It's taken me a while, but I think I understand why Trump is so popular in Sup Forums. The population of Sup Forums is largely comprised of young, teenaged, white, suburban, males living in privileged middle-class households. In this social milieu, conformity is a valued survival trait. The ability to look and sound like everyone else is how a young man keeps his place in the social hierarchy. However, what sets the young men in Sup Forums apart is that they spend a significant amount of time online where they can be anonymous. Why? Because, by and large, they are not able to "blend in," not able to pass for "normal," and as a result they have spent most of their short lives near the bottom of what they regard as the most important yardstick for social importance.
One need only look at the savage bullying, the toxic displays of what teenaged boys regard as masculinity, and the desperate attempts to look dominant -- but which are really just domineering -- by young men whose ideas about what a "man" is come from comic books and Hollywood action movies.
Donald Trump epitomizes what the young men of Sup Forums regard as dominant: loud, bombastic, rude, threatening, crass, and obsessed with material concerns about wealth and power. And the narrative he presents of an uncouth outsider smashing down the walls of snobby intellectuals is one we've seen used by everyone from Adolf Hitler to Pol Pot with great effect, leading to the same sort of fierce tribalism and xenophobia displayed in Sup Forums.
Anthony Powell
you ok germany? too much muslim cock up your ass?
Thomas Foster
That's quite a lot of effort you put into a shill thread, hans
Justin Reyes
>not an argument
Nicholas Richardson
ITT: A bad joke...?
He has the best policies, that's it, stop overthinking things.
Hudson Richardson
>Germany opinion discarded
Justin Myers
I'm a Chinese Buddhist and a large portion of Chinese in my community are either supportive or neutral towards Trump.
Mehmet Özil btfo
William Lewis
I'm not teenaged, white, or male. Trump will save this country. Go back to being cucked by Merkel.
Hudson Ramirez
I like him because he is not insane like Clinton.
Jonathan Perez
Trump has policies?
That's a new one.
Jose Barnes
How are the roaches treating you these days?
Hudson Howard
Xavier Jenkins
Interesting theory, but the fact is that in White Suburbia, voting Republican, for any Republican, and hating niggers while buying their albums and hating Mexicans while they mow your lawn is perfect conformity. Nothing particularly queer about their politix.
Wyatt Gray
Your ad hom filled post isn't an argument either
Evan White
Thank you for being the first grown-up to post in this thread.
Luis Perez
Whoa hold on just a second nigger, you expect me to read all that shit?
No thanks, rolling
Evan Brooks
>listening to nigger music >letting Mexicans anywhere close to your yard The only good shitskin in a dead shitskin. Cut your own damn lawn.
Isaac Barnes
"Hans" weird way of saying "Abdul"
Jackson King
nobody's gonna read that shit
Nicholas Peterson
My dubs don't lie, and you're way too angry to pretend it's not true. Think about it: We got a GOP anti-immigration lip service congress, we got a GOP anti-immigration majority of state legislatures and governorships, but the one thing that will save us is electing a GOP anti-immigration lip service President whose suits are sewn in Mexico. White Suburbanites/Stormfags are all full of shit and they know it. They just hate it when you call them on it.
Blake Rodriguez
I like Trump, I will vote for Trump, but I know he has alot of flaws He lies alot Hes impulsive He makes mistakes, I don't think everything he does is some carefully calculated plan My country is, for various reasons, being very forgiving when it comes to Trump & his lies & mistakes & flaws.
Matthew Price
Except that's wrong. Donald Trump's support can more than anything else be predicted by working class roots.
The reason that people on this board support Trump isn't some sort of "middle class whites = Republican" paradigm. It's because society itself is changing and traditional political coalitions are breaking up.
Republican white men were traditionally either rich or poor. The white suburban middle class were traditionally Democrat voters, and these patterns held for their children too.
Nice try though.
Alexander Martin
Fuck off, Hans. Your wife is getting raped by dune coons daily, but you care more about the opinions of a bunch of anons on a Lithuania floor tile enthusiasts forum.
Get your priorities straight, Cuckany.
Cooper Baker
Living in suburbia as a white middle-class person, I don't remember having anybody mow our family's lawn for us, or hearing anybody in my family pay somebody else to do that or any household chores.
Is this "the mow your lawn" thing maybe a projection by upper-middle-class liberals who feel guilty that they pay sub-minimum wage immigrants to be their servants?
Also to this entire thread, many of us used to be liberals and are now conservatives. I voted for Obama twice but only became conservative during my late 20s. It's a very disingenuous way of psychoanalyzing your opponents that you'll find leftists doing over and over in history. If this was in the 50s you'd be offering a Freudian analysis of us instead.
Justin Sanders
feels like we are being raided by some antifa.
Angel Robinson
>The white suburban middle class were traditionally Democrat voters, and these patterns held for their children too. A Fucking Leaf's understanding of American politix.
Anthony Rogers
I think I know why Islam is so popular in Germany; it's because whatever population of white Germans still exist are cucks that bow down to their Muslim overlords.
Hunter Carter
He sounds like A FUCKING LEAF.
Thomas Price
tldr my dear shitskinned turk
Benjamin Carter
This might be the dumbest thing I ever read on 4chin
Carson Garcia
>antifa I see alot of Europe posters use this term What is it? How come so many countries over there have it? Some sort of political group?
Ryder Wilson
>Is this "the mow your lawn" thing maybe a projection by upper-middle-class liberals who feel guilty that they pay sub-minimum wage immigrants to be their servants? Nope. I worked local delivery during the 00's construction boom. I had enough Spanish to find the beaner who was authorized to sign for everything, but otherwise I'd never have been able to drop anything off.
Logan Gonzalez
we get our lawn mowed sometimes, other times we do it ourselves
t. white middle class
Adam Allen
Heh, whatever. I'm still voting for Trump. >proxy
Aiden Edwards
Lol you just admitted to being a child. Way to go dumbass.
Ryan Allen
>ywn live in 03' berkeley
Leo Clark
Go back to your containment board and country faggot.
Our diabolical gods have taught us to wage war and depredation
Our diabolical gods have taught us to be cold
Our diabolical gods have taught us intolerance
Our diabolical gods have taught us false founded superiority
We are all demons from one another
All the creatures of this universe are crying the tears of blood
No beautiful paradise
But unity of creatures is the answer
Woman over man
Tolerance over intolerance
Landon Wright
ITT OP thinks the conclusion he made without any relevant sources or research are an argument.
He's very upset if you don't approve his narrative.
Chase Jones
>No please Mr. Goy, vhatefer you do, don't vote for Fuehrer Trump and his promised var on Iran!!(heheheheh)
Isaac Lewis
>not a single coherent rebuttal in this thread
Jacob King
I don't really care about what Trump will do. It's just Hillary and the so called 'Democratic' party that disgust me.
Parker Watson
>privileged >middle-class Pick one.
Jacob Cook
It's because you can't have your muslim mods delete people for thought crime here. Just like the real world. Go back to the echochambers if you want to hear how great Hillary is.
Jason Turner
Your country being cucked by Muslims and liberal fucktards is always an argument. They made you this way, Hans.
Sebastian Wright
>It's taken me a while, but I think I understand why Trump is so popular in Sup Forums. The population of Sup Forums is largely comprised of young, teenaged, white, suburban,
Stopped reading there, you're projecting.
Nathaniel Carter
I grew up in a predominantly white community that was economically diverse. While my family was relatively well-off by local standards, I support Trump specifically because of what he can do for working class whites.
Landon Rivera
>1 post by this ID
Elijah Edwards
>I'm a yuuge cuck and you all should be cucks too: the thread