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You put the signs on the wrong track you stupid fuck.

(((Whoever))) made this "comic" is disconnected from the real world

wtf I hate Obama now

>Hillary struggling because of the media and system
topkek m8

damn are there people who actually believe this

After Dark-de-durp and Trump asks Russia to Invade, the meme for this week will probably be how Hillary has it so tough.

WTF now i'm a #CLINTORIS

>american voters will actually believe it

t. #ImWithHer

How delusional does one need to be to think the mainstream media is Clinton's problem more than Trump's?

All the media does is provide cover fire for Hillary at every turn. Look how they took the e-mail thing and made it about Trump (the Russians!!1).

>media against hillary

Good Goy!

nice try

Please kill me








I made this image solely to confuse stupid people, here is the original un-edited version

>ITT: a bunch of privileged men acting as if they know all about the invisible obstacles women must face every day

Here was the proper edit

From Inquistir:



Yeah, the mainstream media is totally working against Hillary.

I don't think I've ever seen any claim as retarded as that.

The polar opposite of reality desu

Here is the other proper one that actually makes sense

>not free-smileys.de

>leaf post
hahahaha you think your post matters

That was literally the point of making it so blatantly wrong

Meh my OC has been seen by Trump himself, I care not what you think tbqh sorry m8

Shouldn't those hurdles be on the red track?


>the system

kek, well done lads

>the system
But hilldog, you are the system

Looking at it from a 2D perspective, it makes you think it has a pro-Clinton bias. Clinton, a woman, is having a harder time than Trump, a man.

Then I realized it from a 3D 'grand master' chess perspective, and realized its hidden intent. As pointed out, Trump already jumped through all of the hurdles during the primary that Hillary Clinton is now facing as nominee.

He has made statements the mainstream media finds abhorrent, and yet is more-or-less available to the press. Hillary Clinton is frightened by confrontation and hasn't done a press conference in almost eight months.

The system, on both parties, opposed Trump from his announcement and preferred his status as an ally and donor. However, despite setbacks and Cruz's dirty tricks, voters flocked to Trump's populist message and he won fair and square. Hillary's campaign actively colluded with the DNC to rig for her nomination.

This brings us to the final hurdle -- the RNC. Trump's nomination melded most of the cracks in their party and caused it to rise anew. The shared enemy now is not necessarily the Democratic platform on social issues: it's Hillary Clinton.

That's her biggest issue, which could be why it's placed closest to the White House. She could be impeached on Day 1, which, even if she jumps over, leaves her to climb the steps tired and exhausted. She may open among the lowest presidential rankings in history.

So would Trump, but he's moving fast and determined. His quick and sure entry into the White House, the image appears to show, would enable him to truly act as a president would on Day 1.

What a great image.

Is this supposed to be a joke? Hillary has had mainstream news, wall street, and Obama on her side promoting her campaign from day one.

> Hillary has had mainstream news, wall street, and Obama on her side promoting her campaign from day one.

Hence why there's still people and ''comics'' like these.

If whoever made that actually believes what they made, they are bliepilled beyond redemption.

>Is this supposed to be a joke
Literally yes

It was made to trick moron leftist who think it's correct - due to how glaringly obviously incorrect those "hurdles" are

Missing the soros/media shilling jet pack on Hilary.

Yea people went crazy re-editing this image, there were some good ones, the jet pack edit was someone elses handywork

Honestly the mainstream media is the only reason either of them got this far. Free press for both of them. They are both indestructible, Clinton can do anything and still be praised by the media where Trump uses the negative coverage of whatever dumb shit he says as an opportunity to call them out for shilling Hillary. Even if the comments he says are incredibly racist or wrong, he still wins because he's technically not wrong about the media.

Reminder that if Trump does lose I'm turning on my black hole generator & we're done because I'm sick of your shit.

Still needs road blocks for Trump, including the RNC.


how is Trump racist



are you kidding me???
like, wow, i dont even


Lol the MSM has completely covered up 100% of Hillary's treason.

If anything she should have a fucking boost pad that says MSM.



Yes keep telling yourself that. Move to Canada once reality kicks in.

Why am I saying this you might wonder... Well even though the msm is against him, 70% of all headlines about the US election are Trump this and Trump that, the majority of the people have the attention span of a fish, meaning they won't remember what he said or did once election day comes. They'll only know he made a lot of people angry and Hillary had legal issues issues at the DNC, leaked emails etc. They're going to elect him and you should be glad they are.

who the fuck drew this, Hellen keller's ghost?


Nothing wrong with this pic
Hillary didnt have any obstacles so far and she is going to trip on one of them
Trump already passed his and is running straight to victory.


Because he said Mexico's coyotajes are bringing in their rapists, murderers, and drug dealers who wouldn't be able to get into America otherwise

Which, as a spic, I can say isn't fucking wrong. There's an obvious issue with getting into America legally from Mexico and shit that needs to be worked on, but at least Trump acknowledges the people coming in illegally have no intent of being legal.



final one



I love you guys

t. #ImWithHer

t. #ImWithHer

i guess i'm #mentallyhill now

>There's an obvious issue with getting into America legally from Mexico
>implying spics are entitled to an American citizenship

>mainstream media
lol what? You guys should see the german media reports about the US election. It's ridiculous. They cover nothing bad about Clinton, write 10 anti Trump articles a day and already declare Clinton as the winner.

t. #ImWithHer

Wtf I hate the whitehouse footrace now.

>mainstream media
>the system

I mean, it's totally obvious, so this is clearly an attempt at trolling. Maybe you should stop trying to shit up the board and support (inadvertedly or not) the CRT shills.

At least spics wanna be American.

When's the last time anyone's tried to illegally immigrate INTO Greece?


both sides believe THE SYSTEM is against them, pathetic, both of them

>look mom, i posted it again xd

Thousands of "Syrian refugees"?

No, those are legals, unfortunately.


We get it, you're not that funny.

The hurdles are backwards. They're supposed to be turned around so they'll fall down if you don't clear them.

I kek every time they cite that (((Harvard))) study that shows Trump has gotten more positive press this election cycle.

>mainstream media, the system and the republican national convention are obstacles for hillary

What kind of flipplity flop flop wacko crazy world do these retards live in?

>had it easy

t. #ImWithHer

wtf this picture is so much bullshit, liberal media is always shilling for hillary and even fox is a fucking clinton donor

Nice b8 you autist, but Donald Trump has been playing the presidential election on Dante Must Die mode, you slack jawed floppy bird mongloid. He ran against over a dozen bought and paid career politicians with bottomless war chests. He ran against both the liberal and conservative media. He ran against his own party, which sought to undermine him at every step. Doing all of this without the luxury of the nog and beaner turnouts $hillary enjoys. I expect more shenanigans and voter fraud this general election, but it won't be anything new for Trump, who has the kikes and the rest of the globalists on skates flying backwards. When he's in, you'll have to find a real job, but I suspect you'll go back to twerking for Chuck E. Cheese tokens, you gawker media shill sock puppet.

Sup Forums I heard you were the Emperor's Children.

Is it true? Are you an Emperor's Child?

>Will your pledge yourself to the IIIrd Legion, created alongside its brother Legions during the Unification Wars on Terra!

Will you pledge yourself to the Emperor's Children?!

Even by liberal standards since every one of those hurdles was against Trump from the beginning.