this year, he didn't want to be the president to begin with. Get used to the fact that Hillary is going to win.

is there a government acronym known as the NFL, or is it literally the football organization? what the hell does a presidential debate have to do with football?

im hoping im misunderstanding


Got 1% last time, and will get about the same this time. Meme candidate.

>.5 Trumpcoins have been deposited to your account

The ride will never end.

No I want shill shekels

Trumpcoins arent a real thing

Please I beg of you

whats that name for basically bread and circus propaganda from 1984? it was like entertainment aimed at calming the masses.

thats what im feeling now

trump being the paper tiger he is

No, that's not what's he's doing. He's trying to get a larger audience by moving it to a day where it's not competing with the NFL for a bigger audience.

He WANTS as many people as possible to see the debate.

He knows if he participates in the debate the big 6 proganada machine media will get hard to work to slander him and his campaign. Its simply not smart.

is that bill?

He doesn't want to take the chance that he might actually win.

His job was to destroy the last vestiges of the conservative movement. The upswell of the tea party was a threat. Trump was the cure.

No one is afraid to debate Johnson.

He's the worst candidate in the history of the Libertarian party.

I sometimes believe this. I know Trump is far more intelligent I mean how else would he amassed his empire but he says the darnedest things all the time. Take into consideration his past and closeness with the Clintons it's not hard to see what's really going on.

Why would you schedule an important first debate between the first female nominee and the first orange nominee on the same day as sunday night football if not to limit exposure of your desired candidate getting schlonged?

He wants ratings. He does not want to compete with fucking football.

>He wants ratings. He does not want to compete with fucking football.

He wants as many people as possible to see the debates. Hillary wants as few as possible to see them. Much like her refusal to hold a press conference for 240+ days.

Hillary wants the debates to be scheduled when there is the smallest amount of viewer ship possible, trump would like for as many people as possible to watch him destroy her

>OMG guys look the racist doesnt want to debate chairwoman hillary lol pussy

first post best post

She's the Democrat Jeb

>"You know I never wanted to be President" said Bill
>"I always did"
>"Yeah. You did," replied Bill.


Trump wants to post-pone the debate because he said the NFL requested the date be changed.

>Brian Stelter

The 2016 presidential debate dates were set up by a commission of democrats and republicans in september 2015, friendo

The media and the entire debate is rigged against Trump. I don't much like Trump but the alternative is Hillary. I will vote for Trump if only to keep Hillary out of office.

Your shilling is getting old.

>He has made shitload of money this year
how he is losing money through burning political bridges and business friendships

>they accuse trump of what they are guilty of
hatchetman right again

He's feigning weakness to lock her in.
By creating a national news story out of his seeming reluctance to debate, Trump draws all eyes to the debates and forces Hillary to do it.
It's like judo, pulling back slightly to get your opponent to push.
Putin probably taught him

what's wrong with watching the debate replay after the game?

>Trump complaining not enough people will see the debates
>Media says that he's afraid and trying to not do them

Are... Are they retarded?

>trusting either group

That was after Trump decided to run too and probably after a debate or two.


How is wanting the debate on a better night hiding? Are you fucking retarded?

Trump is going to destroy Hillary in the debates

She's been given softball after softball
Bernie was joke competition

Trump has had to fight for everything against all odds

Trump is going to go into the debates razor sharp vs Hillary who only thinks she's a razor

Trump will wipe the floor with her

Lol, are you retarded?

He's saying he doesn't want to do it on a sunday.

That's it.

He isn't backing out of shit

crippled donald is a real wacko wtf

so, two groups opposed to Trump?

Incorrect. Look it up. They schedule pres debates before primary happens so no one can claim bias.

I didn't say he was hiding; his complaining about the rating discrepancy and wanting to reschedule *appears* weak to all the shillbots out there - They're using it to say "Oh Drumpfs too scared to debate our glorious leader". I think he probably does want it on a better night, and that would be great because we all want more people to see the epic shlonging that will commence. He knows it's going to be a bloodbath and by complaining about the schedule he gives Hillary a little false confidence.

you got that backwords

do you feel bad spreading misinformation for money
i would be angry if they only hired me for 30 hours a week to avoid paying obamacare
grow a spine and get a real job you will be happier for it OP

Most NFL fans are conservative anyway. Liberals are the ones that whine about the violence in football. Only a few liberals actually like the sport

That's Lee Harvey Oswald.

>“I am only a pastry.”

>Wants a bigger debate audience
>trying to avoid debating her

The math checks out

There is not a kernel of truth to that claim.

That doesn't mean they have to go up against NFL so no one sees Hillary start Shrieking

>implying trump isn't a kike puppet

>the jews are falling for it
yessssssssss good schlomo, trump is your ally hehe

>Watching the pundints (((((((((((Replay))))))))))))))))) of the debate