Does Sup Forums know The Golden One?
I just discovered his channel but he seems based.
Does Sup Forums know The Golden One?
I just discovered his channel but he seems based.
Pretty based in many things but he cucks to women with his chivalry too much and says MGTOW is beta (not seeing the irony in expecting those same people to acquiesce to his taunts). I do like his emphasis on constant self-improvement.
mgtow is extremely beta though
>MGTOW is beta
He is 100% right.
a man really going his own way doesn't need a faggy encouragement group to validate their decisison.
Who are they deferring to? Who is their "alpha"?
I enjoy his videos but there is something ridiculous about him
What about men who watch a YouTube channel of someone telling them what to do with their lives?
What's her name?
Is he a male example of a butterface?
brainwashed retard.
we have to let the terrorist win
his face is just too ugly, can't deal with that and that comes from a balding guy like me...
Atleast I have a pretty face...
Could never adhere to the message given by an uggo.. I'm sorry, but an ugly face has to be there for a reason.
I'm glad he red pills newfags though, good job!
Dont hate him, dont like him.
Im glad he's trying to preserve parts of his ancestry and talking about how fucked up the politicians and globalists are, on the other hand he's all talk and from what i last read he doesn't even live in Sweden anymore, he moved off to Ireland.
>Is he a male example of a butterface?
He has a fivehead.
He thinks we should behave like every man before us and not a reclusive shill bitch like you.
>b-but mgtow tho
You're not enen betas, more omegas.
Yeah he is great.
Got a messed up face but didn't let it stop him from becoming alpha and, in my opinion, attractive.
His philosophies are extremely ugly
Looks like a bull dyke tbqh
This has to be the most feminine reason I have ever seen.
Lad, I expect as much from girls.
>b-but his looks
Modern Europeans, everyone.
Of course the Swede just wants to look at beautiful male faces.
>He thinks we should behave like every man before us and not a reclusive shill bitch like you.
Whats about eqality? Do woman behave so?
I am saying he is attractive. Being attractive matters. Being attractive, as a race, is the difference between looking like and acting like the Golden One or looking like and acting like Carl the cuck.
>He thinks we should behave like every man before us
Sounds like a formula for living an average life (by definition).
Good point - conditions nowadays are not as they were in the past.
Wish that nigger would just come clean and admit he isn't natty. He's not fooling anyone who's been lifting more than a few years.
Autistic retard jacked up on roids to fill that massive hole where his ego should be
Went to the gym first time this week partially because of him
Why are so many Swedish men balding?
>that ''fighting''
that was cringy as fuck, he should stick to lifting
pretty face doesn't matter as much as height and confidence.
I wonder what he's compensating for.
So you are saying MGTOWs defer to society by opting out of society's expectations of men - is this what you're saying?
He looks like your typical Swedish cuck
Know it all, do nothing
Go walkabout Jimbo.
jesus they would get their asses kicked by anyone that knows how to fight, what the fuck was that?
holy shit it's Ken!
he looks like a super ripped version of the dude who makes the pills Alex Jones sells. I guess the Super Male Vitality works
He comes across as autistic
you guys can't handle the ugly truth
He's pretty based
I kinda wish he would do some more stuff on lifting/exercise like he used to do a lot of even though i do really enjoy his political content
I dont give a fuck what he looks like since i'm not a fag. His presentation is more important really and the fact that his body is in the shape it is shows that he has a good work ethic and self control. Cant do much about a face , and it's not even that bad anyway imo
I care more about what he says/does, as with all men. Julius Caesar with an overbite and acne would still be julius fucking caesar
this is the truth
huge forehead + no upper lip makes his face kinda goofy
although he could probably look better with another haircut and not posing with that autism facial expression all the time
>what about equality
Are you for equality?
Just a tad, in several videos he repeats the same points over and over again without adding much, still he's likeable, bit he should structure his thoughts better before doing a video
Alex Jones sells pills? Isn't he a fluoride conspiracy nut? Why would he then go on to sell snake-oil chemical supplements?
(a charlatan)
That's not how that meme works, lad. Swedes were literally vikings.
>he fell for the /fit/ meme
I like him and his videos. He's actually been an interesting guest on David Duke's show a few times over the past year.
you're mixing up your memes or just trying to give cred to the average US negro who think his ancestors were Egyptians
he looked better with his beard but i couldn't care less he is cool
>Swedes were literally vikings.
nice theory
>Know it all, do nothing
He seems way too self-absorbed
This. I don't know what it is, but something is fucking strange about him. Can't point out what
The swedes of today are the nords that didn't sail the open ocean and conquer foreign lands.
The swedes of today are cowards.
Maybe his face?
>2016 not adapting and using every advantage to not get cucked by current women and getting laid.
So what?
Sweden has a drought of self-confident men. It's refreshing to see a narcissistic Swede
He's a bit larpy but he fits the role.
The Golden "Gay for Pay" One. another one of Sup Forums's heroes just like Milo. No thanks.
Have pride in your nation and heritage
Don't be self-absorbed and narcissistic, that's a fallacy.
That was pretty gay tbqh
B.....but Sup Forums said that roids make you look ugly and are only for manlets and niggers.
Most glorious youtuber I know.
Sup Forums should follow his example.
Well he is quite ugly, his heart is definitely in the right place though,
What does he work as?
>a man really going his own way doesn't need a faggy encouragement group to validate their decisison.
Also I hope these MGTOW guys aren't doing it permanently
75% ok stuff, 25% maybe little too faggy
Professional autist and roidhead
>thinks his opinions matter because he roids and lifts heavy things and then puts those heavy things back down again before lifting them again
top kekk
that's all that matters mate. Frauke Petry was also looking much better with long hair, than with her current boy scout cut.
Why is the Golden Saiyan married to a chink? How'd he get a white baby from that chink? That chink actually is pretty though.
Nah, women respond more to a pretty face. Just look at all the bitches who think that Justin Beiber is hot. He's only 5'7 at best, yet I have no doubt that most women would want him over a 6'2 dude with an average face.
Now if there were a 6'5 guy with Beiber's face then most women would be flocking to the tall guy but the pretty faced fags are usually in the average manlet height range (5'7-5'11).
Confidence is indeed the most important.
frauke is cute
>TFW no german milf gf
He's wearing that white rex cloths brand there sort of a pro white neo Nazi fighting club based in Russia.
What's this gay faggotry?
i wish she was ugly but won the elections and got germany out of the EU.
>tfw no nigel farrage
fukken saved
It's not society's expectations
It's a man's most important legacy - his offspring, that MGTOW are opting out of.
This hurts the society, so MGTOW become the problem you want to avoid in the first place.