HOLY MOTHER OF GOD I can't fucking stand living with immigrants anymore. I was raised to be a good Canadian and embrace diversity. My high school circle of friends looked like the UN, and my social circle stayed somewhat diverse into university.
Don't get me wrong, I know lots of cool people with brown skin, but I met them in school. I can't stand living near the shit-tier trash that gets off the fucking plane from India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Morocco, Nigeria, Jamaica, etc, etc, shit-tier countries.
I lived in an apartment building. Shitskins were the worst. Building designed for 900 people, had 3000 living in it. Indian family of 6 would live in a 1 bedroom. Could never use the elevator, could never use the laundry room
So made more money, bought a condo. Things were okay at first. Then many owners moved out and started renting out their units. 8 chink uni students would rent a 2 bedroom and stay up all night screaming while playing LoL. Could never use any amenities because of all the Arabs, Mudslimes, and Chinks.
So sold my condo, bought a townhouse. Same fucking thing. I go to the grocery store and Chinese women literally shove me out of the way, they don't have a phrase for "excuse me" in Mandarin, I guess, and the Chinese men spit everywhere. The Indians drive cabs and double park everywhere, do U-turns everywhere and driving in this city is a fucking nightmare.
I've had it, I've fucking had it. Toronto has lots of cool shit and I'll honestly be sad to leave it on some level, but I'm going to move to a smaller, whiter place. I'm a paramedic so fortunately I can work anywhere.
This is why white people flee to suburbs/small towns. Liberals who grew up in white suburbs just don't understand. There's a reason why living near shitskins is fucking hell.
Where can I go that's white and will stay white for the next 50 years?