if you had a time machine, what would you do?
If you had a time machine, what would you do?
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Save Lincoln.
Fug her and then call the SS
Kill Muhammed
Kick your ass right before you made this lame ass thread
Gas the bitch before she wrote that fucking diary
Help the gestapo, then burn her diary
Same but save her instead
>trusting a Jew
Kill all the fucking Bolsheviks before October.
Protect her smile.
[muffled F and D chords playing in the background]
You don't need a time machine, m8. If you want to kill Muhammad, just go stab your neighbor.
Find her safe passage
Invest in Google and Yahoo. Run for president in 2016. Kick all shitskins out of the USA and send them to Europe.
>Impliying she wrote it
Tell the Axis everything I know about the future.
Sink all the boats coming from Africa, tell everyone that is best that they pick their own cotton
Undo the big bang.
ballpoint pen amirite?
Skull fuck her Jew ass and leave her door wide open when I leave.
Masturbate again yestersay
Buy her a trumpet
(((German))) science
I'd bring her back to the early 90s, have her raised as Jeff Nangum's adopted sister and then when they both came of age give her a new identity then have Jeff marry her, of course.
Beat Romulus and Remus to death with a rock, and poison every water source near the seven hills with the Plague. No Jews and Christians would spread west with their degenerate empire. Come back to a Europe ruled by Pagan warlords. 100% White.
Tell her to stop thinking about sex when she should start thinking about survival.
Women, all they can think about are their vaginas and when's the next time they can get laid.
You would have ended up with sweeden instead of the dark ages lad
God damn, Anne Frank was a cute little jewess. I wish I was Nazi guard at the camp she was shipped to. I would watch her from afar. I'd call her over and watch her walk up to me with her head down in fear. I'd tell her to close her eyes, she'd comply, tears falling down her cheeks as she waits for death, but it would never come. Instead I'd place my hand on her face, then tell her she can go. I'd watch her sigh with relief, and walk away, so caught up in her continued survival that she doesn't question my behavior. Over the next few times she would understand my motives. Each time I would touch her more, then in her most sensitive places. She would simply look down and endure it, maybe she'd cry, maybe she would just give in. One day I'd lose control, I'd push her down waiting for her little arms to push back, waiting for her to kick back with as much force as she could muster, but she wouldn't. The camp has already shattered her spirit. This poor girl, her suffering, her broken dreams, shattered soul, it would make me hard beyond belief. I would violate her, violently. I would watch her cry silently as I thrust into her. I'd hold her close, hug her tightly, and plead with her to not hate me; I cum. I fire my seed deep withing her, watching her shallow breathes gradually slow. She would look away and a pang of guilt would hit me. I'd try to comfort her, to apologize, but she'd push me away. With renewed effort she'd fight, fight like she'd wish she had before. Self-loathing would take hold of her and she'd walk away, ignoring me, expecting me to shoot her in the back but I would never do that.
(is this how the meme works?)
Call me a pedo, but I'd lick her hairy, gooey vagina just for the bragging rights.
Break it
I would spend months trying to give her food, make other guards aware she's off limits. I would subvert any attempt to hurt her. When her turn in the oven would come up, I would get her out of it. I'd plead her forgiveness, I'd tell her I love her and want to help her. I'd tell her she doesn't have to forgive me, but just let me save her. One day we would run off together, to the countryside. We'd live in hiding, I'd pass her off as my sister and pretend to have been wounded in the war to explain my lack of conscription despite my age. We would camp out in remote areas and slowly, I would rebuild my relationship with Anne. Slowly, either out of loneliness or a desire to hope again, she would reciprocate. We would fall in love and wait for the wars end so we could marry.
Then seventy years later I'd have a Cracked article on me.
Go straight to the attic she was hiding and have the SS BTFO
[play F chords to pay respects]
>implying time travel isn't allready the reason bitcoins are so valuable
Correct answer, even if you are joking. Lincoln was going to send the blacks back to Africa.
Bang my young mom.
This sounds like the comic where the nigger goes back in time, kills slavers, and finds himself in barbaric Africa.
Then everbody walked the dinosaur?
It'd also save us from the Johnson administration.
>implying she wrote it and not her father
Save Hitler!
What the fuck is wrong with all these jew-fetishizers? You people are not my brothers, you are nothing but degenerates race traitors. You people deserve a bullet to the head. Scum.
do you really not know the story of Rome?
>implying she existed
Assassinate moot before he created this cesspit
This, I would already have enough money for my space condo
Fuck off, Mahmud Jamal.
Tell my ancestor to avoid Africa.
Kill Sylvana Siemons before she grows up.
Give modern technology blueprints to germany before world war 2
I'd fuck Anne Frank
>go to 1945
>take Anne Frank with me, travel to the future
> have her go to school with me in america as my "sister"
>"explore each others' bodies"
>get married and move elsewhere after graduation
>compose lo-fi indie album
I'd SemenStain her MountainTops.
Rescue her from evil nazis and impregnate her.
Stop. Degeneracyou, even when ironic, is degenerate
Make the holocaust real.
Do the time machine? What? I don't want my penis to get Black Death or some shit...
Warn Hitler of everyone who would try to assassinate him, tell him where his plans went wrong, and what he could have done to win.
Degeneracy, even when ironic, is degenerate*
Well...her cleft chin does gross me the fuck out....
To back in time and make sure my parents don't create me
Find you and make you my sissy cockcaged bitch before you made this faggit thread
Prevent Genghis Khans death so he could finish raping the shit out of Ukraine and continue westward and continue raping and pillaging.
save fuhrer
hide her from the dirty german rats.
My favorite hipster band.
Probably just drive around in it and run basic errands and let people ask me questions and take photographs.
I would travel back in time and sell hitler weapons from the future and shit.
but I have heard that recent study shows that the conquest was obstructed by sudden climate change which reduced the amount of grass in Ukraine. And because grass was the most important food source of horses, the campaign failed. It had nothing to do with the death of Genghis khan
Travel to November 9th celebrate his victory.
I think someone already brought Anne Frank into the future.
>finland knowing about ghengis khan
studying up on grandpa?
>dumb as a brick
>pure and adorable
>slut, loves to take it in the ass
>hid in an attic
>attention whore for money
how can you compare them?
Kyllä, I must gather information so that the legacy of the horde lives on.
go back in time and kill the inventor of the time machine before he invented it to create an ebin paradox
Destroy the time machine, because I don't know how bad I can fuck up the time and universe
baka desu senpai
No, Genghis Khan died 'mysteriously'; one can assume he was poisoned by one of his power hungry Boyans or even Ordus. After he died, everyone sought to become the next Khan and his Kingdom ended up fractured and splintered.
RIP Genghis Khan
if i were an american i would go back and hug and kiss Andrew Jackson, the man who single-handily made america free from reserve bank kabbalah.
> now to be replaced with a monkey on 12$ bill
if i would go for my own country i would tell Nicholas the Second to not run for office and let his brother do thing and stump the fucking jews out! again and again!
Remember the pogroms, you curvy-nosed cunts!
Go back and teach Hiter about the wonders of asymmetric cryptography and maybe change the outcome of WW2