Before you post "Nordic race best race" just hear me out.
Iraq gave us: > Cradle of civilization > Irrigation > Wheel > Law > Writing > Many math's such as Algebra > Military > King and Empire's > Robotics (Mechanical Toys) > First pyramids (Ziggurats)
The list goes on.
These are some of man's greatest achievements since before the steam age. We went into their country and fucked them up bad. I'm simply giving respect where it is due. Can you do the same?
>1 post byt his ID you're retarded if you think Iraq and Sumeria/Babylon/Akkadia are the same nations.
saged. banned. reported.
Hudson Taylor
>Can you do the same? Ok, done. Now what?
Jaxson Wood
ugh, you assyrian diaspora shitposters are getting annoying
Hudson Jones
Iraq senpai, not Iraqis.. modern day Iraqis are basically Kurd/Arab/Persian mutts
Angel Brown
>You can say the same out Greece, Italy, Turkey and many countries but you don't.
Lincoln Long
Then where did all of the people I mentioned go? Turkey? I don't think so.
Joseph Mitchell
Iraq didn't exist as a nation for most/all of those things.
>muh geographical region gave us:
Evan Collins
Stop dodging. All of those things came from modern day Iraq.
Blake Watson
>Cradle of civilization
By the conventional metrics yes
Was known to be used by Egyptians around the same time
The wheel was invented in three different geographical areas independently and the first was likely in the eurasian steppes (by the proto indo europeans). The spoked wheel however was likely invented by Sumerians though
I'm pretty sure the early ancient egyptians had a form of law
There are several scripts that predate sumerian cuneiform (like the Vinca script in Europe and Jiahu script in China), they're just undeciphered.
>Many math's such as Algebra
Yes ill give you that
Military organisations have likely been a part of humanity long before the sumerians
>King and Empire's
>Robotics (Mechanical Toys)
Humans have used a lot of mechanical objects even during our hunter gatherer days (such as booby traps to catch prey)
>First pyramids (Ziggurats)
Yes but not the ones that stood the test of time.
Bentley Gutierrez
>Was known to be used by Egyptians around the same time Not before Sumer. >I'm pretty sure the early ancient egyptians had a form of law Earliest code of law is Sumerian. >There are several scripts that predate sumerian cuneiform (like the Vinca script in Europe and Jiahu script in China), they're just undeciphered. Written language =/= writing. Cuneiform is the first written language. >Military organisations have likely been a part of humanity long before the sumerians >ditto Evidence? Oh right: none. >Yes but not the ones that stood the test of time. >Yes but not the ones that stood the test of time. Dur-Kurigalzu
Noah Bell
You think the current sand niggers populating Iran are the same as the Aryans that did originally? lmao
Kayden Bailey
You're not providing a whole lot of evidence either, senpai.
Imagine the rest of us reading your conversation, wishing someone would provide good sources for these claims so we can learn the truth of the matter.
Austin Powell
I still fail to see the point of this thread other than WE WUZ.
Even if they did that, their country as it is now is shit. Even if they did that, they still shouldn't be allowed to migrate here.
William Lee
I promise if Iraq never got invaded it would've been as rich and prosperous as dubia
Logan Campbell
>And now Cradle of destruction of Western Civilization.
> muh Islamic golden age They literally just stole everything the fucking Romans did and claimed it for themselves. Literally We Wuz Kangz: Islam Edition > Since the rise of the state some 5,000 years ago,[15] military activity has occurred over much of the globe
Since War necessitates warriors, an organized force of warriors leads to a military.
Kingship was also a long standing human system ever since the neolithic. Just because the earliest recorded mention of kingship was in sumeria doesn't necessarily mean they invented it (then you'd have to explain which system everyone else had).
You mean pic related? okay bud
Jose Green
More than the kikes ever gave us.
Hudson Williams
>"Nordic race best race"
lmao, do anybody but the most desperate stormblerinas still believe this complete delusion?
Brody Gutierrez
well, considering that nordic states are pretty much the wealthiest countries with the best living conditions, why is that if not for their genetics and therefore work ethic and intelligence? purely councidence? I don't think so.
Jordan Young
Sam Harris is a fedora tipper (as in he is a fuck religion type atheist) and he fails to mention the reason why Christian Europe was scientifically lacking behind Islam was due to the Muslims sacking Rome and conquering Alexandria and other areas the Romans kept their scientific papers basically stealing all the Romans work and claiming it for themselves then the Crusades happened and we took back roman science papers and other things the Muslims stole from Rome and Alexandria and then we went into the Renaissance and increased in our science. Edgy Atheists especially leave out the Muslims stealing science papers from Rome and other places due to it not going with the agenda of "Muh Christian Dark Ages" by the way I am not a Christian either.
Ethan Roberts
The point is not that they invented stuff, although I'm sure they did, but that it was a time devoted to science. And that's awesome.
Owen Cruz
Kayden Parker
Yeah, "Iraq". The bloodline of the people you talk about is long dead from misgeneation, much like what awaits us.
I can already imagine the future chinese arguing that even though europe is a subhuman shithole, they were the cradle of technological civilisation. That they at the moment are living in the mud and raping/killing eachother with stones and sticks is but momentary.
Carter Cruz
I know it's just a lot of fags especially Muslims that brag about the Islamic Golden Age claim most scientific stuff was invented by Muslims and then Christey came along and made up lies saying the Romans made those things. Why I said it was We Wuz Kangz: Islam edition also the Islamic Golden Age was nothing compared to the European Renaissance it's just people make it a big fucking deal since it was done by Muslims.
Carson Ramirez
I'll agree that the middle-east arguably produced some of the best ancient civilizations but keep in mind this was before Islam. Islam turned the middle-east into a violent third-world regressive shithole and the world would be better off just leveling it into a new ocean.
Every great thing to come from the middle-east that impacted civilization globally was pre-Islam. Islam is cancer.
Noah Moore
All claims stolen from other civilisations..nice b8 though.