Was he the good guy? Serious question

Was he the good guy? Serious question.

Other urls found in this thread:

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation 3:9&version=KJV

Bad guy with some good ideas.


no, he was a socialist

He's a fucking idiot. Should have gone after the powerful jews, but instead he went after every single one EXCEPT the actual thing he was mad at. Then again that's nearly impossible, since (((they))) are the true rulers of society.


The world is almost never "good guys vs bad guys." WWII was no different

Good at the beginning. Bad at the end.

Yup. Bad asvisors on the Slavic question though.

Yes. He fixed Germany after they were forced to pay reparations for Austria's fuck ups. Then he took back land that was stolen from Germany after the Treaty of Versailles.

>if you still don't believe in the Globalist Jew

Revelations 3:9 King James Version (KJV)
9Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation 3:9&version=KJV

He was the bad adviser who decided to play world conqueror and not listen to his generals

His actions led directly to the creation of Israel and infiltration of Jews in most aspects of our lives.
He was a good goy.

this. i don't like jews at all but what the fuck do some poor af kikes selling shoes in poland have to do with the international jewish conspiracy?

>Was he the good guy?
No. He was a cuckold and an SJW and he fucked up Germany even more than it was already fucked up. Also the Nazi leadership was corrupt and stupid as fuck.

Didn't seem so at first but seeing as how things have ended up today? He doesn't seem all that bad. Stalin was worse. Che Guevera was worse. Mao Ze Dongalong was worse. Napoleon Bonaparte did some terrible shit too but none of those guys get half as much shit

No, he killed 6 million people just because they followed a religion he didn't like.

Yeah. We're living on his dystopia right now.

>muh 6 gorillion

He was also a huge fuck up as a military commander and made decisions that doomed the German military to its defeat.

No, by any fucking standard.
He ruined Germany, he was manipulative, drug addict, deluded in many ways, arrogant.
It's amazing how in times of chaos people propel someone like that to the top.

You can't unite the German people unless you kick the kikes out.

I don't understand how you came to the point where you're so ignorant you have to ask that question.

>you can't unite German people unless you invade and kill people from countries with virtually no Germans
wow that really caused a burst of electric discharges in my neural pathways

>Loved Animals
>Loved his people
>Didnt smoke or drink
I'd say yes