Hassan Ridha @sayed_ridha 41 ceк.42 ceкyнды нaзaд Ongoing clashes on Hikmah front in SW Aleppo, artillery & airstrikes killed many militants/vehicles btw Khan Touman-Saqbiyah & Marata-Huwayz
Brayden Hernandez
Its a female dick, dumbass.
Gabriel Walker
Situation in syria submits to 1st theorem of Taran
"when pigs (terrorist/moderate beheaders etc) feel that upcoming mega-lose is imminent, they reverse (mirror) the situation in their brain and start to scream about "mega-lose" of another side with double power"
cauldron of aleppo is an example of genetical ineducability of moderate beheaders
no, fuck you, you suck up too much resources and grow out of control and end up trying to kill the host every fucking time.
Hunter Hughes
wehre is my fucking livestream hassan goddamit do you think this is a fucking game i'll flip ya i swear
Evan Sanchez
but you will be forced to learn arabic very soon, merkel-kun :3
Leo Myers
where is Ivan when we need him
Gavin King
Just learn arabic and turkish, euroscum
Levi Hughes
never heard of the google translator? jesus hans stop embarrassing us.
Carson Price
Tyler Cox
Kevin Bell
>He doesn't know what a feminine dick is Ya'll niggas need to lurk at least a bit more before posting.
Cameron Carter
Its блядь very difficult to search information and translate it. Unfortunatelly a lot of fakes.
Dont worry you ll be first who ll know everything
Cooper Smith
You have google translate, Mehmet.
Austin Flores
i'm going to make a pie. if SAA and russsia fuck this up and lose from this goatfuckers they could freely kill themselfs.
Ryder Ross
Oh shit he just showed up
Evan Rogers
2 attacks failed. But I think its was fake attacks.
Landon Howard
They won't. If it was so easy to break the siege from the South they would have done ages ago. That area is controlled by the government since the beginning of the war.
Matthew King
I noticed a new hasbara meme "Kurds are much better fighters than Arabs". This is hilarious given that Hezbollah fighters had a 3:1 kill death ratio against the Golani brigade, PKK is worthless in comparison.
But the aim is to make us feel that Syrians are worth less than Kurds so that they can create their northern proxy. I hope the PKK +US loses in manbij so Syria can clean it up itself
Grayson Jones
Just use your dormant liberator genes :^)
Cameron Bell
Typical fagroach. You can take the Greeks out of Greece but the homosex remains.
Ryan Gray
Chances are they are fucked.
Well, I don't understand the appeal, but the point is that it's not like feminine dick is something that just popped up recently.
Ian Roberts
new map
Levi Nelson
WHY do we not have more video/photos of the rebel offensive? It's like the final boss round of the rebels
Cameron Baker
and how do you move such a large convoy across the province without getting airstrikes
@BosnjoBoy @BosnjoBoy (4) Inside the first wall of the Wisdom school area in west #Aleppo, #Syria
Ivan reposts
Thomas Phillips
Hassan Ridha @sayed_ridha 2m2 minutes ago >After liberating Hawsh al-Fara, the Syrian Army has taken control of Hawsh al-Nasri after expelling Jaish al-Islam militants from the area
What happens when Al Nusra saves the rebel movement?
John Sanders
Hassan Ridha @sayed_ridha 4 мин.4 минyты нaзaд After liberating Hawsh al-Fara, the Syrian Army has taken control of Hawsh al-Nasri after expelling Jaish al-Islam militants from the area
Charles Sullivan
>That whole pic Kek.
Robert Baker
>mfw this just leads to another kotel
Jacob Roberts
>Jihadi Sheikh urges men in #Aleppo to fight Assad: "who wants 72virgins? If one spits in sea, she makes water sweet"
ITS OVER The rebels are going to win You cant fight against this
Dylan Perry
rip brave mujahid, May Allah bless him with jannah
Thomas Bailey
They're going to exhaust themselves; assuming they don't run out of man. Srsly, are the "rebels"/"Nusra retarded or something?
The "kill the commanders" strategy seems to be working, because they are doing retarded moves/attacks.
Gavin Perry
>If one spits in sea, she makes water sweet" What did he mean by this?
Wyatt Adams
Asher Perry
They are trying to break kotel. Its like in Stalingrad one part inside other pert outside and between them our artillery with ten inch dick
Parker Carter
Russians know how to do this just repeat the chechen wars mo jihadis are retarded
Ayden Murphy
why would they exhaust themselves, the blitz seems to be going fast
it's like the orc tribes finally united or something
Adrian Johnson
I would assume they're not really planning rationally.
James Clark
Is it just me who just wants someone (FSA/SAA) to win...
Leo Morgan
>Have they even heard of infrared?
Actually the smoke from burning tyres will partly obscure IR because of suspended bits of hot rubber in the smoke.
THEY HAVE TOO MANY TENKS How can the SAA can even compete? ITS OVER
Caleb Young
kek The "war" around northern Syria maybe. The insurgency will stay for YEARS to come, Syria will be an unstable shithole and Assad will have to make sure he doesn't spread his troops too thin or otherwise durkas will keep rising up.
Isaac Butler
Anthony Perry
I too hope that Islamists will be chewed
Christopher Wood
>that response
Asher Peterson
>Hassan Ridha @sayed_ridha 29 minprije 29 minuta Ongoing clashes on Hikmah front in SW Aleppo, artillery & airstrikes killed many militants/vehicles btw Khan Touman-Saqbiyah & Marata-Huwayz
Angel Morgan
Holy shit, SAA will get BTFO.
Andrew Powell
>Autistic muslim rebels are calling our minister a liar >with a mistake I don't quite understand why are they even bothering to do this. Writing and uploading retarded banners to the web doesnt work with russians.
John Gutierrez
>Opp claim control of al-Jam'iyat hill and al-'Amiriyah village north of Huwayz
The reinforced SAA positons are further towards the city right? If they break those it's trouble
Gabriel Lewis
Christopher Fisher
>tfw all we can do is wait for the results
KEK grant the SAA strength
Gavin Rogers
>Another 500 poor babushkas will starve because of these continued russian airstrikes
Sebastian Brooks
>tfw no livestream Come on it's the 21th century, where are my drones streaming the front line action
Juan Phillips
>Smoke of burning tires in Aleppo to prevent airstrikes
RuAF on suicide watch
Jacob Hill
Andrija @AndrijaTomic 4 minutes ago Pic of the sniper who shot a policeman in Erevan #Armenia . He is referred to as "opposition" by western media.
Unknown rooftop snipers again?
Ian Hill
Stalingrad was different, that was done with artillery and a fresh army from the east. Syria has air-power and hard military points, plus Russians.
That certainly reminds me of it.
A "united" front is good until you realize it makes the perfect target for saturation attacks. You(SAA) give ground and let the enemy("moderates") run the gauntlet.
It's dumb because Turkey can no longer help them and their supply chain has a potential to dry up. It's a protracted war now.
Levi Miller
Mehmet, please.
Adrian Evans
Its over, the mujahids have united under one banner.
Gabriel Russell
>Cover the city with smoke to make jets less accurate >Blame Russia for bombing neighbour Ahmet instead of the nusra group
Brandon Baker
>RuAF on suicide watch Yeah, the RuAF is watching the FSA suicide. And laughing.