Whether it's >politics >culture >racism >oppression of women >laziness >stupidity >divorce or not wanting to pay child support while also having no say in if an abortion happens
You can bet that a white man/men will soon be blamed. How did this happen?
We fought on the wrong side of the war and allowed christ killers to invade our lands. They've infected every level of society, from media to politics. Did you know there are more of there here than in their ethnic-state?
Jayden Rodriguez
Bentley Turner
Well... they'll soon find out what happens when they bite the hand that feeds them
Lucas Nelson
whites need to start crying more but that's not in our nature so...
Josiah Russell
Ok, but why do people "eat it up" so quickly? Why do people accept it for the truth?
Especially women and minority's. Considering white men have always treated their women better than basically every one else. Minority's too compared to Muslim countries
James Reed
>giving a shit what non-white males think Just self actualize and win at life. Once in a while smile snidely at the crybabies. They are all dead weight user.
Jace White
>giving a shit what non white males think
You realize they can vote? And that they're growing in numbers.
“…The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists…Keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females, too, until the social construct known as the white race is destroyed. Not deconstructed, but destroyed.” ~ Noel Ignatiev, Jew Harvard professor
“The Jew uses every possible means to undermine the racial foundations of a subjugated people. In his systematic efforts to ruin girls and women he strives to break down the last barriers of discrimination between him and other peoples. The Jews were responsible for bringing negroes into the Rhineland, with the ultimate idea of bastardizing the white race which they hate and thus lowering its cultural and political level so that the Jew might dominate. For as long as a people remain racially pure and are conscious of the treasure of their blood, they can never be overcome by the Jew. Never in this world can the Jew become master of any people except a bastardized people" ~ Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf: Chapter XI: Race and People)
Carter Lopez
Actually once whites become a minority. They're just going to pack up and leave, and not look back.
Christopher Thompson
Women voting led to virtue-signalling being the primary political language rather than strength, resolve, or logic-based solutions. This is the same mode of communication favored by the Jews. This led to the perfect storm of victim culture, and since white males dominated the past 400 years of global politics, by doing the same thing any other race would've done, but better, they became the automatic target.
It's basically how the jock is the bad guy in every movie. It's because he's strong/rich/successful, not in spite of it.
David Morales
success. Who do you think produced this entire society that everyone takes for granted? Take Thomas Jefferson for example. He spoke 6 languages, built his own house, wrote the document declaring our freedom, and became the president of the united states. And the know-nothings want to disavow him and remove monuments dedicated to him because "Slavery." Well guess what every society had slaves, we were just the first ones to end it. But that's not good enough, you have to rewrite your history, and lament for who you are, because you're "White." Its because they're jealous. They're jealous that their forefathers didn't create the greatest civilization ever, so they cling to infantile fantasies like Sub-Saharans were the Pharaohs. Don't ever apologize for who you are
Tyler Young
What I don't understand is how anything we did was still worse than what other people did/would have done.
The British conquered and killed lots of people but they also fucked over the Irish and other whites. Europeans fucked everyone, whether they were other Europeans or natives on some island. It's not like ALL the Europeans got together and said "hey lets have a European only circle jerk and kill everyone else"
As for slaves we weren't the worst.
And when it comes to genocide we weren't the worst. Hell, a long time ago Africa was once very diverse with many different groups of African people. Then one group killed almost all of them.
And white women have never been treated terribly by white men in large numbers for a long period of time
Samuel Watson
notice how the ones trying to make Europeans feel bad about their history are the ones who make excuses for and deny the injustices of their heritage. Like Cenk Uygur. He claims to be such a "Progressive" although he's an Islam apologist and Armenian genocide denier. The Turks massacred Armenians, Kurds, Greeks, the list goes on. But only "White people" have the capacity to be racist
Xavier Collins
We value being dignified and acting rationally. If we chimped out like everyone else does and killed people every time we were blamed people would rapidly stop blaming us for things.
Basically our unique desire to act in a civilised manner and to create order is being used against us.
Brandon Sullivan
It's not about morally worse or higher numbers, it's about demonstrable success. We built successful colonies and now built modern nations.
Gabriel Jackson
the best example of this is the contrast between how Trump supporters conduct themselves and how the protesters respond to that at Trump rallies. The people who go to see trump don't start anything, whereas the protesters burn flags and even try to block people from entering the building. All because they think he said mean things, giving them the right to obstruct our first amendment rights
Robert Richardson
>The White Man::How did he become the scapegoat for everything?
Because white women are the most feminist of all women, and white women hate white men.
Owen Williams
>How did this happen?
Samuel Walker
White men are smart enough to be in power, they see more power by getting the less cultured and intelligent Non-whites to vote for them.
They alienate their own and brainwash others to push things like diversity, multicult and the like so that they can live with power and wealth, knowing they'll be dead before it really gets bad.
Whites in the future wont be so nice now but by then, we'll be diamonds in a pile of dirt.